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Army Public School & College (Boys) Saddar, Karachi

Firs Term Examination (2022-23)


Total Marks: 15 Time allowed: 20 Min

Section A (8 Marks)

Q1.Choose the correct answer for each of the given questions

i) Which of the following is example of quinary activity

a) Financial sector b) Education Sector c) Research d) Fishing

ii) Which continent has the lowest population in the world?

a) Australia b) Antarctica c) South America d) Africa.

iii) In which region olive trees are found?

a) Hot desert region b) Equatorial region c) Mediterranean region d) Tropical

iv) Which is the largest natural gas producing country of the world?
a) Russia b) Saudi Arabia c) Qatar d) Iran

v) What is the percentage of iron content in magnetite?

a) 52 b) 62 c) 55 d) 72

vi) Asia occupies 30% land of the earth and accounts for ___________ of the world population:
a) 60% b) 65% c) 70% d) 75%

vii) South Africa is the leading producer of:

a) Gas b) Oil c) Copper d) Gold

viii) Which of the following country is the leading producer of wood in the world?
a) USA b) Japan c) Argentina d) Australia

ix) Which country first started the use of machinery in Textile Industry?
a) UK b) USA c) China d) France

x) From which river Sidhnai canal is taken out:

a) Ravi b) Chenab c) Sutlej d) Indus

xi) Which food crop is exported in large quantity by Pakistan?

a) Maize b) Rice c) Barley d) Sugarcane

xii) In which valley Lawari Pass is situated?

a) Gilgit valley b) Kashmir valley c) Chetral Valley d) Hunza Valley

xiii) How many types of forests are found in Pakistan?

a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Five

xiv) Pakistan is situated in the _________ part of the sub-continent.

a) N.Western b) N.Eastern c) Southern d) Eastern
xv) River __________ is the largest river of Pakistan.
a) Ravi b) Indus c) Jhelum d) Chenab

SECTION B (36 marks)

Time Allowed: 2 hrs 40 min

Q2.NOTE: Answer any nine questions. All questions carry equal marks:

i) In which branch of geography we study commercial geography. Explain Briefly.

ii) Briefly write about Quaternary Economic activities.
iii) Write any four factors for the development of fishery industry.
iv) Write names of 4 major fish exporting countries of the world.
v) Explain in brief about tropical grass lands.
vi) In which areas coniferous ever green forests are found?
vii) Give names of densely populated regions of the world.
viii) Define commercial geography
ix) Write a short note the Nara & Tharparkar deserts.
x) Describe Baluchistan Plateau.
xi) Describe Tidal Forests in Pakistan.
xii) Write a note on Karez irrigation in Baluchistan.
xiii) Describe the importance of commercial geography for students.
xiv) Describe the types of canals.

. SECTION C (24 marks)

Q4.Answer any two questions:

i) Describe the means of irrigation in Pakistan.
ii) Write a detail note on physical regions of Pakistan.
iii) Describe the types of forests in Pakistan.
iv) Describe in detail the types of commercial activities

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