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According to a 2021 analysis from the Digital 2021 Global Overview, there are currently 4.

9 billion active
internet users globally. This implies that roughly two-thirds of the world's population has access to the
internet and consequently to mass media. Did you know that in the United States, the typical individual
spends over 11 hours a day consuming various kinds of media? That's over half of our whole working
hours. With such a wider range of audience, the ideas delivered by mass media have the capacity to
inculcate the values of a whole population. And surely, they play the most substantial role in building
values in human.


Respected chairman, esteemed panel of judges, fellow debaters an august gathering. Assalamulaikum
and a very pleasant day to all of you, Today, we have met on this auspicious Birsreshtho Mustafa
Auditorium to experience a thought-provoking debate contest and the subject that is being argued is,
"Does the mass media play the most important role in creating values for human?" Yes is the
unambiguous answer, and I as the first speaker of the competition am going to establish that mass
media play the most important role in creating values in human with sophisticated justifications and
substantiated references.

2nd part:

Let's start with some definitions. By evaluating the topic, we gain two significant things; one is the mass
media and the second values in human. When we say "mass media," according to Oxford definition is
the primary techniques of mass communication, such as broadcasting, publishing and the internet,
considered collectively. It may be taken as a collective name for multiple platforms and channels that
allow information and messages to be transmitted to a broad audience, independent of geographical or
social barriers. We are referring to any type of communication that reaches a big audience, such as
television, newspapers, and the Internet. And when we say "values in human," according to the Oxford
language, we are talking about the belief or judgment of what’s good or wrong in life that determine our
actions and behaviors. As humans, we are not simply basic creatures of biological impulses, but we are
also characterized by our ideals. Our values influence our ideas, direct our behaviors, and ultimately
determine who we are as people and as a community. They are the cornerstone of our relationships, our
communities, and our development. Thus, it is vital that we acknowledge the role of values in human
growth and work to sustain them in all parts of our life, including the media we consume and
According to a 2021 report by the Digital 2021 Global Overview, there are now 4.9 billion active
internet users worldwide. This means that nearly two-thirds of the world's population has access to
the internet and therefore to mass media. Did you know that in the United States, the average person
spends over 11 hours a day consuming some form of media? That's almost half of our entire waking

With such a large audience, the messages conveyed by mass media have the power to shape the
values of an entire population. And undoubtedly, they play the most important role in creating values
in human

Most respected chairman, judicious panel of judges and august gatherings, Assalamualaikum and I
welcome you all to this auspicious Birsreshtho Mustafa auditorium where you are witnessing the inter
house English debate competition for the year 2023 and the topic for the debate is: the mass media
play the most important role in creating values in human. As the first speaker of the session, I will
speak for the motion and shall prove that mass media plays the most important role in creating values
in human.

Let's start with some definitions. By analyzing the topic, we get two major things; one is the mass
media and the second values in human. When we say "mass media," we are referring to any form of
communication that reaches a large audience, such as television, newspapers, and the Internet. And
when we say "values in human," according to the Oxford language, we are referring to the belief or
judgment of what’s right or wrong in life that shape our actions and behaviors.

But why should we believe that the mass media play the most important role in creating values in
humans? Firstly, the sheer reach of the mass media is unparalleled. A single tweet can reach millions
of people within seconds, and a news report can shape public opinion overnight. The mass media
have the power to shape the zeitgeist, the collective consciousness of society.

Think about it. The mass media has the power to influence our beliefs on everything from politics to
social issues to our personal values. It shapes our understanding of what is normal and acceptable,
and what is not.

Now, my esteemed opponents, let me ask you a question - if mass media has no impact on values,
then why do companies spend billions of dollars on advertising? The answer is simple - because it
works. Advertising is designed to create desire and influence behavior, and it does so by tapping into
our deepest values and desires.

Alongside that, the mass media are the gatekeepers of information. They decide what stories get told,
and what stories get buried. They have the power to shape our perception of reality, and by
extension, our values. If a particular issue is not covered by the media, it might as well not exist in the
public consciousness.For example, a study published in the Journal of Communication found that
media coverage of climate change has a significant impact on public opinion and support for climate
change policies.

So, my dear audience and opponents, I ask you this: Can you honestly deny the overwhelming
influence that the mass media has on shaping our values and beliefs? Can you claim that any other
factor plays a more critical role in creating our moral compass?

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