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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabaraakaatuh

Hello everyone, how are you today?

Alhamdulillah, I’m fine too, thank you.
My name is Djennaira Shanika Akbar, you can call me Djenna.
I’m studying in International Islamic School Al-Abidin.
Now, I will tell you about a story, the title is “The Ant and The Grasshopper”

Once summer day, the lazy grasshopper was chirping, singing and enjoying the sun.
“Fi dee daa dee daa doo dee daa dee daa daa…”
The Grasshopper saw an ant working very hard to gather food.
The Grasshopper called out to the Ant, “Stop your silly work, and have fun with me!”
“No”, replied the Ant, “ I’m gathering food for winter, I suggest you do the same.”

But, the Grasshopper simply ignored the Ant.

The Grasshopper spent the rest of the sunny days having fun.

When winter finally began, the Grasshopper couldn’t find anything to eat.
He remembered the Hardworking Ant.
And he went to her house, and cried, “I’m hungry, I can not find anything to eat!”
The Ant felt pity on him, and gave him food.
Moral of the story: be responsible and prepare of the days of necessity.

Thank you for your attention. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabaraakaatuh.

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabaraakaatuh
Hello everyone, how are you doing? Alhamdulillah, I’m fine too, thank you.
My name is Djennaira Shanika Akbar, you can call me Djenna
I’m studying in International Islamic School Al-Abidin.
Now, I will tell you about a story, the title is “The Ant and The Grasshopper”

Once summer day, the lazy grasshopper was chirping, singing and enjoying the sun.
(Pada suatu hari di musim panas, seekor belalang yang malas sedang berkicau, menyanyi dan
menikmati panas)
“Fi dee daa dee daa doo dee daa dee daa daa…”
The Grasshopper saw an ant working very hard to gather food.
(Belalang melihat seekor semut yang bekerja keras mengumpulkan makanan)
The Grasshopper called out to the Ant, “Stop your silly work, and have fun with me!”
(Belalang memanggil semut, “Berhenti bekerja dan mainlah bersamaku”)
“No”, replied the Ant, “ I’m gathering food for winter, I suggest you do the same.”
(“Tidak”, kata semut, “Aku mengumpulkan makanan buat musim dingin, aku sarankan kamu juga
melakukan hal yang sama.”)
But, the Grasshopper simply ignored the Ant.
(Tapi, Belalang mengabaikan Semut)
The Grasshopper spent the rest of the sunny days having fun.
(Belalang menghabiskan waktu beristirahat dan bersenang2 dimusim panas.)
When winter finally began, the Grasshopper couldn’t find anything to eat.
(Ketika musim salju turun, Bealang tidak bisa menemukan makanan.)
He remembered the Hardworking Ant.
(Dia ingat Si Semut pekerja keras.)
And he went to her house, and cried, “I’m hungry, I can not find anything to eat!”
(Dan dia pergi ke rumah Semut, sambil menangis, “Aku lapar, aku tidak bisa menemukan makanan.”)
The Ant felt pity on him, and gave him food.
(Si Semut merasa kasian terhadap Belalang dan memberinya makanan.)
Moral of the story: be responsible and prepare of the days of necessity.
(Pesan moral dari kisah ini adalah: bertanggungjawablah dan bersiaplah untuk hari-hari kedepan.)

Thank you for your attention. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabaraakaatuh.

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