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The Philippines a Century Hence" is an essay by Jose Rizal, a national hero of the

Philippines, that looks ahead 100 years to the future of the nation. It was time, in Rizal's
opinion, to remind Spain that the events leading up to the French Revolution could have
significant repercussions for her in the Philippines.
The execution of Spain's military practices as a result of such legislation, the Philippine population
declined substantially. Farmlands were neglected, and poverty spread like wildfire. Every facet of Filipino
culture was regressive, including the family's role as a social unit. Indigenous Filipino culture is
deteriorating and disappearing. When Spain arrived bearing a sword and a cross, it started the gradual
eradication of indigenous Philippine culture. As a result, the Filipino people began to doubt their present
way of life, lose faith in their past and ancestry, and eventually give up on their future and the
continuation of their race.One of the most potent influences that contributed to the locals' passivity and
submission to the Spanish colonizers was the presence of the Spanish friars. The Filipinos learned to
surrender to the will of the foreigners as a result of the use of force. The question of what had awoken
the hearts and minds of the Filipino people to their situation then becomes relevant. The indigenous people
eventually came to understand that such persecution by foreign colonists in their civilization could no
longer be tolerated. Maintaining the populace's ignorance and ignorance had failed. Great minds from
the Philippines were still emerging from the ruins as the national consciousness continued to rise. Keeping
the populace in poverty was likewise fruitless. The Filipinos, on the other hand, had been able to act on
their desire for a change in their way of life because to living in perpetual destitution. They started
looking into alternative perspectives for how they might advance. As an alternative to impeding progress,
destroying the population did not succeed either. The Filipino race was able to endure conflict and
starvation, and it increased in size as a result of these tragedies. Thousands of Spanish soldiers would
need to be sacrificed in order to completely destroy the nation, and Spain would not let this. Therefore,
Spain lacked the tools necessary to halt the nation's development. She must modify her colonial policies in
order to make them compatible with Philippine society's requirements and the populace's growing
nationalism. In reality, what Rizal had predicted in his article. The Americans fought Spain for control
of the Philippines in 1898 and eventually won the conflict. They ruled with democracy and freedom. The
long-awaited independence of the Philippines came about fifty years after Rizal's passing. The essay's
final line, "History does not record in its annals any lasting domination by one people over another, of
different races, of diverse usages and customs, of opposite and divergent ideas," was fulfilled by this. One
of the two had to capitulate and give in.

Summary of the Philippines

A century Hence

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