Chapter-Cotton Fiber (Riya, Affliated) PDF

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| ll +} Ertroduction The cuared cotton come From Arabia word “Kaban”. TL is called dhe king ah Athero. Coton dg the. backbone dl cuordd’s dexbile mack. Tt vo on hh the | ‘not Ympordort and widely produced agrécabtuscal. ond | Gmduotrtal. axops fn dhe word. | ¥ Dolantaal name. : Gossypium eA rnember & Mallow family ¥ Cotton Fiber 1s nadural ccbludosic chaple Liber, tt Geogiaphical. distribution d- some major cotton cublivated Coundhrcice Cotton Juke any agrculturcal product sia grecwn. rn about 20 dileunt aourttien world - wide. Wo wost Senporctant preoducera ane the $ollowing : 1. China 2 USA % India 4 Pakiodom 5. Uzbekiotan. 6. “Tusckeoy 7 Awiralia & Brazil 9. Greece 10. Argentina. 11. Tfyckmeniafan 4% Sgro | 4h Cultivation. ! ~ vation tlon. cds ae arop Shak recquircos adequate inciefwee. and heat Jo preoduee rate and good Fibera. Cotton 7s grown about 20 Counthriea . in a. bond that steelchea around ghe world behween datidudes 45 neath do 20 coudh. TE 16 @ crop Shek rcqpsirer ode- quate mesh. and hot fo produce matwe and good | Piles. Fore a good anop & cctlen 2a Jong sunny Gow- | ing season with at least 160 breost~ bree days and | plenty ok woter are required — tere ripening. “texehone, | the world’s coll area da Socaded mainly tn She Jreopics | and ¢ub-tropies. The cultivation. & eatton and She grow | ing condition awe not carne according fo the climates ‘and. fem perature ob dhe cultivation . f ( Cotton ball Figs \ Vg | Ke Environment a cotton aubtivalion + | i 4. Catton cullivation wnoinly Joke place im. ropioal and Sub tropical abimotes. Gunghine , heavy rainball,, higher. humididy "16 raqpived tor adlton culdivation.. 9. Subbieionk cumghine. while frost will Kil dhe plards. ; ’ 3. Catton plore con cunvive fn dry bit loask , auld - vation aan be dome in place there ron ball se 20" to Go" pat year. te Neeassuy hore awldivation 4. Trreigaction Jo enenaary when rainboll uy Ina. # Growing ot cotton i 4. The colton seede ore, voually shown: ly amachine tn cordinuoue otream Fn row dhree to Pour ap ee 2. Tuo weeko later uso eaves appear on dhe plant, 2 When the plarda are 0 bew inaheo high , dhe raws rnuat be thinned by cudbling out the undesired plants (chopping). feat five on. She. weelta Jeter, » the break Howor appears | | | | | 5 At eight to nine weeks She bot blower blcom | GL db deaving ball begina to develep- 6. Flower 4 Seed hhobree aot Jo grow inside dhe bolls. Pore. linglh and podrneder achicved, | B. Fore 16-18 days: poised inde, 2. Fore dhe net 92-0 clays, cellsece 4¢ de the Fiber. do. When calulose. deposition. olops, the oll dry ond | aracks do open 11, Trove bells axe picked up manually on by machine. | “FRia picking period da cordinue bon 1-3 mordha. a2.7ron ginning 1 done do collet the colon. | fibres. 