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School of Engineering, IT and Physical Sciences

Federation University Australia

ENGIN 3502 Subsurface Environmental Engineering


Student ID : 30435949

1 Equivalent Resistance Req

1 1 1
= +
√ܴ √ܴ1 √ܴ2

1 1 1
= √2 + √0.6

Req= 0.25 Ns2/m8

In a parallel net work,

Q1= √ ܴ݁‫ √ = ݍ‬0.25 == 0.35 m3
ܴ1 2

Q2= ܴ݁‫ݍ‬ 0.25

√ ܴ1
=√ 0.6
= 0.65 m3

2 To determine and estimate the flammability and explosiveness of a gas, the tool which is
used is "A Coward Triangle". It depicts the percentagle of oxygen against the total
percentage of flammable gases in the sample available.

Coward triangle for methane is mentioned on the next page

Figure 1: Coward diagram for methane in air (ref: Lecture Note5)



2 3


* Number of independent meshes required = 5-4+1 =2

Frictional pressure dropes are positive and fan pressures are negative in the
direction of flow
For ABC section,
Frictional pressure drop Fan
AB 1.5 q 0
BC 1x 30 _pb
CA 1x(200-q) 0

According to Kirchoff's II , it gives;

1.5 q2 + 1x 302 - 1x(200-q)2 -pb = 0 Pa

Simplifying the above equation we can obtain the follwoing equation;

pb = 0.5 q2 + 400 q - 39100 Pa -1

For BCD section,

2( q-30) 2 - 1x 302 - 1.2x(230-q)2 -pb = 0 Pa

Simplifying the above equation we can obtain the follwoing equation;

pb = 0.8 q2 + 432 q - 62580 Pa 2

Solving the equations (1) and (2);

1.3 q + 832q - 101680 = 0 Pa
‫ = ݍ‬104.99 ‫ ݎ݋‬− 744.989 3
m /s

Considering the practical solution we can consider only; 104.99 m /s
Hence flow and pressure drop in each branch is as follows;

Branch Flow (m /s) Pressure drop (Pa)
AB 104.99 16,534.35
BD 74.99 11,247.00
DC 125.01 18,753.00
CA 95.01 9,026.90
BC 30 900.00
Required boost fan pressure = 8407.45 Pa


q = 400m3/s

In sub branch No.1 R eq calculation

1 1 1
= +
√ܴ √ܴ1 √ܴ2

1 1 1
= √2.5 + √1.7

Req= 0.51 Ns2/m8

2 8
Upper branch R eq = 0.51+ 1.9 = 2.41 Ns /m
2 8
Lower branch R eq = 3.0+0.5 = 3.5 Ns /m

Req of the parallel branches ;

1 1 1
= √2.41 + √3.5

Req= 0.72 Ns2/m8

Hence the above network can be simplified for the below net work;

R1=1.2 Ns2/m8 R2=0.72 Ns2/m8 R3=1.3 Ns2/m8 Req=1.2+0.72+1.3

q= 400 m /s
q= 400 m /s
q= 400 m /s 3.22 Ns2/m8

= 3.22 x 400
= 515,200 Pa

For calculation for airway through each branch, the net work is marked as follows.
q = 400m3/s

2 8
Q1=? 2.41 Ns /m
2 8 2 8
1.2 Ns /m 1.3 Ns /m
q = 400m3/s q = 400m3/s
3.5 Ns2/m8

Q1+Q2= 400 m /s
Req =0.72 Ns2/m8

Q1 = 400 √ = 218.63 Pa

Q2 = 400 √ = 181.42 Pa

Q3 Q1=218.63 Pa

Q1=218.63 Pa


Req= 0.51 Ns2/m8 1.9 Ns2/m8

Q1= 218.63 Pa

Q3 = 218.63 √ = 98.75 Pa
Q4 = 218.63 √ = 119.75 Pa

The air flow at each air way is as shown below;

q1 = 98.75m3/s
q3 = 218.63m3/s

Q = 400m3/s
Q= 400m3/s q2 = 119.75m3/s

q4 = 181.42m3/s q5 = 181.42m3/s

= 0.35 x 228
= 18,194 Pa

6 For Methane,

Eg= 0.25 m /s

Hence, Q= 50 m /s

For Diesel,
Q= Diesel loading* Diesel air qty/100kW

Hence, Q= 37.5 m /s
7 Fans in series and parallel are mentioned below.

