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Italma Garcia Maya

Dr. Xeriland
EDUC 3315
January 29, 2023

Class Discussion#1- Three Teaching Philosophies

1) Behaviorism is a learning philosophy in which analysis is based on behavior and then
giving them rewards. Take for example Pavlov’s dog. This researcher conducted an
experiment with dogs and any time he would ring a bell the dogs would react and
depending on their response they would get a reward.
2) Constructivism is a philosophy in which educators as well as students construct on their
knowledge. So in this theory one doesn’t stop learning, most students continue to use
their basic knowledge and are actively improving upon that.
3) Humanism is another teaching philosophy in which educators actually use their feelings
to better enhance the teaching process. This philosophy has educators bring the good in
their students and teach them to be better people.

Out of the three teaching philosophies mentioned above my personal favorite is Constructivism.
The reason I would love to implement this in my field is because my content area is English.
Many students will find this subject boring but if I am able to provide them with the effective
reading strategies as well as writing strategies they can later transfer those to other subject areas.
Not only that but we would have students become less frustrated in their learning process.

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