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Project: Automatic real-time cutter based on vision

Lecturer: Dr.Minhhuy Le
1. Vu Phuong Thuy
2. Pham Thi Thu Hien
3. Tran Thi Thanh Thuy

School year 2021-2022

Basic Programming for Electronics

Full name Task
Vu Phuong Thuy o Cutter tab: coding software and setup hardware
o Write report
o Make Powerpoint
o Edit video
o Present software of Cutter tab.
Pham Thi Thu Hien o Manage tab
o Present hardware of Cutter tab
Tran Thi Thanh Thuy o Manage tab
o Present Manage tab

Workload distribution
Basic Programming for Electronics - Final project


SECTION 1: PREFACE ............................................................................................. 2

SECTION 2: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 3
SECTION 3: PROJECTS DETAILS ........................................................................ 4
1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 4
1.1. Some video links ............................................................................................... 4
1.2. Idea ................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Software interface............................................................................................. 4
1.4. Hardware.......................................................................................................... 7
2. PROJECT DETAILS................................................................................................... 8
2.1. Cutter ................................................................................................................ 8
2.1.1. Coding ........................................................................................................ 8
Image Conversion from Color to Binary Image (Fig 6.1) ................................ 9
Binary Image Conversion (Fig 6.2) ................................................................ 10
Fill Hole (Morphology) (Fig 6.3) ................................................................... 10
Removing Small Objects (Fig 6.4 ) ................................................................. 11
Particle Analysis (Figure 6.5 )........................................................................ 11
Calculate real length of the object (Fig 5.2) .................................................. 12
Arduino Code (Fig.8) ..................................................................................... 14
2.1.2. Design and Operation ............................................................................... 14
Operation ........................................................................................................ 16
2.2. Manage application ....................................................................................... 18
STEP 1. Get information and list into queue(13.1) ............................................... 19
STEP 2: Check receive and calculate total revenue(5.2)...................................... 22
STEP 3: Write data to file .................................................................................. 25
SECTION 4: DISCUSSION ..................................................................................... 25
SECTION 5: REFERENCES ................................................................................... 26

Basic Programming for Electronics - Final project

Section 1: PREFACE
“First of all, we would like to thank Phenikaa University for introducing Basic
Programming for Electronics into the curriculum. This subject gives us much
knowledge about control programming, software as well as hardware control. The
course also helps us improve many soft skills: presentation skills, report writing skills,
teamwork skills, etc. These are extremely useful knowledge for students and our future

In particular, we would like to express my deep gratitude to the subject lecturer - Dr.
Le Minh Huy for teaching and imparting valuable knowledge to us during the past
study period, he helped us to expand our knowledge of control programming in the
field that we are studying, prepared lessons and plans so that students can absorb the
lesson most effectively even though this subject is highly rated as very hard. We also
want to say thank you to Mr. Nguyen The Thao for his help from the beginning, Thuy’s
father for making our machine from our sketch and Mr. Tran Van Quang for his help

We have tried our best to complete this report. However, because our knowledge is
still limited and our ability to absorb reality is still confusing, the project certainly
cannot avoid shortcomings and many gaps. Hoping you can look at the strengths and
ignore some of the weaknesses of this project. Of course, we hope you will consider
and comment to improve our project.

Thank you sincerely!"

Basic Programming for Electronics - Final project

Automation is increasingly being used for industry and business, particularly since
technological advances have increased their range. However, it is just applied in big
industries or businesses. Small business households find it difficult to access technical
development because they can not afford operational costs. It becomes a big barrier to
expanding the automation range.

The aim of this project was to develop an automatic real-time cutter based on their
length and a small application to manage client information. The based knowledge
described here is LabVIEW Vision, basic knowledge, and Arduino control. At the core
of the system is the vision part. It measures the length of objects measured by the vision
system in real-time then controls hardware by Arduino code. Besides, there is a manage
client information app to make management easier.

The report begins with a detailed description of the project: idea, hardware and
software, design and operation. The discussion about results of laboratory and
execution are then presented and analyzed. Finally, the limitations of the project are
discussed and there is some recommendation for future work.

Basic Programming for Electronics - Final project


1. General introduction
1.1. Some video links
Before starting, to understand our project easily, you can watch some our videos:
Manage tab:
Real-time experiment:
1.2. Idea
In this project, we do experiments cutting rice pipes (a kind of snack was made of rice).
A member of our team finds it difficult to cut rice pipe with scissors and can not do it
for a long time. Therefore, we think carefully about something that can make it
automatic, easier. Gradually, we build this idea then make it real. After finishing, we
continue on developing a small application to manage.

1.3. Software interface

There are two tabs: Cutter and Manage

Basic Programming for Electronics - Final project

Fig.1 Cutter tab

Cutter tab (Fig.1) is used to control cut task. Users will interact with green palette.
We need to choose camera, expected length, allowed error, camera distance we set up
and focal length of the camera (some function we will explain later). Then in the pink
palette, users can get the video recorded from camera, video after processing, number
of particles and especially, we can know the real length of the object and control
hardware to cut when it reaches the expected length.

