PACEATAN 23 Special Events Complete Guidelines

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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology

College of Engineering and Technology
Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES)


1. Participants must be bona fide students of MSU-IIT Civil Engineering and are
officially enrolled for the S.Y. 2022-2023.

2. Each team must submit a partial list of the participants for each event through
the Special Events Committee on or before April 28, 2023, at 8:00 PM. The final
list of the participants must be submitted before May 10, 2023, at 8:00 PM.
Note: The list will be submitted through Google Forms provided by the Special
Events Committee.

3. Only those students whose names appear on the list submitted are allowed to
participate in the competition. Changing of participants is not allowed after May 10,

3. The sequence of performance shall be determined through the drawing of lots

during the First Reading of the Guidelines on April 01, 2023.

4. The participating team must be at the venue thirty (30) minutes before the call
time. If failure to arrive at the said venue, a deduction of one (1) point, per judge,
form the total score.

5. Upon arrival, participants must immediately report to the assigned student

coordinator/facilitator for briefing and instructions and checking of attendance.
Participants will no longer be allowed to leave the venue unless permitted by the
Special Events Committee.

6. Any participant(s) displaying misdemeanor, obscenity, reckless behavior, and the

like will be sanctioned as deemed necessary by the Special Events Committee.

7. If the participant(s) will be called to perform but have not yet arrived at the
performing area they will still be allowed to perform but they will be deducted one
(1) point per judge.
Note: Late performers will automatically be the last performer(s) of every event.
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES)

8. There will be an official timer to record the time of entrance, and performance up
to the moment the last performer in a team leaves the stage which will be the cue
that the performance has ended.

9. In case of technical problems, the performers shall not be subject to the

deduction of points. In the event of music and/or technical error or any other
unexpected event, the Special Events Committee reserves the right to interrupt the
performance and allow the performers to start again.

10. The Special Events Committee Chairperson reserves the right to impose
additional regulations when the need arises.

11. Any violation of the aforementioned guidelines would mean a two (2) points
deduction per judge.

12. Deduction of points shall be made by the Chairman of the Board of Tabulators, in
consultation with the Chairman of the Board of Judges with the knowledge and
approval of the Grievance Committee.

13. The decision of the Board of Judges, once signed by the Board of Tabulators, is
final and irrevocable.
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES)



1. A team shall consist of 5 members per team.

2. Members of MSU-IIT Bridge Building Teams are not allowed to join the
3. The contest will be held on May 20, 10:00 AM outside the CE department.
4.. Mechanics of the competition:
a. Bridge-building materials (e.g., popsicle sticks & rubber bands) will be
provided by ACES at the contest proper.
b. All specific details will be announced during the competition proper.
c. The team must construct a bridge within three (3) hours, on the spot, at
the designated venue and date.
d. Once the bridge has been submitted for testing, nobody is allowed to
neither move or alter any part. Only two team members shall be allowed to
assist the judges during the testing.
e. The main criterion for selecting the winner is the strength-to-weight ratio of
the bridge.

5. The testing of the bridges will be on May 18 outside the CE department

immediately after the contest proper.

6. A 10% deduction to the strength-to-weight ratio will be given for every unmet
bridge specification.
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES)


1. Each team shall make a video montage featuring and showcasing CEAT
department. Only one video from each team should be given.

2. The duration of the video must be at least 2 minutes and must not exceed 3
minutes. Opening and ending credits will not be included in the given time scale,
but should only be within 30 seconds. Total time that exceeds the time limit is
subject to a two-point deduction per minute from each judge.

3. Reuse of existing clips/published content added in the video is allowed but not
for the entirety of the video.

4. Trigger warning should be included if the video consists of any potentially

distressing material or scenes.

5. Any language to be used in the video is permissible but must include English

6. Using foul and offensive language is strictly prohibited.

7. The video should be in mp4 format. It should be compatible with VLC Player
version 3.0.18.

8. Deadline for submission is on May 14, 2023, at 8:00 pm. Failure to submit at
the given time will result in automatic disqualification.

9. For submission, a Google Drive link with a file per team will be provided and
locked after the upload. Included in the GDrive should be the following: 1. ✓
Video Montage with file name format: [Team-Title of Montage]. ✓ File with the
names of the members of the Production Team.

10. The presentation and judging of the entries for the technicalities and content
will be on May 20, 2023, the opening day of CEAT PALAKASAN, 4:00-7:00 PM
at the IDS Multi-Purpose Hall. The announcement of winners will be on the
Palakasan Awarding Night.

