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Unit 9: Estimating Parameter Values • Grade 11/12

Worksheet II

A. Identify the term or expression being described. (6 points)

_____________________1. It is used to estimate a population parameter using a

range of values.
_____________________2. It is the probability that an interval estimate contains
the true population parameter.
_____________________3. It is the value of 𝑧"$# at 90% confidence level.
_____________________4. It is the value of 𝑧"$# at 95% confidence level.
_____________________5. It is the value of 𝑧"$# at 98% confidence level.
_____________________6. It is the value of 𝑧"$# at 99% confidence level.

B. Given the data below, determine the margin of error, and confidence interval for the
population mean at the given confidence level. (9 points)

𝑥̅ = 102.5 𝜎 = 11.4 𝑛 = 50

1. 90% confidence level

Margin of error: 𝐸 = ________ Confidence Interval: _____________________

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Unit 9: Estimating Parameter Values • Grade 11/12
2. 95% confidence level

Margin of error: 𝐸 = ________ Confidence Interval: _____________________

3. 99% confidence level

Margin of error: 𝐸 = ________ Confidence Interval: _____________________

C. In a random sample of 100 people in a town, the average amount of garbage

generated by each person per day is 500 grams. Construct a 99% confidence
interval for the population mean if the population standard deviation is 250 grams.
Interpret your answer. (5 points)

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