Basic Programming for Electronics - Final project

Fig.2 Manage tab

Manage tab (Fig.2) is a small application to manage client information. Users enter
name, kilograms of rice, starting time (the time start to produce). This app will list their
name in a queue, then give the amount of money they have to afford and the time they
can receive their products. In the ‘check receive’ palette, managers only need to enter
the client’s name and kilograms of rice when they want to receive their product, then
their name will be removed from the queue and list it into the ‘received’ list. Finally,
you can get the total revenue.

Basic Programming for Electronics - Final project

1.4. Hardware
Fig.3 Hardware
It is a quite simple machine having a
camera(4.1) (we use phone camera here)
to capture rice pipe video a, motor(4.3),
and a knife(4.2) to cut.

1 1 1

Fig.4 Hardware’s parts

Basic Programming for Electronics - Final project

2. Project details
2.1. Cutter
Let’s see the workflow of our project

2.1.1. Coding
We use this part to measure length to control hardware.


Fig.5 Main block diagram

Figure 5.1 capture video from camera to do the next task. Next, video will be put in to
particle analysis processing to measure object in pixel then calculate the real length (5.2).
Finally, it will sent requirement to hardware and cut object(5.3). We will introduce more
about this code.

Let’s see the following flowchart illustrating particle analysis processing

From this, we build particle_analysis_subvi.

Basic Programming for Electronics - Final project

1 2 3 4 5

Fig.6 particle_analysis_subvi

To perform particle analysis, the acquired image needs to be converted to a binary

image. First, the color image needs to be converted to a grayscale image. Second, the
grayscale image is converted to a binary image by means of a threshold operation.

Image Conversion from Color to Binary Image (Fig 6.1)

IMAQ Extract Single Color Plane function(6.1*) is used to extract luminance plane from
color planes. In this way, a 32 bit color image is easily converted to 8-bit grayscale

Basic Programming for Electronics - Final project

Fig 6.1* Extracting the luminance plane of a color image for conversion to a grayscale image

Binary Image Conversion (Fig 6.2)

A thresholding operation on the image, as seen in Figure 6.2*, is required to change
the grayscale image to a binary image. Here, the pixels identifying dark objects are
converted to image values of 0, whereas the brighter background pixels are converted
to image values of 1. The threshold values for 8 bit gray images range from 0 to 255.
In this case, the threshold range slider bar can be used to easily adjust the threshold
value. By moving the slider bar, we can observe changes to the converted binary image
as the threshold value changes. Consider that the threshold value might need to be
altered due to a change in lighting conditions.

Fig 6.2* Threshold setting

Fill Hole (Morphology) (Fig 6.3)

The Fill Hole function in Figure 6.3* is one of the morphology functions for binary
images that can modify objects. By using the Fill Hole function, an unfilled object with
a closed boundary can be filled and thus be made more readily available for
identification and measurement functions.

Fig 6.3* Fill hole

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Removing Small Objects (Fig 6.4 )

Figure 6.4* shows the IMAQ Remove
Particle function to remove the small
objects in a binary image. As seen in
figure, the iteration numbers are set to 4.
Note that the iteration number may need to
be increased if the particle size of
Fig 6.4* Remove small particles.
unwanted object is larger.

Particle Analysis (Figure 6.5 )

Figure 6.5* shows the VIs for particle measurements.

Fig 6.5* Particle analysis measurements.

In particle measurement output, we can get properties we want. In this case, we choose
bounding rect left and right.

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Fig.7 Difference between before and after processing

Calculate real length of the object (Fig 5.2)

Back to the main block diagram (Fig.5), after getting left and right coordinate then we
multiply it by 0.2 (1 𝑝𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑙 ≈ 0.2𝑚𝑚), we use the following equation to calculate real
distance to the left and right coordinate:

𝑊= ∗𝐷

Where 𝑊 is the actual size of the object, 𝑃 is the size of the image of the object
reflected on the camera, 𝐹 is the focal length of the camera and 𝐷 is distance from
camera to object.

Finally, we subtract real distance to the right coordinate by the real distance to the left
coordinate and we can get the real length of the object.

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Fig 5.2* Calculate real length of the object (Fig 5.2)

Fig 5.3 Control hardware with a LabVIEW condition by Arduino

Fig 5.3 is code to control hardware with a LabVIEW condition by Arduino. We make
an error for the length that user can enter value for this property. In LabVIEW, we just
write the data into COM3. They are ‘a’ and ‘b’ and connect them with a boolean to
control 2 cases. If real length is in this range ( 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ ± 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟), it will be
‘a’ case, conversely, it will be ‘b’ case.

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Arduino Code (Fig.8)

In Arduino code, we code 2 case, if in case ‘a’, the motor will turn on and it will turn
off in case ‘b’.

Fig.8 Arduino code

2.1.2. Design and Operation

To do experiment our project, we had the following components

Component/Specification Quantity
Power supply 12V 1
Arduino Uno 1
Mosfet 1
Resistor 1
DC Motor 1
USB cable 1
Table of components

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Fig.9 Some our electronic components

The following figure is how we set up everything to do experiment.

