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An Nisa Nur Fradillah

Collocation is a word or phrase that is often used with another word or phrase, in a way that
sounds correct to people who have spoken the language all their lives. Collocations are words
that naturally go together, example
1. Fast food or quick food ?
The correct word is fast food not quick, although the meaning of the word is same, but the
correct is fast not quick because “collocation”.
The problem here is that it’s very easy to get into a bad habit and use words that sound okay
in your own language, when we translate it in our head but it sound strange or even wrong in
that combination in English to know it, we have to explore the idea of collocations a little
more, for the example let’s focus on just one simple verb “make” and explore some of the
common collocations of that verb specifically, make, with a noun or a noun phrase.
And let’s star it with food. The verb make is so commonly used with food, drinks, and meals,
like coffe and tea. For the example :
1. Can I make you a coffe ?
2. I prefer to make breakfast at home on Sundays.
3. If you’re making dinner, I’ll make dessert!
but, there are many others nouns that collocate with “make”, so we can see that in dictionary.
On the other hand, other combinations may be unnatural and just sound “wrong”.
Let’s take a look at natural and unnatural, what does it mean ?
Like, the fast train (natural English) and the quick train (unnatural English)
So, the fast train we say that’s natural if you say the quick train that’s unnatural and that’s
There are 7 different patterns of collocations :
1. Adverb + Adjective
2. Adjective + Noun
3. Noun + Noun
4. Noun + Verb
5. Verb + Noun
6. Verb + Expression with Preposition
7. Adverb + Verb
So let’s know it clearly :
1. Adverb + Adjectibe
Ex : Completely satisfied
(Not downright satisfied)
Even thought downright is a synonym of completely, we just say completely satisfied,
we cannot say downright satisfied because it doesn’t sound natural

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