13. sorely do vnill on bak. 4 Organically greawn Catt. --— 7 Organic Laxmen Wwe biologically ~ haved other shan | ahemically dependent growing system fo reals the crrops mony aonverdional fanmem oe reacting to Cotton « While ynany conventional barmesa reaiae fhe cnops cotton: While go dhe ecological dinortdex areated ley rnono- ae reacting wa on preverding problems culture, organic Karmuen bees bebore they caw: by boawsing om managing rothoc | ghar compladely eliminating troublesome | weeda and nseeks , organic. tanrem ave able fo 'mointain. eco: Jogicak balonee and preolect; dhe onvironmnent, , ae Horvesking Howesting do either by picking extends over .seve real weebs . In preneiple, id hao the advantages dha only the fully ripened balls | ane collected and 7° eats axe tneluded . A machine | Picking wil uaually hasiveat the vihole arops' In sone panoage. tt has a dendancy to ‘4melude come: unrdpe. belle’ dugethen wikh various qpardition ob dead lesbo, ond other pllard pods . Alex dotten ts < haxveated the: | hand on. by rmae hines . Hand —_—___—} | Collen, boll uo then token to a gin ; which epareales She Phew ror he seed. We fiben Jo then packaged the seed Jo fore people Into \ualen weighing alist 500 pounds. preeaaed Tato oil, weed In preoceaaed Goode wed hore bed Jo Siveokeely. “tuo type? and cilcoke dle. picker 4) Cebton ck mechanical lhonveading + 1) Spm Sticipporc. Catton Biber axe. pleked beara plant Yr dso ways * T)Monual and Tl) Mechanical. - | t.Manuol: It meano hand pieling , where ripe and unripe | Peds can be collected sepanalely and ctcake well and iat dhe Same dime dilkowrt Yoraign roohertiak ond dirct | dhs say production is Low about 100 ane aveided - By to/day [rman with seeds, ir. whieh 25% dint —aotton. (bes) land 65% ceeds. Mechanical Roce + Whore rnachine is wed to agllect Pou) 4rcom plarls, “There is No Choice ob picking rape. amd unripe ball . And at dhe same time dint, chalk and , diifoeend ynakerial axe colleched together . Buc | | production {6 high about 600 Th/howe Iivaahine, gougertc Hoxveoled Gallon: Organic adllon Ja dele » hand espenioly tn developing aourdicies , Without the une. icked. king alo muon Sum tk doboliands or machinery « Hond piel wade. X Drying: TH dhe newly harverted ceed- Colton 15 wer and ove fo be dited by using wax oan 4n Loge pile fo vsoik bore te am Irdegral pod: dhen dt may h bebone ik con be shored ginning - Tn rong apurdktion , drying ab de ginning procera. AF Ginning | Ginning 18 dhe procon of sepaxaling he eatton Fibew jhe colfon seeds. A’ gin", short for the word engine", the gin yusk aloo be equipped fo ‘laine foweeign rnatter ndtetuce and othoc aondaminarts. Parbect ginning operation wrowld be potbermed if dhe separition. | ab dbew bom Seed War elbected without he’ shighttent | | Injury do ctor seeds ore do She ‘tbe. | From * Objecks a ginning ‘ ® To depocale, Fhe fully heer tds! seeds. © To‘ collock ceeds and waske to : © To collook fibre, wsthout any Pawlte °To separate. ushdle fiber. | “ll Types. bs Ginmning | Noi a days , dhe ‘cotton Anduetrey haa been developed and audomaled , greater production than he previous . The Saw Girs have been algo developed and automated and they ate Following : | 4. Saw Ginning ‘ | a. Knife Roller Gin [ Rolle _ ginning 3. Ma carly Ginning | Macarthy ginxing 5 aloo ob three dypes which ane os Follows +, i. Single: aching Marasdhy Gin ii. Double acting Nacastly: Gin iis Double rallex Macalhy Grin / Double Roller Cin 4. Saw Gitmming Tr caw gfrming cireoulan caw revolves by one. Shalt the cleaning ck cotlon % good tn Gaw ginning but bee breakage Cain cut) fs too high - Saw gin fs waed + Aftiaan ond Polish alton. The Pye Amerciean , Weak dice rurbec & Saw gin tg 40-400 and produclion ogpa- eidy dia 100 - 4000 bg /hre ‘ Fig: Saw ginning ae ¥ Procedure cb oon cin ©The cat with ceed ts stoned tr hopper teedere by Feed table on oir flow. © Spiked rollere throws the aaten with ceed on wid bac- othe caw decth dise. porinits Jo ondry ob Seed Pree, Fiber, through sho hole & bax. etre empty path ot boxe (both permits do ortry dhe Fibres buk nok Seeds. 