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Away Melancholy

- Free verse: Unpredictable / Imitative of variations and chaos in life

- Third Person: To compare her own subjective state of melancholy with the general
condition of mankind
- Dramatic Monologue
- Enjambment: Sense of decay and degeneration as the lines imperfectly flow into one
another ( States of perfect love and goodness are unattainable therefore we can only
be sad that these ideals can never be fully achieved)
- Simplistic Language  Complex struggle
- Expresses the tension between self and society, atheistic or religious perspectives on
life, and the constant struggle for happiness and meaning
- Archaic Language  Melancholy is an eternal emotion. Always existed, Always will
exist. Learn to deal with it

Messages :
- Depression is complex + Illogical ( Despite repeating ‘Away Melancholy’ several
times, it doesn’t just seem to go )
- Try to maintain a positive attitude towards people and life in general
- Relationship with God is complex, hovers between appreciation and resentment
- We are special ( Superlatives )


- Distorted sense of speakers ( 3 inherent voices within the poem )

- Sonnet: Volta at ‘ Nothing Beside Remains ‘  Abrupt Caesura disrupting poem
flow. The contrast between Ozymandias at his height of power and the way in which
he now lies fallen and forgotten
- Frame Narrative
- Iambic Pentameter
- Irregular rhyme scheme

Consumers Report

- Free Verse: Conversational style

- First-person – Dramatic Monologue
- Lack of rhyme scheme: It enhances the comedic and satirical elements of the report –
turning it into a parodic piece imitating typical business jargon using a semantic field
of consumerism. It uses a semantic field of consumerism to comment critically on the
way in which we view Life in modernity.
Porter criticizes the reductive nature of this feedback loop between consumer and
producer, exposing the irony that this type of social structure ultimately devalues the
importance and beauty of life by turning it into a commodity to be bought, sold, and
reviewed rather than experienced and enjoyed.
Spirit is too blunt an instrument

- Pessimistic tone: Skepticism about human ability is overshadowed by lines that

glorify the magnificence
- Free verse
- Lacks a rhyme scheme but has a metrical structure, yet depicts a uniform structure.
Contrast in the mind and the bond?
- Direct address


- First Person
- Is Edward Thomas contemplating his own life in war?
- Blank Verse
- Shakespeare's Soliloquy / Dramatic monologue
- Cold + Sobering Atmosphere
- Enjambment: As if rain is falling .. Continuously goes through for the flow

City planners

- Frustrative tone
- Free verse: In order to convey discomfort and disagreement with the regularity and
order of the city planners
- Stanzas become shorter  Result of planners
- Chaotic


- Free Verse: First stanza shorter / Abruptness of the poet’s response to his subject on
the lack of passion and emotion he has for the city
Night Sweats

- First-person
- Shakespearean + Petrarchan sonnet
- Iambic Pentameter ( Most ): Contrast of rhythms of natural speech and the disjointed
imagery of the poem coupled with the fraught and tense atmosphere it depicts

Man With Night Sweats

- First-person
- Elegy
- Pathos
- The poem’s regular structure contrast with the speaker’s illness

Request to a year

- Unusual structure: Prose to rhymed

On Finding a small fly crushed in a Book

- Sonnet
- Elegy
- Iambic pentameter
- Memento Mori

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