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Managing Friendships

We can all list the qualities of our friends and the qualities that we admire in them. However,
nobody is perfect and sometimes miscommunication can lead to all sorts of ups and downs
with our friendships.

Make a list of five instances where you would find it easy to forgive your friend.

1. When he/she cheat

2. When he/she lie

3. When he/she teasing me

4. When he/she do not keep promise

5. When he/she laught at me

Make a list of five instances where you would really struggle to forgive your friend.

1. When he/she punch me

2. When he/she mock me

3. When he/she mock my another friend

4. When he/she destroy my essential goods

5. When he/she dont care about me

From your list of difficult situations, choose two of them and say why it would be hard for
you to forgive your friend if such a situation happened.

Beacause i feel sad

Read the following scenarios and decide on what advice you would to resolve them.

Laura has transferred school this term into year 8. She does not know anyone at school and is
finding things really tough. She has made friends with Victoria and her friends. They have
included her in their group chat. Laura is very academic, scoring highly in recent tests and
was given an award by the head teacher in assembly. One of the girls made a sly comment
about Laura, saying that she thinks she is ‘brilliant at everything’, ‘not all that’ and a ‘snob’.
Another girl in the group has suggested that they delete Laura from their group chat. Laura is
really upset and does not want to go to school.

What advice would you give Laura?

Dont think about what they say if your tallent is reality

What advice would you give Victoria?

Dont take out Laura from the group because Laura will feel sad

Would you forgive the girl who made the sly comment if you were Laura? Explain your

Yes, Because God tell us to forgive each other

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