IIT Madras Syllabus PDF

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Syllabus of Statistics

1. Introduction and type of data, Types of data, Descriptive and Inferential statistics, Scales of
2. Describing categorical data Frequency distribution of categorical data, best practices for graphing
categorical data, Mode and median for categorical variable.
3. Describing numerical data Frequency tables for numerical data –
a. Measures of central tendency - Mean, median and mode, Quartiles, and percentiles.
b. Measures of dispersion - Range, variance, standard deviation and IQR, five number summary.
4. Association between two variables –
a. Association between two categorical variables - Using relative frequencies in contingency
b. Association between two numerical variables - Scatterplot, covariance, Pearson correlation
coefficient, Point bi-serial correlation coefficient.
5. Basic principles of counting and factorial concepts - Addition rule of counting, Multiplication rule of
counting, Factorials
6. Permutations and combinations
7. Probability Basic definitions of probability, Events, Properties of probability
8. Conditional probability - Multiplication rule, Independence, Law of total probability, Bayes’ theorem
9. Random Variables - Random experiment, sample space and random variable, Discrete and
continuous random variable, Probability mass function, Cumulative density function
10. Expectation and Variance - Expectation of a discrete random variable, Variance, and standard
deviation of a discrete random variable
11. Binomial and poisson random variables - Bernoulli trials, Independent and identically distributed
random variable, Binomial random variable, Expectation and variance of abinomial random variable,
Poisson distribution.
12. Introduction to continous random variables - Area under the curve, Properties of pdf, Uniform
distribution, Exponential distribution

Syllabus of Mathematics I
1. Set Theory - Number system, Sets and their operations, Relations and functions - Relations and their
types, Functions and their types.
2. Rectangular coordinate system, Straight Lines- Slope of a line, Parallel and perpendicular lines,
Representations of a Line, General equations of a line, Straight-line fit
3. Quadratic Functions - Quadratic functions, Minima, maxima, vertex, and slope, Quadratic Equations
4. Algebra of Polynomials - Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, Algorithms
5. Graphs of Polynomials - X-intercepts, multiplicities, end behavior, and turning points, Graphing &
polynomial creation
6. Functions - Horizontal and vertical line tests, Exponential functions, Composite functions, Inverse
7. Logarithmic Functions - Properties, Graphs, Exponential equations, Logarithmic equations
8. Sequence and Limits- Function of One variable –
a. Function of one variable
b. Graphs and Tangents
c. Limits for sequences
d. Limits for function of one variable
e. Limits and Continuity
9. Derivatives, Tangents and Critical points –
a. Differentiability and the derivative
b. Computing derivatives and L’Hˆopital’s rule
c. Derivatives, tangents and linear approximation
d. Critical points: local maxima and minima
10. Integral of a function of one variable –
a. Computing areas, Computing areas under a curve
b. The integral of a function of one variable
c. Derivatives and integrals for functions of one variable
11. Graph Theory - Representation of graphs, Breadth-first search, Depth-first search, Applications of BFS
and DFS
12. Directed Acyclic Graphs - Complexity of BFS and DFS, Topological sorting
13. Longest path, Transitive closure, Matrix multiplication Graph theory Algorithms - Single-source
shortest paths, Dijkstra's algorithm, Bellman-Ford algorithm, All-pairs shortest paths, Floyd–Warshall
algorithm, Minimum cost spanning trees, Prim's algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm
Syllabus of Python

1. Introduction to Python
a. Variables
b. Basic Types: String, Integer, Float and Boolean
c. Operators and Expressions
d. Basic Input-Output: print and input functions
e. Strings in Detail: Slicing, Indexing, Methods: count, replace and index
2. Conditional Statements: if, if-else, if-elif-else, Nested blocks
3. Loops:
a. for and while loops,
b. Nested loops, range function,
c. Formatted printing: f-strings and format method.
4. Lists: append and remove methods, Basic sorting and searching, Nested lists (matrices), Matrix
addition and multiplication
5. Functions: Function definitions, Function calls, Matrix multiplication using functions.
6. Collections: Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries
7. Recursion: Introduction to recursion, Binary search
8. File handling:
a. Opening and closing a file,
b. Modes: read and write mode,
c. Methods: readline, write

Syllabus of Computational Thinking

1. Variables, Initialization, Iterators, Filtering, Datatypes, Flowcharts, Sanity of data

2. Iteration, Filtering, Selection, Pseudocode, Finding max and min, AND operator.
3. Multiple iterations (non-nested), Three prizes problem, Procedures, Parameters, Side effects, OR
4. Nested iterations, Birthday paradox, Binning
5. List, Insertion sort
6. Table, Dictionary
7. Graph, Matrix
8. Adjacency matrix, Edge labelled graph.
9. Backtracking, Tree, Depth First Search (DFS), Recursion
10. Object oriented programming, Class, Object, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Information hiding, Access
11. Message passing, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Cache memory, Parallelism, Concurrency, Polling,
Preemption, Multithreading, Producer Consumer, Atomicity, Consistency, Race condition, Deadlock,
12. Top-down approach, Bottom-up approach, Decision tree, Numerical prediction, Behaviour analysis,

Syllabus of English

1. Reading comprehension (2x2= 4 Marks)

• Candidates will be given a text, usually taken from books, magazines, or newspapers. for the
reading test on reading. A variety of questions including multiple choice and identifying
information as true or false will be used.
2. Listening ability (3x2= 6 Marks)
• The listening section will consist of an audio sample which could either be a conversation
between two speakers or a monologue. A variety of questions including multiple choice and
identifying information as true or false will be used.
3. Structure of language (10x 1= 10 Marks)
• The section consists of questions based on grammar and usage.
4. Writing well (1x5= 5 Marks)
• The writing test consists of one task which requires the learners to write at least 200 words
on a given topic.

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