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 Online  Teacher  Induction  Program  

Individualized  Learning  Plan  (ILP)  
  Revised  6.1.17  
Directions:  The  ILP  should  be  completed  with  Mentor  input.  Complete  blue  cells  prior  to  classroom  implementation.    Complete  orange  cells  after  POP  Cycle  is  completed.  Cells  will  expand  as  
needed.    When  submitting  completed  ILP  to  instructor,  please  include  copies/images  of  pre/post  assessments/directions  and  the  Pre/Post  Assessment  Data  Table.      
Section  1:  New  Teacher  Information  
New  Teacher   Email   Subject  Area   Grade  Level  
  Lydia Rogers   Math   4
Mentor   Email   School/District   Date  
Rebecca Bean  
California Virtual Academy-Maricopa   March 7, 2023
Wendi Whitman
Section  2:  CSTP  Areas  of  Inquiry    
Directions:  Identify  2-­‐3  CSTP  elements  for  ILP  focus,  including  at  least  one  as  required:  Semester  2  –  CSTP  1/2/3;  Semester  3  –  CSTP  4/5/6;  Semester  4  -­‐all.    Use  most  recent  CSTP  Assessment  for  
Initial  Rating.  Identify  both  teacher  and  student  rating  for  CSTP  1  and  2.  See  example.  
CSTP   Element     Initial      Rating  Description     Goal    Rating  Description    
T  -­‐  Guide  students  to  think  critically  through  use  of  questioning  strategies,   T  -­‐  Facilitates  systematic  opportunities  for  students  to  apply  critical  thinking  
Promoting  critical  thinking   posing/solving  problems,  and  reflection  on  issues  in  content.   by  designing  structured  inquires  into  complex  problems.  
1.5   through  inquiry,  problem  
T  –  Applying  
  S  -­‐  Students  respond  to  varied  questions  or  tasks  designed  to  promote  
T  –  Innovating  
S  -­‐  Students  pose  and  answer  a  w ide-­‐range  of  complex  questions  and  
solving,  and  reflection   S  –  Exploring
comprehension  and  critical  thinking  in  single  lessons  or  a  sequence  of  
S  -­‐  Innovating  
problems,  reflect,  and  communicate  understandings  based  on  in  depth  
lessons.   analysis  of  content  learning.  
Connecting learning to students’ prior T-Uses gathered information about students’ prior knowledge, cultural
T--Exploring backgrounds, life experiences, and interest to support student learning. T-Integrating T-Integrates broad knowledge of students and their communities to inform instruction.
1.2 knowledge, backgrounds, life
S-Applying S-Students make connections between curriculum, and their prior knowledge, S- Integrating S-Students are actively engaged in curriculum, which relates their prior knowledge,
experiences, and interests.
backgrounds, life experiences, and interests. experiences, and interests within and across learning activities.
Collecting and analyzing T-Collects a variety of formal and informal assessment data on student
T-Explores collecting additional data using supplemental assessments. Make T-Applying
assessment data from a variety of T-Exploring
sources to inform instruction.
adjustments in planning for single lessons or sequence of lessons based on    
learning. Uses analysis of a variety of data to inform planning and
analysis of assessment data. differentiation of instruction.
Section  3:  Inquiry  Focus  and  Planning  (Attach  Pre/Post  Assessments  to  ILP)  
Inquiry  Focus   Inquiry  question   Pre-­‐Assessment   Post-­‐Assessment   Expected  Results  
Based  on  your  selected  CSTP  elements,   Pose  measurable  and  observable  question  
What  will  you  use  as  your  baseline   What  will  you  use  as  your  final   How  do  you  expect  student  performance  
identify  a  focus  of  inquiry  (e.g.,  group   in  terms  of  students  (e.g.,  what  impact  will  
assessment  of  student   assessment  of  student   to  change?    Use  percentages  to  describe  
discussion,  differentiation,   strategy  X  have  on  student  performance  
actions/performance?   actions/performance?   anticipated  growth.    
motivation…)     as  measured  by  Y?)  
What  impact  will  increased  use  of  higher-­‐order  
There  will  be  a  20%  increase  in  the  average  exam  
Use  of  analysis,  synthesis,  and  evaluation   questions  (teacher  talk,  worksheet,  and  student  
Previous  examination  scores   New  chapter  exam   score  for  students  who  participated  in  class  and  
questions  +  student  problem  generation   problem  generation)  have  on  student  performance  
successfully  completed  the  worksheet.  
as  m easured  by  chapter  exam?  