12. During the judging, the Team Grievance Committee Representative is

expected to have a backup copy in case of technical problems.

13. Any violation of the guidelines as mentioned above will result in a two (2)
point deduction from each judge per violation.
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES)

14. The decision of the Board of Judges, once signed by the Board of Tabulators,
will be final and irrevocable.


Content (Concept, arrangement, composition): 30%

Execution (Creativity, musicality, engagement factor): 40%

Technicality (Filming, audio/sound quality, editing, overall production): 30%

Total: 100%
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES)


1. Only fifteen (15) members are allowed to participate for each year level.

2. The contest will be held on May 21, 2023, 10:00 AM at the MSU-IIT vicinity.
Assembly Area will be at the COE Lobby.

3. Each team will follow the color-coding system based on their designated color;
CE1 - Purple (Power), CE2 - Blue (Space), CE3 - Red (Reality), CE4 - Green
(Time), CET1&2 - Yellow (Mind), CET3&4 - Orange (Soul)

4. The contest will be composed of six stations.

5. The stations’ challenges and location will be unknown to the participants.

6. After each station’s challenge is done, the participants will be given clues as to
the location and as to what to do on the next station

7. The winner will be decided as to who finishes the race first.

Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES)


1. The Icon competition shall be contested during the Opening Event on May 20,

2. Participants should be at the venue fifteen (15) minutes before the Opening
Event starts and must report to the Event Chairman Maria Johanna Bazar
and/or Rayn Belle Andalan, for attendance.

3. Each team should send only one (1) participant to represent them in the

4. The participant should portray their designated ‘Thanos Stones’, in which the
CE1 was given Power, CE2 - Space, CE3 - Reality, CE4 - Time, CET1&2 -
Mind, CET3&4 - Soul.

5. The performance should not be vulgar or obscene. Accidental wardrobe

malfunction is tolerable.

6. The icon's performance should not exceed three (3) minutes.

7. As per the icon's costume, there is no limit to what the Icon can wear BUT any
sharp, flammable and combustible materials are prohibited. Paint and glitters
are both acceptable. The facilitators will check if the props are safe to use
before the show.

8. No other person aside from the icon should be in any way a part of the
performance. Henceforth, there shall be no physical contact or throwing of
props to the audience and/or judges.

9. A two (2) point deduction shall be incurred for every violation of the
above-mentioned guidelines.
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES)


Design and Appearance 40%

Embodiment of Character 30%
Stage Presence 20%
Overall Impact 10%
TOTAL 100%
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES)


1. The Icon competition shall be contested during the Opening Event on May 20,
2. Each team should send only one (1) participant to represent them in the
3. Participants should be at the venue fifteen (15) minutes before the Opening
Event starts and must report to the Event Chairman Maria Johanna Bazar
and/or Rayn Belle Andalan, for attendance.
4. Mechanics for the couture:
a. Materials used in the construction of garments MUST be waste streams i.e.
recycled, repurposed or upcycled.
b. Designers may use materials for construction such as glue, tape, dyes,
marker, staples, thread, zippers, elastic, wire, string, Velcro, boning, buckram,
grommets, laces, starch, paint, etc.
c. Fabrics may only be used as a lining that doesn’t show.
d. The usage of new material should not overpower the total garment.
e. Footwear made from recyclable material is preferred; however, street shoes
are acceptable.
f. Couture must be made of at least 80% recycled or reused materials that
otherwise would be thrown away.
5. Mechanics for the Makeup and Hair:
a. The participant must be styled with hair and a costume that compliment the
b. Participants are not allowed to hire a professional makeup and hair artist.
c. Ornamentation, wigs, hairpieces, headdresses, and attachments may be used.
d. Colored contact lenses are allowed to be used.

6. As per the couture, there is no limit to what the model can wear BUT any sharp,
flammable, and combustible materials are prohibited. Paint and glitters are
both acceptable.

7. No other person aside from the model should be in any way a part of the
performance. Henceforth, there shall be no physical contact or throwing of
props to the audience and/or judges.

8. A one (1) point deduction shall be incurred for every violation of the
above-mentioned guidelines.
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES)


Couture (35%):
Presentation & Sustainability 25%
Creativity & Originality 10%
Make-up and Hair (30%):
Coherent with the couture 10%
Creativity 10%
Model Match 10%
Catwalk 25%
Stage Presence/Confidence 10%
TOTAL 100%

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