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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
San Miguel National High School
San Miguel, San Remigio, Cebu


Name: ________________________________Section:_____________________ Score: ______________

Directions: Fill in the blanks by writing your NAME AND SECTION. This assessment comprises only one one module .
Read each item carefully. Below are some spoken activities. However, due to pandemic, we cannot have a practical
telephone conversation and job interview. So, do your best in filling in the most needed information from the
activities below.

A. TELEPHONE CONVERSATION. Read the situation and answer fill in the blanks from the telephone conversation
dialogue. Select the best phrase from the box.

Ms. Anderson telephones Diamonds Galore to speaks with Mr. Franks. Mr. Franks is not in the
office, but Henry Smith, the secretary, speaks to Ms. Anderson about a delivery problem with some
earrings. The earrings have not yet arrived at Diamonds Galore. Ms. Anderson tells Peter that
there was a problem with the shipment from France, but that the earrings should arrive tomorrow

Next, they schedule a meeting between Ms. Anderson and Mr. Franks. Mr. Franks is not able to
meet with Ms. Anderson on Thursday because he is busy. They finally decide on Friday morning at
10 o'clock after a staff meeting that Mr. Owen usually holds on Friday mornings.

Ms. Anderson (sales representative Jewels and Things): ring ring...ring ring...ring ring...

Mr. Smith (Secretary): Hello, Diamonds Galore,_____________________________________.

Ms. Anderson: Yes, this is Ms. Janice Anderson calling. ______________________________?

Mr. Smith: I'm afraid Mr. Franks is out of the office at the moment.

Ms. Anderson: Uhm...actually, this call is rather urgent. We spoke yesterday about a delivery problem that Mr.
Franks mentioned. Did he leave any information with you?

Mr. Smith: As a matter of fact, he did. _________________________________________. He also asked me to ask

you a few questions...

Ms. Anderson: Great, I'd love to see this problem resolved as quickly as possible.

Mr. Smith: Well, we still haven't received the shipment of earrings that was supposed to arrive last Tuesday.

Ms. Anderson: Yes, I'm terribly sorry about that. In the meantime, I've spoken with our delivery department and -

Mr. Smith: Excellent, _________________________________________________.

Ms. Anderson: Yes, ______________________________________. We weren't able to send it along until this

Mr. Smith: I see. Mr. Franks also __________________________________________________.

Ms. Anderson: Certainly, what is he doing on Thursday afternoon?

Mr. Smith:_____________________________________________. How about Thursday morning?

Ms. Anderson: Unfortunately, _____________________________. Is he doing anything on Friday morning?

Mr. Smith: No, it looks like he's free then.

Ms. Anderson: Great, ____________________________?

Mr. Smith: Well, he usually holds a staff meeting at 9. It only lasts a half-hour or so.

Ms. Anderson: Yes, 10 would be great.

Mr. Smith: OK, I'll schedule that. Ms. Anderson at 10, Friday

Ms. Anderson: No, ___________________________________. Thank you for your help...Goodbye.

Mr. Smith: Goodbye.

 should I come by at 9
 I'm sure Mr. Franks will be pleased to hear that
 He said that a representative from your company might be calling
 I think that's everything
 How about 10
 this is Peter speaking. How may I be of help to you today?
 Would you like me to take a message
 Is there anything else I can help you with
 they assured me that the earrings will be delivered by tomorrow morning
 May I speak to Mr. Franks, please?
 I'm seeing someone else on Thursday morning
 wanted to schedule a meeting with you later this week.
 the shipment was delayed from France
 I'm afraid he's meeting with some clients out of town

B. JOB INTERVIEW. Suppose you are now in grade 12. You will be graduating this March and apply for a temporary
job in line with the track offered in school, BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION and ACCOUNTANCY AND BUSINESS
MANAGEMENT. Answer the following interview questions. Write down your answers in the blank provided. (25

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. Why should I hire you?


3. What motivates you?


4. Where do you see yourself in 5 year’s time?


5. Why do you choose this job and company?


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