Which type of assessment best Students will be able to demonstrate conversion Students will be able to demonstrate conversion There will be a 15% increase in the average
  Assessments   demonstrates students’ understanding of of  measurements by solving written, real-world,   of measurements by solving written, real-world,   exam score of students' that actively
conversion of measurements? math problems and explaining their answers. math problems and explaining their answers. participated in class and completed both
Focus  Students  
Directions:  Identify  three  focus  students  for  your  inquiry.    Identify  special  characteristics  of  the  students  and  include  performance  data.  Explain  why  you  have  selected  them  for  this  inquiry  focus.  
Do  not  use  actual  names  of  students.  (Note:    At  least  one  focus  student  should  be  an  English  learner  and  at  least  one  must  have  an  ILP/504  accommodation.  The  third  is  your  choice,  but  please  
identify  someone  that  poses  an  instructional  challenge.)    Identify  expected  results  for  each  focus  student.  
Focus  Student  2:  Student  with  
  Focus  Student  1:  English  Learner   Focus  Student  3:  Your  Choice  
Performance   STAR math middle of year: 710
  STAR math middle of year: 928     STAR math middle of year: 916
I expect that the student's pre and post I expect a 5% increase in the student's post assessment
Expected  Results   I  expect a 5% increase in between the pre and post  
assessment scores will be = or less than a 2%  score.
assessment. improvement.
Inquiry  Lesson  Implementation  Plan  
Administer  Post-­‐
Administer  Pre-­‐Assessment   Deliver  Lesson(s)   Analyze  Results   Discuss  Results  with  Mentor  
Identify  dates  for  activities.  
  3/9/23   3/10-3/13   03/14/23   03/14/23   03/15/23
Provide  1-­‐2  sentence   4.MD.1-Exploring two units of measurement, the students will work in groups to identify the relationships between
summary  of  your  lesson  plan.       the units and and demonstrate the relationships on a poster.
Summarize  process  for  
administering  and  analyzing   The
  pre and post assessments will be performance based and written. Students will be expected to match the units of
pre-­‐  and  post-­‐assessments.   measurement according to their groupings and provide a written explanation for how they are related.

Section  4:  Inquiry  Research  and  Exploration  

Research/Professional  Learning  (Identify  two  articles  that  have  informed  inquiry  focus.  Provide  title,  URL  or  citation,  and  statement  of  what  was  learned.)  
Formative and Summative Assessment. (2012). Retrieved from Northern Illinois University Center for Carol S. Parke, S. L. (1996, December 1). Learning from Performance Assessments in Math. Retrieved from
Innovative Teaching and Learning: In this article, the results of a study on assessments reveals that it is not enough to ask the student for the answer to a
This article argues the value of formative and summative assessments, categorizes them and lists how they question, but they must explain their answer to show true proficiency.
are typically utilized.
Colleagues  (Summarize  how  two  colleagues  have  addressed  this  issue  in  their  classroom.  Identify  grade  level,  subject,  and  summary  of  ideas.)  
Colleague 2-High School, Math
Colleague 1-Kindergarten, Math
This colleague is a proponent for the use of manipulatives to solidify student understanding and  
Colleague number two has incorporated problem based learning and open-ended questions in her
post assessments. The data has previously shown that students were not connecting the vocabulary
to assess through observation. In her classroom, this is often done in small groups.
and did not know how to express their understanding in words.
Special  Emphasis:  Instructional  Strategy,  ISTE  Standards,  NBPTS  Core  Propositions  
Special  Emphasis  Focus   How  Special  Emphasis  will  be  Incorporated  
While seeking to respond to my teacher inquiry about the most effective types of assessments, when
 2.1.a Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made
possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.
  teaching unit conversion, I will be using some web-based resources for students to warm up, practice
their learning, and to submit exit tickets.