2 fans in series
2200*2=4400 Pa


2 fans in parallel

25m3/s 25X2=50m3/

Fans in series: Fan total pressue doubles at the same air volume

Fans in parallel: Fan air volume doubles at a given fan total pressure
Air cooling power = R+ C + E (W/m2)

To calculate R;

R = 17x 10 ^(- 8)( ( 35/2) + 290.7 )^3) * (34-35) = -4.978

To calculate C;

C= 8.32 X ((100/1013) ^ 0.6) X (0.5 ^ 0.6) x (34-35) =-1.368

To calculate E,
E= 15140 x ((100/1013) ^ 0.6) x (0.5 ^ 0.60 ) X (es /100)

Here es should be calculated prior to calculation of E,

In calculating es following was done

Assumed skin temperature to be 35 ℃ and radiant temperature to be equal to dry bulb

temperature which is 35℃
(Reference: Lecture note)

Hence, tsk= 35 , td/r= 35 , tw= 31

es = 6.105exp(17.27.tsk/(237.3 + tsk)) - 6.105exp(17.27tw/(237.3 + tw)) + 6.6x10-4 . P . (td - tw) .

(1 + 1.15x10-3 .(td - tw)) (85)

es = 11.561

From above E can be calculate using the fomula mentioned above;

Hence, E= 6.6

Finally, ACP = -4.977-1.368+ 11.561= 234180722 (W/m2) =281.486 MW/m2

Cumulative exposure = (20*0.15+10*0.2+10*0.4)
0.0530 WLM


Radon from ;

Ore wall surface= 450X550 = 247500 pCi/s

Waste wall surface= 150X85 = 12750 pCi/s
Total wall surface= 260250 pCi/s

Volume of ore fragments = mass/ density = 1000 m3

Radon from fragmented ore= 1000X600 600,000 pCi/s

Total emination of radon = 260250+600000= 860,250 pCi/s

11 Air velocity = Q/A = 50/ 25 = 2 m2/s
Residence time =L/u= 1500/2 750 s

WL1 = (25/100) * 102 * 10 ^(-5) * 750 ^(0.8) =0.051 WL

WL2= 56.7 X 10^(-10) X (J per/A) X (tr ^ 1.8) = 0.27 WL

WL3= WLin (1-102 * 10^(-5) * (tr ^0.8)) 0.04 WL

The total working level of radon daughters leaving the air way
0.31 WL

12 Data: Mass flow rate (M)= 100 kg/s

Dry bulb temperature = 23℃
Wet bulb temperature = 16℃
Heat pick up = 400kW
Moisture pick up= 120g/s
Pressure = 100kPa

(a) Heat pick up = 400kW = (S1-S2) X M

From Psychrometric chart,

Here S1= 44.5 kJ/kg
Solving above, S2= 44.5-4 =40.5 kJ/kg

Rate of condensation = 120 kg/ s = (X1-X2) M

From Psychrometric chart,

Here X1= 8.5 g/kg
Solving above, X2= 8.5-1.2 =7.3 g/kg

Hence by referrring psychrometric chart for the above data, the new dry bulb temp
and wet bulb temp are;
Dry bulb temperature = 24
Wet bulb temperature = 15
(b) Constant Moisture
Dry bulb temperature = 32.5 ℃ (given)
S2= 40.5 kJ/kg (Calculated above)
X2= 7.3 g/kg (Calculated above)

From Psycrometric chart for above details:

S3= 47.5 kJ/kg

Heat input = (S3-S2) X M = (47.5-40.5) X 100 =700 kW

(c) Using the above parameters determined,

The wet bulb temperature as per the Psychrometric chart is, 16.5℃

(d) As per the details given,

Td= 32.5 ℃ (given)

Tw= 16.5 ℃ (from charts)

m1= 60kg/s Remainer (m2)= (100-60)=40 kg/s

Air Cooler Heater

Td1= 25℃ Td2= 32.5℃

Tw1= 15 ℃ h2= Enthalpy = 72 kJ/kg

m3= m1+m2= 60+40 = 100 kg/s

Using the Psychrometric chart for the air strem which passed through heater;
Tw2= 24.5 ℃ X2= 17.5 g/kg

