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Aptitude assignment

Speed, Time and Distance
Name - Ajrudeen Alam
Roll no. – (GF/2020/6894)
Important formulas and tricks

1. Speed = Distance/Time
2. Distance = speed * Time
3. Time = Distance /Speed
4. Average speed = Total distance /total time
5. Speed of (A) : Speed of (B) = √𝑦 :√𝑥
6. Conversion (meter / second) to (Km/h) = m/sec *18/5 = Ans
7. Conversion (Km/h) to (meter/sec.) = Km/h*5/18 = Ans
8. Trick for train questions, Distance = length of train +length of tunnel +length of
platform +length of bridge

Q 1. A boy increases his speed to 9/5 times of his original speed. By this he reaches
his school 30 minutes before the usual time. How much time does he takes usually?

Sol. In this question we have to find how much time he takes usually

Hare distance in first case is same as distance in second case

Let’s consider (S) is the original speed and (T) is original time taken


S1*T1 (usual speed ) = S2*T2 (fast speed)

S1*T1 = 9/5*S * (T-30)

5T= 9T-270


T=67.5 minutes

Q 2. Pratik travels 96 kms at a speed of 16 km/h using a bike, 124 kms at 31 km/h by
car and another 105 kms at 7 km/h in horse cart. Then, find his average speed for the
entire distance travelled?
Sol. Here we can use avg speed formula to solve this question

Avg Speed = Total Distance / Total Time

Total Distance = 96+124+105= 325 Km

Total Time = T1 + T2 + T3

T.T = 96/16+124/31+105/7 = 25 H

Avg Speed = T.D/T. T = 325/25 = 13 Km/Hr

Q3. 9) A walks from Jammu to Delhi and at the same time B starts walking from Delhi
to Jammu. After passing each other, they complete their journeys in 361 hours and
289 hours, respectively. Find the ratio of speed of A to that of B?

Sol. In this question we can use 5th formula

Speed of (A) : Speed of (B) = √𝑦 :√𝑥

Here x= 361

Y= 289

Sp(A)/Sp(B) = √𝑦 /√𝑥 = √289 /√361

= 17/19 Ans

Q4. A train running at the speed of 120 km/hr. It crosses a certain pole that is in
the way in 6 seconds. what is the length of the train?

Sol. Here t = 6 sec.


We know that D = S*T

D = 6*120*5/18

D = 200 m

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