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Gone With the Wind

By: Abigail T. Blanco, 11- St. Francis

I held her hand tightly, not letting go of the hand that had saved me from my sufferings.
"Hey! Can you walk slowly?" She muttered, I didn't speak, it seemed like the words from my
mouth had been blocked. "Are you okay?" Her sweet voice warms my lonely heart. I smiled
"Don't worry Nyra, I'm okay, Wanna hang out? It's my treat today" I chuckled when her
eyes twinkled just by hearing the word 'treat', I know she knows what I meant as a treat for her.
We walked and reached the shop that we always eat after our classes. "I want the Takoyaki
with octopus again" she requested, and I just nodded, just the same order she had from the first
time we ate here. We ate and laughed, not minding the eyes of the people around us. "Can we go
to the ocean?" she requested, and I obliged. While we were on the way to the ocean, she kept on
telling stories about her day, but I was too focused on her beauty, her alluring eyes, her sweet
voice, her soft wavy hair, and her pretty smile...I would kill just to see it every day. A flick from
her hand broke away my focus on her, "Hey! You're not listening aren't you?" she uttered
while pouting her lips. "I'm sorry, I'm just so lucky to have you" I uttered while looking at her
eyes. She looked at me and lightly hit my shoulders, "Stop teasing me! We're almost there!"
she said while laughing. We reached the ocean; our time was just right as we could see from afar
the sunset. It was the best and memorable view, we sat from the sand as the wind hit our faces,
blowing up our hair. I held her hand and looked at her, was it just me or did I just see something
flash in her eyes? Is it sadness or happiness? I think she noticed me staring at her way too hard so
she looked at me as well. She smiled, but not like the smile she had that I'd fallen in love with.
She held my hand "You know, ever since I was born, I thought I have no worth since my
family always made me feel worthless, but ever since I've met you, I feel like I am worth
more than everything, thank you for making me feel that way" She said and even though
what she said made me feel something is wrong, I just smiled, I tucked her loose hair on the back
of her ear and hold her soft cheeks "Of course you are, If only I could give you the whole
world, I'll gladly do so" I uttered and she just chuckled, "I think that's too corny" she said
while covering her mouth, holding herself to burst out from laughing. "Stop making fun of me
Nyra, I'm deadly serious" I stared at her blankly, she stopped "I love you Theo…" She said
while looking at me softly, a small smile formed in my lips "I love you too Nyra…"If only I
would've known it would be our last, I could've said more. A tear fell from my eye, and soon I
realized that I could no longer see her, be with her, love her, and care for her. I caressed her
grave before bowing my head down to kiss her grave. 'Till we meet again my love' I sat up from
my seat before heading towards my car. I threw away one last glance before I entered my car and
drove away.

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