Specific enthalpy in the air stream which went through air cooler;
h1= Enthalpy = 41.5 kJ/kg
X1= 8 g/kg
Hence the data can be summarised as below;
Input streams:
m1= 60kg/s m2= 40kg/s
X1= 8 g/kg X2= 17.5 g/kg
h1= 41.5 kJ/kg h2= 72 kJ/kg

Out put combined stream:

m3= 100kg/s
X3,h3 to be determined

m3 X x3 = m1 X x1 + m2 X x2
∴ x3= 11.8 g/ kg

m3 X h3 = m1 X h1 + m2 X h2
∴ h3= 53.7 kJ/ kg

From Psychrometric chart,

Dry bulb temperature (td3) = 26.7℃
Wet bulb temperature (tw3)= 19.3℃℃
Pressure = 100 kPa
Initial td/w = 27/24 By eferring to 100kPa Psychrometric Chart;
MC= 17.7 g/kg dry air
Enthaly -74 kJ/kg dry air

Item Change in the question Final td/tw

Increase in enthalpy in 8kJ/kg
a 33/26.4
means 82 kJ/kg
Increase in enthalpy & MC
b 32/26
means new enthalpy=82 kJ/kg new MC=19g/kg

c Means td is constant and MC =0.01 g/kg 27/9.5

d Means td is constant and Rh=90% 27/25.6

e Means td is constant and Rh=90% 39/24

f Constant tw to saturation 24/24

g Constant td to saturation 23/23

td1 = 33℃ td2 = 30℃
dw1=25℃ dw2=20℃
m1=45 kg/s m2=21 kg/s

From Psychrometric chart,

Moisture content (x1) = 19 g/kg dry air Moisture content (x2) = 20 g/kg dry air
Specific Enthalpy (h1) =75 kJ/kg Specific Enthalpy (h2) =56.5 kJ/kg

For the mix of two air flows;

m3 = m1 + m2 = 45 + 21 kg/s = 66 kg/s

From using the formula; m3 X x3 = m1 X x1 + m2 X x2 = (45X19) + (21X20) = 1275

66 X x3 = 1275 ; x3= 19.32 g/kg dry air
Same way by solving ; m3 X h3 = m1 X h1 + m2 X h2 ; h3 = 69.11 kJ/kg

From Psychrometric chart,

td3 = ℃
dw3 = ℃
15 Gob drainage using surface boreholes

Figure 2: Diagram to show the above methos (ref:Subsurface ventilation engineering, Prof
Federick Baden Hensely,Pg 35)
Due to long wall mining, as abobe, there is a void space created in between two layers,
where gas can me stagnated in such area, named " Gob Gas". It can be removed by
boreholes as shown in the figure above.

Cross Measure Methane Drainage

This method is very similar to the above method mentioned. However, it removes th
trapped air prior by drilling boreholes before any subsidence happens. It is used to utilise
dewatering through coal bed methane wells. The boreholes are parallel and are in
horizontal orientation.

Figure 3: Cross measure methane Drainage in Long Wall Mining

In seam drainage
This method is used when the ground condition has enough fussures or it is permeable
enough only.It involves drilling of boreholes into the coal seam.That may vary from 10-80m

Figure 3:In seam boreholes used to release the Methane trapped

(ref:Subsurface ventilation engineering, Prof Federick Baden Hensely,Pg 33)

There are main rules to control dust in an existing mine, they are;
1 Supression whcih means stopping the particles be airborne
2 Filtration and scrubbing which means removal of dust from air
3 Using ventilation air to dilute it rapidly
4 Isolation of human from such high concentration of dust

To carry out all those mentioned above,

1 Use of watersprays
2 Use of respirators
3 Use of drilling fluids
4 Using of water sprays to wet the dusty dry paths of mines
5 Wet scrubbers
6 Personal respirators are used.
Diesel particle matter is abbreviated as DPM, while nDPM refers to nano diesel particle
matter. These are the granules produced by diesel exhaust. DPM particles are larger, while
nDPM particles are smaller than 0.1 mm.
Soot and elemental carbon make up a portion of the particulate phase of diesel exhaust,
while organic carbon compounds make up the remaining portion. Both of these kinds of
carbon are taken into account in the total carbon measurement

