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Roll No. Name ER No.

222361 Sumeet Dhumal 2200430181

222362 Varad Madake 2200430186

222361 Akshay Ghagare 2200430180
There are several reasons why an e-billing system using VB.NET can be beneficial for
businesses. Here are some potential rationales:

 Increased Efficiency: An e-billing system can significantly reduce the time and effort
required for billing processes. By automating invoice generation and tracking,
businesses can eliminate manual data entry errors and reduce the time spent on

 Improved Customer Experience: E-billing systems can provide customers with a

faster, more convenient way to receive and pay invoices. Customers can receive
invoices instantly via email or web portal, reducing the risk of lost or delayed
invoices. Additionally, customers can easily track their payment history and view
outstanding balances, enhancing transparency and reducing customer complaint.

 Cost Savings: An e-billing system can help businesses save on printing, mailing, and
postage costs associated with paper invoices. By reducing these expenses, businesses
can improve their bottom line and invest in other areas of the business.

 Enhanced Security: An e-billing system can provide businesses with a more secure
way to process and store billing information. By utilizing encryption and other
security measures, businesses can reduce the risk of data breaches and protect
customer information.

 Scalability: An e-billing system can be easily scaled to accommodate the needs of

growing businesses. As the volume of invoices increases, businesses can easily add
more resources to handle the increased workload.

 Customizability: VB.NET is a highly customizable programming language, which

means that businesses can tailor their e-billing system to meet their specific needs.
This can include custom invoice templates, automatic tax calculations, and
integrations with other software systems.

 Integration with Payment Gateways: E-billing systems can be integrated with a

variety of payment gateways, allowing customers to pay invoices online using credit
cards, PayPal, and other payment methods. This can improve cash flow and reduce
the risk of late payments.

In summary, an e-billing system using VB.NET can provide businesses with a wide range of
benefits, from improved efficiency and cost savings to enhanced security and compliance. By
automating and streamlining their billing processes, businesses can improve their bottom line
and provide a better customer experience.

An e-billing system using VB.NET aims to provide businesses with a fast, secure, and cost-
effective way to manage their billing processes. The system automates invoice generation,
improves cash flow, enhances customer experience, and ensures data privacy and security.
The goal is to help businesses streamline their billing processes and improve their bottom


 Understanding of programming concepts

 System design and implementation skills
 Database management skills
 Understanding of security concepts
 Analytical and problem-solving skills
 Effective communication skills


The actual methodology followed in implementing an e-billing system using VB.NET can
vary depending on the specific requirements of the project. However, here is an overview of a
common methodology –
 Requirements Gathering: In this step, the project team meets with stakeholders to
identify the business requirements for the e-billing system. The team may use
interviews, surveys, and other techniques to gather information about the features,
functionality, and performance required for the system.

 Design: Once the requirements are gathered, the project team creates a design for the
e-billing system. The design includes the database schema, user interface, system
architecture, and any other technical details required for the system. The design
should be reviewed by stakeholders to ensure that it meets their needs.

 Development: In this step, the project team begins writing code to implement the
design. They use VB.NET to program the user interface, integrate with payment
gateways, and implement security features. The team should follow coding standards
and best practices to ensure that the code is maintainable and scalable.
 Testing: Once development is complete, the e-billing system is tested to ensure that it
meets the requirements and functions correctly. The testing may include unit testing,
integration testing, and user acceptance testing. The team should use automated
testing tools to help identify and fix any defects in the system.

 Deployment: After successful testing, the e-billing system is deployed to a production

environment and made available to the business and its customers. The team should
follow a deployment plan to ensure that the system is installed correctly and that any
necessary configurations are completed.

 Maintenance: Finally, the e-billing system requires ongoing maintenance to ensure

that it continues to function correctly and remains up to date with changes in business
requirements and technology. The team should provide support to users, fix any
defects that are reported, and make updates to the system as required.