0 Te separated seeds fall on aonveyors. © The Jink Colton ane separated trom saw death by preope. atre How. © “the cepaxated Link cotton Sn Juans porded by cides of saw tedh) Conveyor pipe: 4k Difference belween yeollete and Sew Siirming t Roller ginning Saw ginnin 9 The rollec gin Wy used Pore bongo subt ob hows. As example Pima and up- Jane cotlon. 1)The SAW gin vio Used mainly tor Short and rnedium length collon. Ae example. Thar and Qkicleni Cotton. 2) Rallex gimnirg da a. glower process. 3 Tt 's coskly. 4 Less Fibere damage . 5) Used Lenglh and lengsh uniboramidy 7 Fineness and malurdly walio 7 Colowe (dogree ob whilenes | gellowmess) > Ceantiness trash content, Non -Iind) > Nops and sticknoes grading ne ¥ pilberent dypes ad ston Gwading System , oe | Indion / nah |Eqyption / 1. Middling fai, | 4. Supex Cele. , 4. Extra Fine, 2. Sticiet Good Middling. 9. @hotee., 1hO' perttnd 2, Good Middling. 2. Super fine, | 2. Good a 4. Glide Middling 4. Fine, A: Good Batre 5, Middling 5+ Fully Good , 2 Faire. | sat low Middl PY | 6. Strdet low Middling ¢ Good, 4. Low Middling % Fully Good faire. 8. Strdiet Giood Ondinaxy / | 9. Good Ordinary. S Ht Closcitiealion a Gatton bers ¥0lo Tedlon a Callen of Se vhasis as Sea Islord CAton : O Thin Uo dhe highest quality and Hy mest valuchle A ol Aomnexctal eden. on dhe acadt ade Gulb ad Frida. no Tt grow whew the Paxbados and in other adtacert talands alinale io favorable. n The average Jength A Shece Plorua 5 about 2° (51ynm) The diameere a Tt ag be used for spinning, courts os high 0% 4/700 (200°) . pn Specibie gravily 1-5 gm Jon® Ja 1/1500 inch (0.01%mm), Ron th uniberemily , mahouty and a Db ub famouse | ustec. daist and sdtten. highly eveleped | b Tis eolowt Je while de cream, i i — ln Ee gyn Caller po Tivx ane two Kinds od Egyptian Gclors... dine: xcouen amd aber wa White - nuke teateland ection verge trovnatwe, Om dead f tae average bemth do 4.5-135%nch (38- 44rnm) about 4/1500 inch (0.017 mm) gular and coritains few bp The diawdex is b Specitie gravily 1-5gm /om* 6 Tt can be, spun as 1/200 (00%) count. But while Kagyghin Shon Vy 20 antlon ao not suidable bere acunts higher: 2 South Amerioan actlon 1 “Thig has a hope c- 4- 1.5 inch (25-28)mm an diamder. & Alito meh [00 195m) no Tt hes a me quilable Yor mizing wilh regenerated o Td ds very ‘man Mace Tiber. cu Hocan be Spun 40's ® Mmercean Uplond Callan a This dy aullivaled Gn dhe Uniled States. nits staple lenglh. 46 0.9-4.95 meh (29 22t0m) and She. diameter uy 1/1900 (0.021 mre) a dt has god matical. colour. n Th aon rok be used tere dhe ordvoraly Hre courds. oT can be spun as 0's. 5) Indian Colton |p This vis short biber ob 0.6-o.8inch (15-201) in Length | nit is Ahowkere only suitable bon sptoning coarser counds. china Collen a this is Jowest commercially acceptable grade, a Tre staple lenglh is ob 0.5-0.4 inch (13-4¢mm) a tts twist fs not highly developed and rather than hawsh. ot ts notcuttable bore spinning a goed. Yarn and us ually used in matvture cwidh oeter.' qualities, us 4 Clacsiticalion ob Coll on dhe basis a length According 40 denglh . cotton is classbied og bollowing taple + tay fae Fine, Luchuxows and Top qualify colton. 