Fig.10 Experiment setup

We set a camera parallel to the plane. The camera can change the distance to the object.
The machine is put as the above figure.

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The motor is put above the gate and

connected with a knife in a point and
another point is connected with a spring.
When the motor turns on, it makes the
knife go down. If the motor turns off, the
spring will pull it up.

After capturing the video, measuring the real length, requirement is sent to arduino to
control cutter, we get the result.

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Fig.11 Moment it cut

As we can see, the expected length entered is 100 mm and error is 10 mm. The machine
cut when the real length is 100.639 mm. It is not bad. But the real length is just the app
measured, how about the actual length? We measured it. Let’s see the following figure.

Fig.12 Actual length

As we can see, the actual length is approximately equal to the length that our app

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2.2. Manage application

To observe generally, you can see the following flowchart and main block diagram.

1 1 2 3

1 2 3

Fig.13 Flowchart and Manage tab block diagram

There are three steps in this part: Get information and list into queue, Check receive
and calculate total revenue, Write data to file.

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STEP 1. Get information and list into queue(13.1)

First, we create two arrays then create their
local variables to easy to update new
element to arrays. Then we calculate
amount of money by multiplying
kilograms with unit price .

Next, we calculate the time that client can get their products. To do this, we use
sum_subvi and cal_time_subvi.

Fig.14 sum_subvi

Input of this subvi is an array and a numeric and its output is sum array. In this case,
the array is time array calculated by mutiply kilogram of rice by time per kilogram and
the numeric is new time value updated after entering new value and multiplying it with
time. The subvi will get sum of the last element of array and new value updated.

For example, we have an time array [1, 3, 2, 4] so we have sum array is [1, 4, 6, 10],
if we add new element 6 to time array, the subvi will get the last element of sum array
and add to 6 is 10 + 6 = 16. Then we get sum array [1, 4, 6, 10, 16].

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After getting sum array, we use cal_time_subvi to get time that client can receive their

Fig.15 cal_time_subvi

Input of this subvi (Fig.15) is starting time (the time start producing). Entering three
properties: hour, minute and second, then we convert it to string then concatenate them
and convert the final string to timestamp. Next, we get sum of sum array got from
sum_subvi and the timestamp. As the result, we get timestamp array representing the
time that client can receive (Fig.16).

Completing the first step, we will get a queue with information of client.

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Fig.16 Block diagram and front panel of the first step

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STEP 2: Check receive and calculate total revenue(5.2)

In this step, we will remove information of received client and list it to new list called
‘received’. We use delete_element_array_subvi to remove element. Let we explain it

Fig.17 delete_element_array_subvi

As you can see, to build this subvi (Fig.17) we use another subvi called
get_index_to_delete_subvi (Fig.18) to get index of deleted element.

Fig.18 get_index_to_delete_subvi

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In Fig.18, we consider string first, there is a string array and a string representing names
list and the name entered. We use while loop to get in order element of array and
compare it with the name entered whether they are the same or not.

Similarly, we compare numeric array representing kilogram of rice with value entered.
If two previous conditions are satisfied, the loop will be stopped and returns index
(number of loops).

Back to the delete_element_array_subvi (Fig.17), after getting the index, we use Delete
From Array function to remove elements of all array we want to delete. This subvi
returns deleted array. To remove information directly in the queue, we use local
variable (Fig.19) as we mentioned before. Then we create new array to store
informations deleted(19.1) (use Insert To Array function) and plot it in waveform graph.

Finally, we get total revenue by using the previous sum_subvi. After calculating sum
array of remained cost, we get the last element of this array. It is total revenue (19.2).

Fig.19 Step 2 block diagram

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Let’s observe the difference between before and after removing (Fig.13). When we
enter name and kilogram, press ‘enter’ button, information will be sent to received

Fig.13 Compare between before and after removing information

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STEP 3: Write data to file

This step is very simple. We use Write Delimited Spreadsheet function to write data to
csv file.

About our cutter tab, it can measure quite good. The length that it can measured is
approximately the actual length as mentioned before. But actually, it also have some
limitations. There are errors because of some external influences such as: error of
measure instrument, the rice pipe is not straight, etc. Therefore, the actual length also
has error. The way we set up laboratory instruments for example camera distance is
also a reason why we have error. This project start from basic knowledge about
LabVIEW Vision, it can not good in all environment. As we can see, our background
is a dark plane, don’t have much noise. Actually, in some instructions and documents,
they use NI Vision Assistant but we can’t use it because of computer display resolution.
It is not enough to run Vision Assistant, so we have to make everything manually.
Therefore, to make it better, we need to do research deeper to apply more advanced
vision knowledge. In the future, we will try to develop our project to apply in other
environment and it also works good.

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[1] Practical Guide to Machine Vision Software - An Introduction with LabVIEW,
Kye-Si Kwon and Steven Ready

[2] Real Distance Measurement Using Object Detection of Artificial Intelligence, Jae
Moon Lee*, Kitae Hwang, In Hwan Jung

[3] Arduino-Based Embedded Systems, Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Bhupendra Singh,
Sushabhan Choudhury




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