DLPdEMO Revised3

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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a.) understand the natural hazard, mitigation and adaptation.

b.) realize how important it is to be prepared for effect of geological hazard or natural disaster.

c.) create disaster preparedness plan to reduce the casualty of natural disaster.


Topic: Natural Hazard, Mitigation and Adaptation

References: Teacher Reference Guide

Materials: Miniature and Visual Aids




1. ) Greetings
- Good morning class
-Good morning Sir Nico.
2.) Prayer
- Who wants to lead the prayer?
-Sir, let me lead the prayer.
3.) Checking Assignment
-Class, did we have an assignment?
-Yes sir we have an assignment.
4.) Checking of Attendance
-How many absent for today, class secretary?
-The absent for today’s session is only one
-Thank you class secretary for your attendance report.

5.) Review of the Past Lesson

- Class, what is the last topic that we discuss last
meeting? -Sir, we discuss last meeting is all about
Exogenic processes and Endogenic processes.
-Okay, very good class you remember the last topic that
we discuss.

-Before we proceed, let’s have a short activity. Class,
do you know the game “GUESS THE WORD”?
-Yes sir we know that game.
-Okay, very good. I show some picture to all of you and
guess what is the answer. Are you ready?
-Yes sir, we are ready.
(students participate in the short activity)
-Okay, very good class. Now I really see that all of you
are ready to listen. Are you ready in our discussion for
-Yes, Sir.

-Our discussion for today is all about natural hazard,

mitigation and adaptation. But before we proceed, let
me ask all of you. What comes to your mind if you
heard a word natural hazard?
- The effect of natural disaster.
-Okay, Very good. All of the answer is correct so let
me discuss what is natural hazard.

What is Natural Hazard? - A natural hazard is the

threat of an event that will likely have a negative
(explaining what is natural hazard)

-In natural hazard, we discuss 4 natural disasters that

bring us a threat in our life. All of those are earthquake,
tsunami, landslide and volcanic eruption.

-Let’s start to earthquake, class what is your idea about

-Sir, shaking of the ground.
-Okay, very good class. Let me discuss what is

What is Earthquake? -The minimal to rapid shaking

of the ground due to the movement of rocks along
fractures known as faults.
(explaining what is earthquake)

-In this miniature, let we see the natural hazard of

earthquake when hits a specific places. Who wants to
-Sir, let me try.
(student demonstrate what will happen during
-What did you observe class?
-The building collapsing through the ground.
-Okay, very good class. I see that you observe what will
happen during earthquake. So that is a natural hazard of

-Next, let me discuss about tsunami. Class, what is your

idea about tsunami?
-Sir, it’s a big wave in the ocean.
-Okay, very good class. All of your answer is correct,
so let me discuss what is tsunami.

What is tsunami? -Also called harbor wave, is an

earthquake hazard that is generated when earthquakes
occur on the seafloor.
(explaining the tsunami)

-Class, let me show you the tsunami in this model.

What will happen if the tsunami will hit in the land?

-The wave can wreck all the buildings and

-What else class?
-Many people can harm in this natural disaster
because this type of disaster is a threat in our
-Okay very good class. All of you observe the natural
hazard of tsunami.
-Next on the list is landslide, class what is your idea
about landslide?
-Sir, landslide is collapsing of soil.
-Okay, very good class. I see that you have idea about
landslide, so let me discuss about landslide.

What is Landslide- Landslide may occur as a result of

broken off pieces of land.
(explaining the landslide)

-In this miniature, let we see the natural hazard of

landslide. Class, who wants to try?
-Sir, let me try. (student demonstrate what will
happen during landslide)
-Class what did you observe, what will happen?
-The object in the miniature buried.
-Okay, very good class. You see what will happen
during landslide.

-Next that we discussed, is a volcanic eruption. Class

what is your idea about volcanic eruption?
-The event when the volcano explodes.
-Very good class, all of your answer is correct. So, I
notice that all of you have idea in volcanic eruption. So
let me discuss the volcanic eruption.

What is Volcanic Hazard? -Explosive volcanic

eruptions release pyroclastic flows and materials that
are considered to pose the greatest threat.

-In this miniature, let we see the natural hazard of

volcanic eruption. Class who wants to try?
-Sir, let me try this one. (student demonstrate
what will happen during volcanic eruption)
-Class, what did you observe?
-There have explosion and hit in the object of
the miniature.
-Okay very good class, that’s a natural hazard of
volcanic eruption. So, next let me discuss the mitigation
and adaptation.

What is mitigation? - Mitigation is the reduction of

something harmful or the reduction of its harmful
effects. (explaining the mitigation)

What is adaptation? - Adaptation is an adjustment of

human to their environment in order to improve their
chances at survival in that environment.(explaining the

-Did you learn in our discussion class?

-Yes Sir.
-Okay, thank you. There have a question?
-None, Sir.
-Now, let we proceed in group activity.

In your group activity, I group all of you into 4 groups.
Pick what natural disaster that you make a disaster
preparedness plan. I give 10 minutes to make your
disaster preparedness plan and after that choose a
student every group who wants to explain the disaster


What I need? What I do?

Content/Details- 50%
Explanation- 25%
Neatness of Output- 25%
Total- 100%
-Class, did you learn in your activity?
-Yes sir, now we know how to make a disaster
preparedness plan.
-Okay, very good. Why is it important to prepare
yourself when the natural disaster hits your
-To less the effect and risk of a natural disaster
-Okay, I hope that you learned in our discussion.

-I give you two minutes to review your notes, let’s have

a seatwork.

I think all of you already understood our topic, Get ¼
sheet of paper and answer the following.

1. A _______ is a negative impact and threat in our life

when natural disaster comes?

2. This natural hazard are also called harbor wave?

3. A _______ may occur as a result of broken off

pieces of land.

4. _______ is an adjustment of human to their

environment in order to improve their chances at
survival in that environment.

5. What is the meaning of Philvolcs?

In the next meeting, please submit the following:

1. What is typhoon?

2. What are the difference of typhoon, cyclone and


3. Explain how the storm will form?

4. What will cause of typhoon when it strike in your


-Please pass your assignment in our next meeting, so I

hope that you learn in our discussion.
-Yes Sir Nico, we will pass the assignment
next meeting.
-So see you till next meeting, goodbye class.
-Goodbye Sir Nico.

Prepared by:

Mr. Nico Sanyver B. Agravante

Student Teacher

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