Individualized  Learning  Plan,  Fullerton  Online  Teacher  Induction  Program  (FOTIP),  2017           Page 1 of 3  
Section  5:  Results  and  Reflection  
Directions:    Record  Pre-­‐  and  post-­‐  assessment  data  into  Pre/Post  Assessment  Data  Table  (see  end  of  document).    Include  copies/images  of  pre/post  assessments/directions  and  the  Pre/Post  
Assessment  Data  Table  with  submission.  
Pre/Post  Assessment  Data  Analysis  Findings  for  Whole  Class   Pre/Post  Assessment  Data  Analysis  Findings  for  Three  Focus  Students  
Pre assessment data analysis- 3% of the class was proficient in matching the unit conversions.
Others were unfamiliar with the terminology and therefore, were encouraged to make their best Pre assessment data analysis- 1 out of 3 was proficient with terms for units of weight and 1
guesses. student did not understand how to match the conversions. One made no attempt.

  Post assessment data analysis- Student outcomes were low in the initial instruction. There was
too much to grasp at once. Therefore, I chunked the lesson by using 1 to 2 unit measurements
  Post assessment data analysis-
The proficient student (ELL) did not attempt the exit ticket. The one lacking understand grew
at a time and retaught it over several days, versus in 1 one session. I then reissued the same by 3 points and the 504 student made no attempt.
exit ticket that was previously used. 90% met proficiency afterward with scores of 3 or 4.

Initial   Evidence/Rational  for  Rating    

CSTP   Element   Revised  Rating   Suggestions  for  Moving  Forward  
Rating     (Summarize  from  POP  Section  3)  
Promoting  critical   To  m ove  to  INNOVATING  level:    Consider  how  to  increase  
Teacher  asked  questions  of  analysis  and  evaluation.  
thinking  through   T  –  Applying   T  –  Integrating   complexity  of  task  beyond  a  single  lesson  so  that  there  are  
1.5   Students  answered  questions  that  included  all  levels  of  Bloom’s.  
inquiry,  problem   S  –  Exploring   S  -­‐  Integrating   continuing  opportunities  for  students  to  engage  in  inquiry  in  
Students  created  their  own  m ath  problems.  
solving,  and  reflection   complex  problem.    How  could  you  extend  lesson  into  PBL?  
Connecting learning to The teacher made the lesson relevant to the students by This lesson was extended to a science PBL on plant systems. Students
T-Integrating identifying familiar reasons and items to measure, like baking,
students’ prior
knowledge, backgrounds, life   T--Exploring
S-Applying   S-Integrating   measuring height, or creating a garden. The students were  
planted seeds and as part of their observation, they measured the stems
growth over a period of 30 days. They used rulers and used unit
experiences, and interests. able to draw connections and share familiar experiences. measurements of millimeters, centimeters. and inches.
Collecting and analyzing Moving forward data could be collected through a Choice
Student data was collected from ClassKick Exit Tickets,
assessment data from a variety of
sources to inform instruction.
    T-Integrating   group posters, matching unit measurements, through whole   Board assignment where students choose a unit theme, like
lengths of furniture, weight of fruit, or height of action figures and
T-Exploring class discussion, and feedback. quick polls.
Organizing curriculum to facilitate convert them.
student understanding of the subject Upon analysis of the formative assessments, the teacher Moving forward this lesson will remain chunked and the
matter.Collecting and analyzing
assessment data from a variety of T-Applying
adjusted the lesson plan and retaught it by chunking the
elements of the standard and extending the lesson over
pre-assessment and entirety of the lesson will include
concrete, kid-friendly examples.
sources to inform instruction. several days versus the initial one-day plan.
Special  Emphasis  (Skills,  Themes,  ISTE  Standards·∙Teachers,  NBPTS  Core  Propositions  (if  applicable)  
Results  of  Incorporation  into  Lesson   Key  Learnings  and  New  Skills/Knowledge  Developed  by  Teacher  
Key learnings were that students needed more exposure to data tables and to learn how to interpret and apply
Skills incorporated into the lesson were students reasoning to determine which operation to apply to
the data to various scenarios. They also needed more practice with general analytical reasoning. Learning
when converting unit measurements from small to large or large to small. They were also required to
this, I can place stronger emphasis on these areas across all subjects.
interpret data from a unit measurement chart to determine the related conversion units.

