Related Issues Activity Oftaoism

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Like any other religion, Daoism has its share of issues. One of them is that fatalism has often been criticized for
propagating laziness or espousing a fatalistic attitude in life by letting nature take its course and reminding Daoist to
just go with the flow. A closer examination of the wu-wei, however, would reveal that inaction in Daoism simply
means avoiding unnatural actions by not doing forced, or aggressive actions. It means performing all one's actions
with natural and unforced attitude. The example of running water exemplifies this kind of unforced action, for when
running water in a stream encounters rock on its path it does not need to force its way to be able to pass through,
instead it just passes through its sides for it to continue its path. Daoist believe that force causes resistance. Another
example given to illustrate this point is that of a Daoist Master who went to a village where the people could not
pass through a street because there was a wild horse that kicks anyone who passes by. Incidentally, that street leads
to the market and since nobody could pass through the street, they were not able to buy their food for the day.
Some even thought of killing the horse just so they can return to their normal lives. When the people saw the Daoist
Master they told him their dilemma and asked for his advice. The Daoist Master simply advised them to take an
alternative street leading to the market, and they were enlightened. Inaction is often misinterpreted as not doing
anything, when in fact it means doing things naturally by taking the natural action without the use of force.

Another issue encountered by Daoism is the belief in superstitious practices. For instance, there is a misconception
that Daoism involves sorcery, which includes the drawing of signs, chants, and other practices which led to the
notion that Daoism promotes superstitious practices. But the practice of ancestor worship has been an aspect of
Chinese culture which found its way in Daoism, similar to the Shinto practice among the Japanese, thus Daoist often
find themselves in temples, praying to their ancestors for guidance in their everyday lives. Daoist also pray as a way
of remembering their source to repay kindness and sow gratitude. They believe that all things have spirits, and that
deities of the heavens and earth are all around us. They are always around us to guide, protect, and bless us, thus we
should always see to it that we show our gratitude to them by performing rituals such as praying and using incense
as a medium of communicating with the deities, for they believe that when the precious incense burns in the golden
incense burner, the smoke travels up to the heavens. According to Daoist scriptures, the offering of three sticks of
incense is important if one wishes to convey a message to the deities, who in turn will shower them with blessings.
Daoist believe that the left hand must be used to offer the incense, because the left hand represents the yang, which
symbolizes respect. While offering the incense, they will silently recite the spell "Burning of the incense shall receive
ultimate peace." They have to make sure that the distance between the three incense sticks are not more than one
inch, and must be placed straight upright. They believe that by doing so, they are showing sincerity to the deities,
and they believe that a sincere heart can reach the heavens.

Urban Development
Another issue in Daoism is environmentalism. Daoist believe in the dictum "leave nature alone and nature will
thrive." Daoism has advocated a utopian Vision of society characterized by order and harmony, and an emphasis on
self-cultivation as a means of achieving social harmony. One should have a healthy relationship with nature and it
should begin with one's own body.

Daoism advocates the idea that we should follow the lead of nature instead of controlling it, for humans are natural
creatures who should live in harmony with nature. Daoism emphasized the balance of opposites and the
interdependence of all things, which can be interpreted as an ancient equivalent of today's notion of the ecosystem.
China's excessive movement toward Urban development at present is seen as being inconsistent with the Daoist
belief in the importance of living in harmony with nature. Daoist believe that social harmony will be achieved
through a return to nature.
Week 6 – 2nd Quarter
Objective: Analyze the brief history, core teachings, fundamental beliefs, practices, and related issues
of Taoism. HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVc-13.1-4

Date: __________________
Name: ______________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________

Directions: Write your answer for Activity 1, Activity 2 and Activity 3 in a short bond paper.

How much do you understand?

Activity 1: Matching Type. Write the letter of the correct answer.

Column A Column B

_____ 1. Ying-yang a. virtue

_____ 2. De b. the way of nature
_____ 3. Dao de jing c. action through inaction
_____ 4. Dao d. The Book of the Way and its Power`
_____ 5. Wu-wei e. balance of nature
_____ 6. Qi/Chi f. natural energy
_____ 7. Yin g. active force
_____ 8. Yang h. passive force
_____ 9. Inaction in nature i. absence of desire
_____ 10. Non-competition in emptiness j. contentment with what is

Activity 2: Answer the questions in a paragraph.

1. Why does Daoism emphasize love and respect of nature and environment?

2. How does one achieve the state of being one with Dao?

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