30mm to 635% fn length. 10-15 amienons in diameer. Count - 11-18 dlex (0.99- 1.69 den) Evomple - Sea. Island aatton , | Cettons. 5) Medium taple « Eqyption ond American Pima Medium atremgth » Medium Justine , Bulk the world arop, Lengdh - 25mm to 28.6 mm Diawraher 12-43 nigrams Example - American upland and Poruyian dupes. Court ~ 14-42 doe (4.26- 1.98 den) _| ©) Shad dap 4 oluenglh , Low grade Qoansert libre , Low vo oe Jithle — luchwe . Lenglh- 10mm to QA rnn Diamton - 13-04 mhatans (1-35- 2-64) den | Counk~ 4.5-29 dex. (4.35-261)den | Exargle- ‘Indion and Aeiadie. callon and sore paruvian | Color . | | | st Chemical aompositon d- raw aallon Component Main lealion Pilodive orount | (n) Cdliclose. Seeondany wall 20 - 90% | oiland waxes | Cutie 05-44% feehing Framary usall OL Lee [OS miaptfil = — Packohydirale Primary wsall ost Proteins Lumen | Od Salis Lurnen 4.0% Water. | 6-2% Others 2.0 te More bay d- Calon Fibere | ¥ Mooro -Stiudbune of octlen bibore / The wricnoscope véew od the single calton Biber ledks like aduicted ribbon ore at cdllapsed tuisled dube. These tuict ort Convolution prepety rnakes ab dled trom othe Bibra. | Te anocs section db tho colton Fibers undere She mmierosc ope | to raborred do os being Kidney shaped , this shape oceuns dom the trward collapse ob dhe cotton Moor when Jt dices out wile ctl attached to us Seed. The anes = seen — casang-oomiibisiiilampcne - ae anee —. —~ sertion vades ‘m Gls Kidney shape: ageorcding “Lo ‘provid an Yndedtion & dhe ralative dimensions d+ dhe Lumen and fbn walls. Prcarrasty wall | \ Longidudi nal View | male immature — dead nerceutized Fig: a)Crcoss-seclional view , b) Longitudinal view db cation. SE Miero- strudune a eaten vail . ela wail Fig: Hard sketeh of cotton = 4 Cw elo, o The cuderarest — Jayer ol . i yer cl cabton Js ki i tsa. thin lm ot bate , piulies od ee the ardiel and) Te wary redue. d- dhe autice enables if do adhere, fo, dhe, primo well db She bbe | Joractously pm frock ahi d+ his cle we prdics dhe rt | oh dhe Yew. aginst aherieal and other degrading / aged: a i | | | + Pdrnany cell wall | | 5 Immediately undacnesth, dhe udicle, the prtmary aly all. ig Composed rnainly dh very dime Hhraad d elulose | Called Hbrdk) im Which dhe fiber, ares pala. o In primary cdl wall de the cotton bibre, Yor bybrils oe | about 20mm Shia, but Teele Jenglh to yet unknown: ool wal is about | 2.00 nm thick. ¢ The Vibrils sptreal at about F0°e ‘fo the bbre axig. athe cpiraling imparts elrungth Jo the | prinrarg cot wall and ene 30 dre bibreé.. ane _quranged an a. estiss- o The primary | e The primoxy cll csall can loo, visualized 04 0 Sheath & spirdoling Hbrils. € Secondary cll wall. Borcath dhe primary wall, secondary uso. de Composed Ok aalludeee whieh pert 93 m dan be doleched 0 0. Jr ning ab she Jumen and Jf rconsh J | he SIS | adjecrn! colt J i a and dhe proteins deraved fiom She | | a the ynincral dyemg up al- Sho coll. 3k Lumen. othe hollow ammral ¢ { core