Action  Items    
For  curriculum  design,  lesson   The lesson opens by introducing the learning target and explaining measurement and the difference between customary and metric. Students are introduced to the vocabulary and the tools used for
measuring. Then the teacher demonstrates measuring and conversion, and conducts shared class practice.
planning,  assessment    
Strategies include the use of rhymes to remember how to convert from large to small or small to large. Graphic images and a customary unit chart.
planning   Progress monitoring includes a class poll, observation, and question and answers. The results will inform the teacher on how to adjust the lesson pace, when to revisit a point, and when it is appropriate to
move forward with the lesson. It will also identify students that are struggling or who have grasped the topic.

The lesson will be made relevant to the students by identifying familiar reasons and items to measure, like when baking, measuring height, or creating a garden. They will show progress towards mastery
For  classroom  practice    
by working in groups to create a poster with two units of measurement that they will convert. Then, drawing images of what is best measured with the unit of measurement, as in, inches to measure a toy
and yards to measure a playing field.

For  teaching  English  learners,   The teacher differentiated instruction by giving students a different amount of support when needed. Examples include pre-planning heterogeneous groups and adjusting the group activity poster
students  with  special  needs,   instructions for struggling learners by reducing the number of steps to achieve the learning. I also reduced the lesson into smaller chunks and used visual aides to help students easily process the
and  students  with  other  
information. Advanced learners were challenged to extend their list of unit measurement conversions and to demonstrate how far they could go.

instructional  challenges  
For  future  professional   For future professional development, I would like to connect with educators in mathematics to strengthen my understanding of math concepts and to learn more effective strategies to instruction.

My future inquiry will most likely focus on lesson planning that extends across more than one subject area. What amount of growth can my students experience by extending math into science?
For  future  inquiry/ILP  

For the next POP cycle, I will plan short project-based lesson combing math and science. It will between 1-2 days so that students will have an opportunity to grasp the standard but also not
For  next  POP  cycle    
be deterred by its length.


Other  Notes    

Pre-­‐/Post-­‐  Assessment  Data  Table  follows  this  document.  

Include  copies/images  of  pre-­‐/post-­‐  assessments/directions  and  the  Pre/Post  Assessment  Data  Table  with  submission.  

Individualized  Learning  Plan,  Fullerton  Online  Teacher  Induction  Program  (FOTIP),  2017           Page 2 of 3  
Fullerton  Online  Teacher  Induction  Program  
Individualized  Learning  Plan  (ILP)  
  Revised  5.1.17  
Directions:    Record  student  pre  and  post  scores  in  this  table.    Do  not  use  student’s  actual  names.  
New  Teacher   Email   Subject  Area   Grade  Level  
  Lydia Rogers   Math  
Pre-­‐Assessment  Data  Range  and  Average   Post-­‐Assessment  Data  Range  and  Average  

  Range 1-4 Average: 1.95   Range 1-4 Average 2.85


Student   Pre-­‐Assessment  Score   Post-­‐Assessment  Score   Comments  
1. Focus  Student:  EL   3   1   assessment.
Pre-assessment-demonstrated proficiency. Did not attemmpt post

2. Focus  Student:  504/IEP   1   1    

Did not attempt pre or post assessment .
3. Focus  Student:  Teacher  Choice   1   4    
Did not attempt pre-assessment. Communicated his lack of understanding.

4.   KP
4   4    
5.   R   -   -Not present  
6.   AW 3   4    
7.   J 3   -   -Not present  
8.   J 3   -   -Not present  
9.   JM 3   -   -Not present  
10.   AP 2   -   -Not present  
11.   AS 1   4    
12.   CS
1   -
  -Not present  
13.   CL 1   4    
14.   EW 1   1    
15.   I
1   -   -Not present  
16.   S -   4   -Not present  
17.   JA 1   1    
18.   JD 3   -   -Not present  
19.   KH 1   -   -Not present  
20.   MA 1   -   -Not present  
21.   MP 1   4    
22.   N 1   1    
23.   ER 1   4    
24.   Z
1   3    

Individualized  Learning  Plan,  Fullerton  Online  Teacher  Induction  Program  (FOTIP),  2017           Page 3 of 3  

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