Oralcomm S1 Q1 M5

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Grade 11
Content Standard The learner recognizes that communicative competence requires
Understanding of speech context, speech style, speech act and
communicative strategy.
Performance Standard The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a
variety of speech situations.
Learning Competencies Identify the various types of speech contexts
Knowledge Point out the type of speech context in every situation.
Skills Exhibit appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior in a given speech
Attitude Acknowledge the importance of knowing the different types of speech
References http://www.ted.com/playlists/226/before_public_speaking
 Spontaneous Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Sharing of Wonderful Experiences
 Review of Previous Lesson
 Recap of Classroom Rules

Motivational Question  Is talking to your loved one during lunch gives you the same experience
when you discuss a topic in class?
 Is conversing with your workmates the same with conversing with your
 Why do you think our experience with these situations vary from each
 Why do you think communication vary depending on the context?
Activity ACTIVITY 1 – Check This Out!
Short groupings game: The teacher will ask the students who have
access to internet and those who do not. Those who don’t will be group
1 and the other group is the second group.

DRRM Integration: They will be reminded to follow all health protocols

when they go with their groups.

Each group is given a task envelope.

Group 1: The students will be given a set of images. They just need to
write down all their observations about the images provided below.

Group 2: The students will be given links or URLs via the GC of the class.
Then, they will be asked to check and watch the videos found in the links.

ICT Integration: Provision of links that they can virtually access.


Analysis How do you find the activity?

For Group 1: how does each image differ from the other?
For Group 2: What sets the first video to the other?
Do you think the speakers for each image and/or video differs from the
Abstraction Activity 2 – To Discuss the Concept—THERE WILL BE SITUATION

In communication, there are different situations that greatly influence the

communication process. These situations are referred as Speech Contexts.
In a lifetime, we have been engaged to various speech contexts every single
day. Our communicative behaviors, styles, and strategies differ from each
context. There are three different types of speech context namely;
Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Public.



Have you tried listening to a lecture and you just drift away
from the speaker’s speech as you got caught by your own
thoughts? Have you tried visualizing yourself ten years
from now? Have you tried telling yourself “I can do it” in
times of difficulty and despair?

According to Wood (1997), Intrapersonal Communication is also known as

“self-talk”. Moreover, this can also include acts of imagination,
visualization and even recall and memory (Mclean, 2005). Intrapersonal
communication is a form of thinking that goes on inside us which relies on
language to express itself. It is similar to the Shakespearean “soliloquy”
where the character in question engages in self-talk to reflect on events that
have transpired. Intrapersonal communication often increases self-
awareness and mindfulness, and hones critical thinking skills. For instance,
when your friends invited you to a dinner and you contemplate whether to
go or not, even before you say yes, there are thoughts or even questions
running through your mind. It could be planning how you will be able to go
there, or even remembering something special that happened the last time
you were in the restaurant where you will be meeting. On the other hand,
the voice within us that tells us “Keep on going! You can do it!” when you
are competing on a race or when you say, “My report is quite good!”

According to a communication expert, Shedletsky (1989) that Intrapersonal

communication is transactional which means that the communication
process which is composed of the different elements all occur within the
individual. This can also occur when one argues with himself or herself. All
of these interactions occur internally and relies on previous interaction with
the external world. Your intrapersonal communication can be positive or
negative, and directly influences how you perceive and react to situations
and communication with others.

Check the following sites to gain more information about Intrapersonal


 http://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/communication-for-business-success/s20-01-
 http://smallbusiness.chron.com/effective-intrapersonal-communication-36895.html
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnlwgE6aWp0

Do you talk to your friends? What do you usually talk

about? Why do you do this? Do you think it contributes to
your relationship?

This is a process of exchanging information, feelings and thoughts between

people. This happens through face-to-face communication as well as
through electronic channels like video-conferencing, chat rooms, e-mail
and Twitter.

It must be noted that this is not just all about what is said but also how it is
said. While this often has many definitions, this exists between people who
are interdependent to some degree and who build a bond with each other.
This is all about relationships. Moreover, there are also qualities of
interpersonal relationships which range from intimate and very personal to
formal and impersonal. Impersonal communication is when you talk with a
person you do not really care about – there is often coldness or indifference
in your attitude when you engage in this kind of communication. The most
personal type of communication occurs when you talk with people who are
close to you, for example, your best friend, family members and
colleagues. Such relationships are interdependent, meaning that the actions
of one party often directly affect the other party. For instance, when you
share an important concern with a loved one implies a trusting relationship
established over time between two caring individuals. While, having a brief
conversation with the security guard in your workplace implies some
previous familiarity and is more about acknowledging each other from any
actual exchanging of information. Actually, this context can either
resemble in Dyads or in Small Groups.

Dyad- This is an inter-relationship between two persons or face-to-face

verbal communication involving their mutual ideas, thoughts, behaviors,
ideals, liking, disliking, queries and answers of concerns in life. It must be
noted that when a sudden communication between two people on the street
is not continued afterwards, then it is not considered as dyadic
communication. This is not only a lasting communication of ideas but
anything intensive and of deeper impact.

Small Group- Small group communication takes place in a group, usually

comprising five to ten people This form of communication serves
relationship needs (like companionship, family bonding and affection or
support) as well as task-based needs, for example, deciding on disciplinary
action or resolving conflict in the workplace.

Click the following sites to gain more information about Interpersonal

Have you tried speaking in front of a large crowd? Do you
like to speak in front of a lot of people? What did you feel?
Did you have butterflies on your stomach? an endless
shiver all throughout your body? Did you enjoy the

Public speaking is, simply, an oral presentation or speech delivered to a live

audience. It is generally a formal or staged event— although impromptu
speeches are a common occurrence—and can be a defining career moment.
For example, you may think you’re attending a client meeting only to find
yourself called on to explain a procedural or technical point being
discussed. Or you may be sitting in a management meeting thinking you
are just there to observe when you are asked to elaborate on an aspect of
the supporting research and analysis or defend your recommendations.

Click the following sites and take note of the information provided by each.

 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/work/career-advice-how-can-i-
 https://www.toastmasters.org/Resources/Public-Speaking-Tips
Application Activity 3 – Do This

The students will be grouped into three. Each group will be given a task
which they will be doing individually:

Group 1: Provide 5 instances when you usually engage in an

Intrapersonal Communication
Group 2: Take a video of yourself delivering a public speech. You must
follow the tips provided by the sites. This will be presented in class.
Group 3: Record an audio which takes the form of a Dyadic
Communication. Do it by yourself and make sure that you will vary the
tone of your voices depending on your characters.

Rubric for Grading

Practical Applications of Activity 4 –

Concepts and Skills in Daily Reflect on what you have learned by completing the cloud balloon.

What new ideas did you learn after taking up this lesson?

Generalization In communication, there are different situations that greatly influence the
communication process. These situations are referred as Speech Contexts.
In a lifetime, we have been engaged to various speech contexts every single
day. Our communicative behaviors, styles, and strategies differ from each
Evaluation Activity 5 : Be on the go!

In a group of 5, create a role-play wherein you will be able to display all

types of speech context. Make sure that you can integrate all of them on it.
Additional activities for Let students visit this website for additional information.
application or remediation https://oralcom.wordpress.com/2016/10/14/types-of-speech-context/

No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up the lesson
No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which principal
and supervisor can help or
What innovation or localized
did I use/discover which I
wish to share

Prepared by:
ALJOHN P. SUMILHIG Checked and Observed :

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