oh a ; \ as dhe men. ellon bers Us Known | } | Tae ints trace | | | epincals ad dhe cecondany All wal: ayers ob | eo It wa Yul ob all cap, whieh be sdiee 4 | a djude, aqucous eplution of prodeins , Sugars, minerals , . menert | and coll- woke products. | eS Ir Creystal and fro phous Struct use. Cotton jb a enystallin bler, tn hich 70% crystalline and 20% amonphous wegion bs priverct. Most oy She exll- | dose molecules ane astanged fn Lenco pacallal and regularly and some molecules ane aucanged in Jénear | Poxallel ond rugulady and some rnolecules exited in the polymer system ch acklon » Space between | | two consequence. enyslalline reegions is 0.5 mm. | | Ordenttation d- polymet chain ob urdteated cotton fiber © |4s poort because fhe rniero Pibrile othe ceoondary lorded tm te eteep pirat (25-30°) fo the are disord- “wall axe 0 [Phere axis. Crystal pugton — Amorphous reegion Figt Creystal and Amonphows region inside odlutose tole. | H Polymocte Grurcho a. Catton : : 7 , the cotlon polymer dy a Nirear, celludose polymer. “The reeopling unik in dhe cotln palyraee viz eullubioce whieh consishs ch dwo glucose units . The, calton poly mex ot about 5000 cellubiose units, that us, dite degree. ct polymenisalion ds abaik 5000. TE is a Very dong » Linear polymer, abait 5000 in Jongh ond about adem Shick. The vnosk important cherieal groupings, yo xg! gioup® On - OH en de. colton polymers ae dhe hh “These ave also present 04 mbhglal groups ore aonsishs greoups « ~CH,OH. Cotton is & eryshallineg bibre. H's polymere csyplem Ws hou 65-70% onyslabline and correspondingly rephous. “The colton pelyineis axe, ty about 25-20% ore dhe main, well orierde than 0.5nm, in dhe anys, d and probably no Yebber’ aparch talline reegions- | H OH CHAOH Callulose Struckure + Physical pieperction of- ealton t-Lenjth : Length o& actlon bbe vartes brom 40 mm do 65 wy depending upon tho type db agllon. Q5 rom Egyption cotton 38-44 Example ! Trdian colton - 16- | tom » Gea Tslond - 26-92mm. 2 Tensile Sdnevgth + Coton ibore is fairly among nabusal Mbexs $n relation do donaciky which is 3- 2-5gim /den. Ths textile sibreenglh te balveen wool and cilk tibre. - “put when colton ts In wet chate bonpile gkrangth Js | 3.66.09" Iden. ok: Th hes Jow adension at break | 2,Elogetion ot bre | wihich Jb Bo | 4. Elastic recovery: Recoverty hicorm dobormation eal Ubow, yom or babrie. Geom applied load is | vory low At 2% oxkension , A hos an elastic recovery ih 44% ak Of éotension clastic’ recovery is 45%. This | preopetly aan be Gmproved by = a: Chemical treatment to. frnpreve ‘anease Wecovery, but dhe preablem tS the materials beaome haxshere due to chanical freealmerch, b, blending ore rotixing ab catton with olaste bbe, Og: polyertare» blend alto depends on dhe end use. of tho. fabric. 5, Cross- Section: Arcos - Section al aallon Uber is Kidney Shope» The oll wall Js rather Shin and the Jumen oeoupies about dwo dhird ch the erdire breadth verry prominent in pdlaxized Itght- Fibne. When mnérceardzed« and shows up rraog Section becorney ‘ound o. EWeek ce mmotglwes “The calle bibre Js very absor- fort, owing. do the courdless polax - OH gioups in ths | these. athrock woterc rndecules, which ane also | ctu, regain A B9% under average | | polymers and moisture Tegain 26-93% under | polar. Tt has @ rho humidity aonditions 400% hurntdity cf Specibic 'gravidy * 2. Resilleney : Resilloney ob action Js Low. Specibic gravity is, 1.546 . 