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What is your name?

Tell me about yourself
Do you have any work experience?
How old are you?
What is your age?
Who do you live with?
In which School/College/University do you study?
In what School/College/University are you studing?
Where is your School/College/University located? Av. Alma Mater Zona
Universitaria, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
What are you studying?
Can I have your school letter/proof of school?
For how long have you been studing?
For how long have you been in the college/University?
How many years do you have in college/University?
Let me see your grades
How many subjects are you taking/coursing?
How many credits are you taking/coursing?
When are you going to finish the college/University?
When do you intent to finish the college/University?
What is your favorite subject? Anatomical structures and systems
Why it is your favorite subject? I like it because it teaches me how the body systems
Why do you like your career? I chose to study medicine because I like to help people
and learn how the human body works
What do think about your college/University?
Do know where are you going to work in US?
Where are you going to work?
What are you going to do?
Do you have any relative/family/friends in US?
Why do you want to go to US?
Why do you want to participate in this program?
Why do you want to travel to USA?
Who is your sponsor?
What is your favorite food?
How do you make it?
What does it have?
What is your favorite place in Dominican Republic?
Why do you like it?
What is your favorite beach in Dominican Republic
What is it about?
Your parents have visa? No
What do they do/in what do they work?
Do you have a job?
Do you work?
What do you do at work?
Do you know your rights?

Said me 3:
Be paid fairly
• Be free from discrimination
• Be free from sexual harassment and sexual exploitation
• Have a healthy and safe workplace
• Request help from union, immigrant, and labor rights groups
• Leave an abusive employment situation

Recibir un pago justo
• Estar libre de discriminación
• Estar libre de acoso sexual y explotación sexual
• Tener un lugar de trabajo saludable y seguro
• Solicitar ayuda de grupos de derechos sindicales, de inmigrantes y laborales
• Salir de una situación laboral abusiva

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