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TradingPool Exit and Entries Checklist

Entry Strategies

**Short Term**
Short term trading is really only useful if you have a lot of capital and can take advantage of the small %
gains each day. If you are trading with under $25k It is suggested you stick to Long Term trading. We
understand that you guys want to make 5x your account balance overnight but unfortunately that just will not
**Long Term**

If you are holding coins long term do not worry about corrections, and do not panic sell as long as your coin
has good fundamentals and a strong use case and real-world adoption don’t get caught up in the market cycles
and have faith in your investment. Coins will dip and climb all the time and reacting to these on FOMO or
panic selling will not be beneficial, if you understand charting you can increase profits by day trading these
dips but that's for YOU to work out and gain the knowledge on.
If you are holding long term instead of buying and selling, when the market does dip, we suggest that you
Dollar Cost Average (DCA) your way into it to increase your position size and reduce your avg price, you
can learn about this in #🎯-dollar-cost-averaging in the discord. You should be dollar cost averaging with
every investment you choose and the best way to do that is to dollar cost average into the dip and add by day
over the course of a few days or weeks which is usually effective and you will catch most of the dip.

Key Points for your Entry

 Be mindful of where we are in the current market cycle, whether that be the bull market or the bear
market always take into consider that the bear market will give the best buy in opportunities to plant
the seeds for the long-term coins and for short term gains in the bull market because you will have
coins at cheaper prices for when they go parabolic in the bull market
 Never chase a coin that is making a new high or after a green day. Always wait for a pullback in a
bull market when price is in an uptrend it is always good to catch dips. For a bear market it is a little
bit different you will be looking to dollar cost average into previous areas of support on the chart as
you will be relying on the old supports to hold price once it has fallen through during the bear
market and with prices being super low you can afford to go heavy as prices won’t get much lower
than what they are when the bull market comes around
Entering alt coins towards the last cycle of the bull market would be high risk in my highs as bear
markets are where at least 80% of coins lose its value typically and I would prefer to focus on
accumulating and stacking longer term blue chip large cap holdings like Ethereum and Polkadot for
**Bull/Bear Market Strategy**
example but there can be potential for short term gains even if you are late in the cycle of the bull
Therun you justmarket
Bull/Bear have tostrategy
take into
is consideration
a strategy for the riskwho
those factors.
want a shorter exit strategy as bull and bear
markets usually take place in-between different yearly cycles. A way you can keep up to date with the
bear and bull market cycles is by referring to the stock to flow model on BTC and you can see a
variation of that using this website

**Price Target Strategy**

It is very good to set price targets for your long/mid/short term investments. Especially since this
market is very volatile it will be wise to have a target of some sort in place.

If you are holding ADA for example and you bought at $2 rather than just holding it without any goal
or target in behind set a target up to hold and accumulate and add more coins until you hit your profit
target and with this example it can be a $5 ADA in 1-2 years which is very realistic if you do some
research on the forecasted growth for ADA. The key to this strategy is to make sure your price target is
realistic given market cap you can’t come up and say $1000 ADA in 5 years which would be
unrealistic, something realistic would be a $10-$15 ADA in 5 years.

**A few more examples**

Ethereum @$3000 (Large Cap) Price Target $10,000 in 1-2 Years

Near Protocol @$9 (Medium Cap) Target $20-$30 1-2 years

Moonriver @$80 (Small Cap) Target $200 2-4 Weeks

Just a few examples here obviously the lower the market cap the quicker price will move and same
goes for large caps the higher the market cap the less volatile prices are

This is very good to have for your holdings and will give you STRUCTURE as a trader rather than
running around like a headless chicken not knowing when to take profit, you research the crypto and
come to a realistic price target given the forecast for the coming years

This strategy works in bull and bear markets obviously you would do the most of your buying during
the bear market and expect to take profits in a future bull market so it is a conservative long-term

Coin Entry Strategy Exit Strategy Long Term or Fundamentals
Short Term

Ethereum Dollar Cost Holding to Long-term Has very strong

Averaged in at $10,000 a coin holding and fundamentals
$3000 a coin compounding Web 3.0,
and Potential to Flip
accumulating BTC
over time

Key Points for your Exit


 Your sells and your exit strategy should not have any emotion attached to it and it should never be
in a condition where the market is falling. Whenever you are selling you should be selling for a
profit. Selling when you’re in a loss is a silly thing to do, you have chosen strong fundamental
projects for a reason they should be sold while in profit and most importantly when it comes time to
sell it should be during a green day
 You should always have a plan in place when it comes to selling set a price target or something
similar and stick to the plan you cannot make profits without actually taking the profits so make
sure you take profits accordingly and do not get too greedy.

Entry/Exit Checklist Chart

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