Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Niaga - 042274253

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NAMA : Ni Komang Intan Lioni

NIM : 042274253


The concept of education as an investment (education as investment) has developed

rapidly and is increasingly believed by every country that the development of the education
sector is a key prerequisite for the growth of other development sectors. According to
Nurulfalik (2004), the concept of human capital investment that can support economic
growth has actually been considered since the time of Adam Smith (1776), Heinrich Von
Thunen (1875) and other classical theorists. prior to the 19th century which emphasized the
importance of investing in human skills. This perspective has stimulated the interest of a
number of experts to research the economic value of education

In general, it is proven that the more educated a person is, the better their income
level. This is possible because educated people are more productive than uneducated people.
This productivity is due to the technical skills obtained from education. Therefore, one of the
goals that must be achieved by education is to develop life skills. This is actually the
direction of the Competency-Based Curriculum. Educational investment provides a higher
rate of return than physical investment in other fields. The return value of education is the
comparison between the total costs incurred to finance education with the total income that
will be obtained after a person graduates and enters the world of work.

When compared with health investment . education and health investment systems are
equally important. because without health we will not be a strong country. because this nation
needs smart and qualified generations. The presence of a quality generation is very dependent
on their health. The importance of health factors for humans will be closely related to the
quality of human resources. The high and low quality of human resources (HR) will be
determined by health status, education, and per capita income level (Ananta and Hatmajdi,
1985). In economic activities, these three factors will determine the productivity of human
resources as an indicator of the quality of human resources
Source :

My opini about the article is , I desegree investmen in education system is more important
than healthcare system to develop human capital. Because, with good health we can build
with education. and it is from education that gives birth to a smart nation, that way we can
create a good and strong economy to face challenges outside.
Health is a major and worthwhile investment with lasting benefits. Thus, children's health,
especially in terms of fulfilling nutrition, is not just for a moment. but for the future
generations. children who are healthy, smart, strong and ready to compete with other
countries, therefore it is necessary to prepare more excellent health. This effort requires
significant investment and organized efforts to produce a high-quality, high-quality public
health and productive workforce. This can be achieved through the provision of fair and
equitable health services, sustainably with full care. This will generate great benefits for
society and increase competitiveness in the global market.

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