By following this methodology, the project team can ensure that the e-billing system is
developed in a structured and organized way, and that it meets the requirements of the
business. It also helps to ensure that the system is reliable, maintainable, and scalable over


Sr. Name of Specification Quantity Remarks

No Resources
1. Computer Computer (i3-i5 1
System preferable), RAM
minimum 4 GB
2. Operating Windows 10 1
3. Software Microsoft Visual 1
Studio Code 2012
4. Database MS Access 1

OleDb Public
Class Form1
Dim uName, phone, amount As String
Dim Username, Password, password1,
username1 As String Dim dates, Time As
Dim plan1, plan2, plan3,
plan4 As String Dim rnd,
id, log As Integer
Dim random As
New Random()
Dim con As
EDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Asus\
Public Sub AllUserData() Try
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("Select * from BillsInfo", con)
Dim da As New
OleDbDataAdapter(cmd) Dim dt As
New DataTable() da.Fill(dt)
DataGridView1.DataSource = dt
Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage2
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

Public Sub InsertData()

Dim cmd1 As New OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO
[Amount],[Da te],[Time]) VALUES ('" & uName & "','" &
Label132.Text & "','" &
Label20.Text & "','" & Label139.Text & "','" & phone & "','" &
amount & "','" & dates & "','" & Time & "')", con)
cmd1.Dispose() Timer2.Start()
Label35.Text = "Reacharge Successfully !"
Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage9 con.Close()
Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.InnerException)
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub Login(ByVal username As String, ByVal password As

Dim cmd2 As New OleDbCommand("Select * from Register
where Username ='" & username & "' OR Password ='" & password
& "'", con)
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd2) Dim dt2 As New
DataTable() da.Fill(dt2)
username1 = dt2.Rows(0)("Username").ToString() password1 =

If ((username.Equals(username1)) And
(password.Equals(password1))) Then
Label146.Text = "Login Successfully !"
Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage3
End If con.Close()
Catch ex As Exception Timer5.Start()
Label146.Text = "Invalid Credentials !" 'MsgBox(ex.Message)
con.Close() End Try
End Sub
Public Sub Register(ByVal username As String, ByVal password
As String)
Dim cmd1 As New OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO
REGISTER([Username],[Password]) VALUES ('" & username & "','"
& password & "')", con)
cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery() cmd1.Dispose()
Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage6 Timer4.Start()
Label155.Text = "Register Successfully !" TextBox5.Text = ""
TextBox6.Text = "" TextBox7.Text = "" con.Close()
Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.InnerException)
End Try
End Sub

Public Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

log = 0
rnd = random.Next(2590, 50000) plan1 = "12GB data and 28 days"
plan2 = "Truly Unlimited call, 3GB per day and 70 days validity"
plan3 = "81.75 talktime and no validity"
plan4 = "Truly Unlimited call, 2GB per day and 70 days validity"

End Sub

'reacharge now button

Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim right As Integer right = 0
'Error Provider HAndling If TextBox4.Text = "" Then
ErrorProvider1.SetError(TextBox4, "Please enter Name") right = 0
ErrorProvider1.SetError(TextBox4, "") right = 1
End If
If TextBox3.Text = "" Then ErrorProvider1.SetError(TextBox3, "Please enter Name")
right = 0
ErrorProvider1.SetError(TextBox3, "") right = 1
End If

If right = 1 Then dates = Today Time = TimeOfDay rnd = rnd * 6

uName = TextBox4.Text phone = Val(TextBox3.Text) id = rnd
Label134.Text = uName Label32.Text = phone
Label139.Text = "OID" + id.ToString Label38.Text = dates

Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage9 InsertData()

TextBox3.Text = "" TextBox4.Text = "" Label31.Text = ""
Label31.Text = "Please Fill the fields" End If

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick

Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage6 Timer1.Stop()
End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Username = TextBox1.Text Password = TextBox2.Text
If ((Username = "") And (Password = "")) Then Label146.Text = "Please Fill all the
fields !"
Login(Username, Password) TextBox1.Text = "" TextBox2.Text = ""
End If

End Sub

Private Sub PictureBox5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage8 Label132.Text = plan1
Label142.Text = plan1 amount = Label2.Text Label24.Text = amount Label25.Text =
End Sub

