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Before the Flood

(Position Paper)
The documentary, titled “Before the Flood,” tackled the issue of the factual circumstances surrounding
climate change and the potential for mitigating its impacts. The cinematic production chronicles the
odyssey of Leonardo DiCaprio over a triennial period as he traverses the planet to encounter the
evolving state of the Earth. Leonardo DiCaprio engages in discussions with a multitude of prominent
scientists, politicians, and lobbyists to exchange perspectives on climate change matters and potential
solutions. The movie was filmed over the span of three years, chronicling DiCaprio’s travels to five
different continents and the Arctic region. The documentary allocates a significant portion of its 90-
minute duration to discussing matters pertaining to worldwide transformation. The Paris Agreement,
the coal tax, and the anti-climate change lobby are all pertinent topics within the realm of climate
change discourse. The funding for the film was provided by Leonardo DiCaprio, indicating a significant
concern on his part for the matter at hand. 

One of the primary topics that captured my interest in the film pertains to tar sands, which is discussed
early on. The ramifications of tar sands are alarming, as they have a detrimental impact on nearby
ecosystems and generate substantial quantities of greenhouse gases. According to the author of Tar
Sands: Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent, the proposed expansion of a tar sand mine would result
in the destruction of 31,000 acres of forest, as well as 170 acres of fish habitats along the Muskeg river.
Additionally, the plan would involve the drainage of hundreds of thousands of gallons of fresh water.
(Nikiforuk) DiCaprio addresses the significant concern of coral reef depletion. According to the
information presented in the film, the livelihoods of more than one billion individuals are reliant on the
fishing activities that take place in the vicinity of coral reefs. The film posits that the primary cause of the
degradation of these reefs is attributed to the substantial release of carbon emissions into the ocean.
According to the Centennials journal of the National Meteorological and Ocean Service, the primary
reason for mass coral bleaching has been attributed to an increase in ocean temperature. According to
existing literature, mortality resulting from coral bleaching may ensue as a consequence of prolonged
thermal stress, which ultimately results in the degradation of reef habitats and structures. The film
highlights the significant issue of widespread deforestation in Indonesia. The film provides a
comprehensive analysis of the function of the vast, age-old rainforests as a carbon sink. However, when
these forests are deforested to pave the way for palm oil plantations, they discharge significant amounts
of carbon into the atmosphere. According to a recent study conducted on palm oil production, the
carbon emissions resulting from the clearance of a single hectare of forest for oil palm cultivation are
approximately equal to the carbon footprint generated by 530 individuals traveling in economy class
from Geneva to New York (Phys).

To me, the impact of the discussion on the documentary is the purpose of the film,the objective is to
raise consciousness regarding the present condition of our planet by illustrating the phenomena that
have already been set in motion, such as the melting of polar ice and deforestation in Indonesia. The
director conveyed the message that climate change is a significant phenomenon, and it is imperative for
humanity to confront this calamitous occurrence directly. Prior to viewing this film, I possessed a
perceived comprehension of the ongoing global transformations; nevertheless, I was oblivious to the
extent of my limited knowledge on the subject matter. The magnitude of the palm oil industry came as a
complete surprise to me. As per the World Wildlife Fund, the proliferation of extensive monoculture
palm oil plantations has resulted in the devastation of tropical rainforests across various regions such as
Asia, Latin America, and West Africa (palm oil). Anticipating the deluge, I had an expectation of
observing certain constituents. The depictions of salvaged fauna and the presentation of bovine
methane emissions data evoked parallels to other documentaries that address the subject matter of
worldwide transformation. The documentary presents several assertions that are supported by
empirical data, while simultaneously placing significant emphasis on emotional appeal. The film Before
the Flood appears to adhere to the conventional analytical framework of logos, pathos, and ethos.
DiCaprio presents the audience with verifiable facts and sources, substantiating his claims through the
use of evidence, quotes, and statistics. Subsequently, the film undergoes a shift in tone and employs a
pathos-driven approach to elicit an affective response from the audience, portraying the disconcerting
condition of the planet and emphasizing the pivotal role of humanity in determining its destiny.

As a UM Digos College student, I aim to raise awareness regarding climate change issues. Specifically, I
believe that it is imperative to acknowledge the alarming number of fatalities that have resulted from
climate change, which has been estimated to be in the millions. By taking an active role in promoting
awareness, I hope to contribute to the mitigation of this pressing global concern. The current situation
has already impacted numerous individuals, and it remains unclear what level of awareness is necessary
for the general population to acknowledge its reality. Considering the presence of climate change during
the early 19th century, one can only speculate on the extent to which the graph has increased over the
course of multiple generations. There is still an opportunity to effect change, and it is imperative that we
take action promptly to address this issue. The phenomenon of climate change is a present reality that is
currently unfolding. According to DiCaprio, the most pressing danger that confronts our entire human
race is imperative, and we must collaborate and desist from delaying action.

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