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Math 139 Week 4-6

Name: Frelen Joy D. Salde Course: BSEDM

Section: EDM3 Semester: 1st S.Y. 2022-2023

Activity Number 5

Let’s Check

List down the common affective traits of students in the classroom.

1. Emotional development
2. Social relationship
3. Classroom development
4. Moral development
5. Attitudes
6. Opinions
7. Motivation
8. Values
9. Interest
10. Preferences

Let’s Analyze

Given the following classroom situation, think of a solution that will help you as a teacher to
understand better your students and how affective targets will help you improve the situation if
not totally solve the problem.

1. Carlos is an intelligent kid but never makes it to the top ten of his class because of his attitude
towards some of his teachers.

As a teacher,
In a Nutshell

In this activity, you will be required to draw conclusions, perspectives, understanding or

reflection from affective learning of students

Math 139 Week 4-6



In this level, you are encouraged to ask questions to verify your understanding on the topic. Feel
free to send message to the instructor for clarification and more discussion on the topic if necessary.




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