Holiday Assignment Grade 4

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Circular 29.04.


Dear children,

Here’s the most awaited moments, your summer vacation Fun and Gusto! Summer
vacations are synonymous with fun, frolic, getting up late in the morning, playing for longer
hours with friends, going for picnics, exploring news places and watching fun filled shows on
television. But there is a lot more you can do to make your vacation more interesting,
meaningful and full of fun while still doing all your favourite things.

Few guidelines for your parents to make your summer break fruitful.

● Knowledge is Power. Therefore, encourage your child to cultivate the reading habit
because it not only enhances the knowledge acquired but also develops the
vocabulary, language skills and improves spellings. Also, read to your child, because
it builds reading skills and increases their attention span.
● A Healthy mind in a healthy body. Encourage your child to go out and play because
sports in still discipline generate sporting spirits, channelize energies constructively.
● Encourage your child to play board games E.g. Chess, Ludo, Carom, Scrabble etc.
● Sensitize your child about the rich culture and heritage by watching different
informative channels like “The National Geographic”, “The Animal Planet” etc.
● Encourage your child to watch news channels to keep themselves updated with the
current happenings around the world as it will try to improve their communication
skills and increase vocabulary.
● Communication skills play a pivotal role in grooming the overall personality.
Converse regularly with your child, preferably in English. We would appreciate it if
you adhere to the following guidelines.

Here are some of the activities that you can do it for all the subjects:


Activity 1:

Find out and map the train travel from Chennai to your native place and mark it in the

Activity 2:

Imagine yourself as any Pet and take a video expressing your gratitude towards your
master or caretaker in fifty words. Send the video to your Class teacher.
Circular 29.04.2023


Activity 1:

Write down the pin code of different areas in Chennai and observe and find out

1. What does each digit of the pin code represent?

2. Which digit changes as you move to different parts of your city?

Activity 2:

Go to the market with your parents, make a list of items and their quantities which
they plan to buy. Check the unit price of each item and help your parents to calculate
how much they should pay to the shopkeeper.


Activity 1:

Find out the names of Two generations above you (Grandparents and Great
Grandparents - either paternal or maternal) and make a flowchart.

Activity 2:

List down the names of any five animals that you observe in your neighbourhood and
classify them into egg laying animals and animals that give birth to babies.

Language: Practice all the mathras in Hindi and Ezhuthukal in Tamil. Read a
passage every day.

Have a Happy Summer Vacation

Thank You

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