18 Sources of heat and humidity in open and underground mines are,

(Reference from lecture note Heat & Humidity Part 1)
Fissure water
Falling and broken rock
Mechanical equipments
Working machines
Geothermal gradient
Spontaneous heating
Sun ligh in open pit mines

Methods to control: (Reference from lecture note Heat & Humidity Part 2)

1. Effective Ventilation control:

This method invloves in control of leakage between intake and return airways of the main
air ways orwaste/ worked out zones, control of ventilation and utilization of parallel

2.Alteration in the mining method or ventilation method

The existing method of ventilation can be introducing an effective ventilation method such
as W,Y, Z ventilation system or homotropal ventilation system, by increasing the air flow,
controlling of re circulation, descentional ventilation in inclined workings and byeliminatin
series type ventilation methods
3.Reduction or elimination of heat flow at source
The heat can be eliminated from where the it is generated by insulation, by usinf water
cooling machinery,by backfilling of waste areas, plan and optimsation of service water and
by covering cars.

This is a vast area to describe, however, it can be done through any of the following
methods.chilled water service,secondary air cooliong ofintake air,controlled recirculation
and tertiary instope cooling . Either of those methods can be selected based on the
situations or the circumstances .
Bulk cool intake air on surface,chilled service water,chillers and ice cooling are the
methods in refrigeration.

5. Acclimatisation
There are formal and informal methods to achieve acclimatisation. This method imrpoves
body's ability cope with hot temperatures

6.Micro Climate Cooling

This method increases air velocity.

7. Education
This method is not a direct method to improve th working envitonment, thus this involves
in getting people to know certain knowledge and awareness on how to face such
situations. That can be achieved by introduting, how to wear suitable clothes in such
conditions, how to change habits to improve working conditions, to cope up with heat
stress,the sugnificance of taking enough fluids and identifying signs of heat stress and how
to treat that.

8.Heat money
This method is an incentive or a financial compensation method to motivate or encourage
employees to work in such conditions but it is not healthy or recommended.
19 Two points are marked on the Psychrometric chart given below;

From above following was observed;

Moisture content (X) = 18.5 g/kg dry air
Relative humidity (Rh)= 100 %
Specific volume = 0.802 m3/kg
Density = 1/ 0.802 =1.247 kg/m3
Sigma heat = 70 kJ/kg
Moisture content (X) = 24.0 g/kg dry air
Relative humidity (Rh)= 80.5 %
Sigma heat = 90.1 kJ/kg

From the above data;

Mass flow of air = 34 X 1.247 =42.398 kg/s

Change of sigma heat = 90.1-70 = 20.1 kJ/kg
Change of moisture =24-18.5 = 5.5 g/kg dry air

Water input into air = mass flow of air X change in moisture content =233.189 g/s

Heat input to air = mass flow X change in sigma heat = 852.2 kW

Decrease in relative humidity = 100-80.5 = 19.5 %


Amount of Oxygen that has been consumed or Oxygen defficiency (∆ O 2 )

∆O2= N2- O2
= (20.93/79.04 )* (72.8) - (17.1)
2.178 Percent

Graham's Ratio = ‫ܱܥ‬ 0.03%

1.4 Percent
= 2.178=
Here CO2 percentage ishigher than CO percentage which indicates further development of fire.

Grahma's ratio has to be less than 5%, hence this indicates heating.

John's & Trickett's Ratio = (CO2 + 0.75 CO - 0.25 H2 ) / ∆ O 2

=( 1+ 0.75* 0.03 - 0.25* ) / 2. 178
= 0.47
Indicates fire in Methane availability but in other conditions it is under control.
But it indicates fire in combustion process.
Auxilliary system

This is very much in use to ventilate dead ends. It is a secondary ventilation sustem.
There are three main types nmed as, line brattices, fan and duct systems and
“ductless” air movers.

Advantages Disadvantages
Low cost Can create hazards
Less energy consumption Less efective
Less vibration and noice Prone to create leakages

It can reduce the problems coming from noise created while the fan is in operation when
it sits in the under ground

It helps to clear gases stuck in the underground by its own functioning.

Further it will mininmise to hav air blovk or dorrs.

However, there are more advantages if they are places properly closer to surface than

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