Lesson 2 Social Media

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English Department.

8th Grade/ Lebu, 2023

Listeningactivity: Lesson 2 “ Social media”

1) Listen to people talking about their favorite social media and then match the sentences with the person who told

I’m Yenny and My favorite social media is(1) because I like(2) photos
(3) my creative side with the other people. Also, I(4) famous people
accounts and feel like if I were an important person. I dislike(5) my
account because I want everyone to see my artistic side.

I’m Jeff and my favorite social media is(1) because I love(2) with
people from different countries and(3) information with them. Also,
I can create groups and(4) messages to my friends. I hate(5) for
someone to accept my friend(6). But overall I love it and use it all
the time.

I’m Hannah and I really love (1) because I

like (2) messages and I love
(3) to what the other people write. Also,
it is very fast and you can look for news very easily. I
(4) reading twits from politicians and people
that I don’t like.

I am Rodd and my favorite social media is (1).

I enjoy (2) videos and (3)
for videos to explain some content for my classes. I
(4) watching the Ads that appear after a
certain time. But in general, it is a wonderful tool that entertain

2) Answer the questions by using the information from the text:

a) Why does Yenny like about her favorite social media? ___________________________________________

b) What does Jeff hate about his favorite social media? ____________________________________________

c) What does Hannah love about her favorite social media? ________________________________________

d) What doesn’t mind Rodd doing in his favorite social media? ______________________________________

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