2. @, : —_§ olowt.! Colour cb- aston could be White, eneomy White Yyelouich while oic gay: AP Chertoal. Propedics a- aoilon Le Elbeeks de alkalis: “the btbre. one rostsdtant cko jal Kalig ond — axe Cornpastalively unalterled by yonmal Jaunden- tng. The ywsislonee is ecgute. ch dhe lock ob allrackon | between the cotton polymaes and alKalfs. o. Ebbeot cb acids * Cotton cia. “witakend’-‘davd dealnoyed toy aeids. Acid hydrolyze She cotlon palyrnw. ak dhe glycosidic. oxygen atorn which connecks the. Jwo uate units Jo born See collobiose unit. Mineral | acids being . stronge Shon organi acids wsill hydro lyse She cectlon — polyra . mnorte ; | Eltect of Bleaches: The vnask common bleaches a | on cation “fertile ‘natervial, | ate | codiurn , hypoello ie umn potborcale cit quickly . and 60 staat eclph tae Be wba omba hays a cunlight Provide photo ahereal enwrigy while} dhe Fria. - red Ways provide heat anwigy ess ential do dogracle the colton polymers in the preessue, abe odmogpheric oxygen » mmoledure and aire polludords “the laveakdown ok polgmaxs Jakes place hiecugh dilverse | ysis reactions » ‘the beginning degradation 6 noltoed sc coloration » Fading ob cclorud eotton | | Wnydicel Fas a slight fibre d Jorlile in poscially because She breakdown ob dhe dye sendecules tn the Hbeds polgmen ayskem, 5. Qslore Faskness + Collen us easy to dye and prénk, | auses Ch dye Lhieh,. nay be used +o colore | the cl | ootton oe azdie dinect reackive., sulphux and vat | dyes. 6. Mildew + Colton Je damaged by bung. Heat and daw. | Twas Suipporct fro. growth ob: ynildew. The Sungi produce a chemical compound ‘which the powere chk changing calulose do glucose. The bonigt bead! or the male euler , ok sugar ation treated with aorgylo nihidle Js reals | dart do anidew. asllon, t Inseds : Moths and bectles do not change + End uses d colon © Colon fabrdes aormbine remarkable durability. saath dlractive weaning qualities » Caton tubnios: hove a pleasent’ feck on handle, They ace cool tn hot weather. © Cotton Can withakond repeated wuashings and iy thore- Gore. Sdeal. bore household goods ‘and qorments, « Cotkm aan be spun frto Hine yams and made, into ighk- woven babretes. Poplins, voiles and Hlaoneletes are made vn this way. « Collen in used tr greak quondity 06 0 babrta by hot ‘weather wears dt us able ,.to provide wourdh we well. ' © Cotten gaxmeriky |e. Shejteb or, comfadeble and mal passing on dhe perssplration rom the bedy tro the Surcrcounding aire.” ote absorbency cb cotlon maken Yoon eredledt yaa tore trowerhald Sabrdes Guch a6 chothe and rnale dowels too. © Coton dp Widely used in making rolnweor belortes., 0 Speotal. callular wesves aan be. wed $0 create Hn ole | alls dhak provide, wourdh. othe, vousatility ch actlon has rade vit drdo she mast used ch alk dexbile fibers. Catton by rade tréo vit and hhousechdld tabries. Id goes tata Wooks and shees » annpels and curtains, clothing and als, Heavy eatlon yore and roenals ax used bon qrapees » karpauling and Industrial Widely evry type gore ctype ands and m fabrics ob all dosrtiption.

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