Private Sub PictureBox6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage8 Label132.Text = plan2
Label142.Text = plan2 amount = Label3.Text Label24.Text = amount Label25.Text =
End Sub
Private Sub PictureBox7_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles
Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage8 Label132.Text = plan3
Label142.Text = plan3 amount = Label4.Text Label24.Text = amount Label25.Text =
End Sub

Private Sub PictureBox12_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage8 Label132.Text = plan4
Label142.Text = plan4 amount = Label11.Text Label24.Text = amount Label25.Text
= amount
End Sub

Private Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles RadioButton1.CheckedChanged
Label20.Text = "Gpay" End Sub

Private Sub RadioButton2_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles RadioButton2.CheckedChanged
Label20.Text = "PhonePay" End Sub

Private Sub RadioButton3_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles RadioButton3.CheckedChanged
Label20.Text = "UPI" End Sub

Private Sub RadioButton4_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles RadioButton4.CheckedChanged
Label20.Text = "PayTm" End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

End Sub
Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage6
End Sub
Private Sub Timer2_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
Label35.Text = "" Timer2.Stop()

End Sub

Private Sub Label148_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage6 End Sub

Private Sub Label22_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage10 End Sub

Private Sub Button5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click

Dim Username, Cpassword As String If TextBox6.Text = "" Then
Label154.Text = "Please fill all fields !" Timer3.Start()
ElseIf (TextBox5.Text = "") Then Label154.Text = "Please fill all fields !"
ElseIf (TextBox7.Text = "") Then Label154.Text = "Please fill all fields !"
ElseIf TextBox5.Text.Equals(TextBox7.Text) Then Username = TextBox6.Text
Cpassword = TextBox7.Text Register(Username, Cpassword)

Label154.Text = "Password not same !" End If

End Sub
Private Sub Timer3_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer3.Tick
Label154.Text = "" Timer3.Stop()

End Sub
Private Sub Timer4_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer4.Tick
Label155.Text = "" Timer4.Stop()
End Sub

Private Sub Timer5_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer5.Tick

Label146.Text = "" Timer5.Stop()
End Sub

Private Sub PictureBox39_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage6 End Sub

Private Sub PictureBox40_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage6 End Sub

Private Sub PictureBox41_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab = Me.TabPage6 End Sub

Private Sub TabPage3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles


End Sub
End Class

1. Technical skills: Developing an e-billing system using VB.NET requires knowledge of

programming languages, frameworks, databases, and security tools. Completing this
micro-project can help individuals develop technical skills related to these areas.
2. Project management: Developing an e-billing system requires a structured approach
to project management, including defining requirements, designing the system,
implementing the solution, testing, and deployment. This micro-project can help
individuals develop project management skills by providing hands-on experience
with these phases of the project.
3. Business knowledge: Developing an e-billing system requires a good understanding
of business processes and requirements. This micro-project can help individuals gain
insight into the billing and payment processes of a business and how to design a
system to meet those needs.
4. Problem-solving: Completing a micro-project requires the ability to identify
problems, research solutions, and implement effective solutions. Developing an e-
billing system can present challenges, such as integrating with third-party payment
gateways and implementing secure data storage. Overcoming these challenges can
help individuals develop problem-solving skills.
5. Communication: Developing an e-billing system often involves working in a team
and communicating with stakeholders, including business owners and end-users.
This micro-project can help individuals develop communication skills by providing
opportunities to collaborate with others and present their work to stakeholders.


1. Business automation: An e-billing system can automate billing and payment

processes, reducing the need for manual intervention and improving efficiency. This
micro-project can be applied to businesses of any size, from small businesses to large
2. E-commerce: E-commerce websites can benefit from an e-billing system to facilitate
online transactions. The system can be integrated with various payment gateways to
provide a seamless payment experience for customers.
3. Finance management: An e-billing system can help businesses manage their
finances by providing accurate and up-to-date billing and payment data. The system
can generate reports and analytics to help businesses make informed financial
4. Customer service: An e-billing system can improve customer service by providing
customers with detailed and accurate invoices, payment reminders, and support for
online payment methods. This can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
5. Secure data storage: An e-billing system can provide secure data storage for
sensitive billing and payment information. This can help businesses comply with data
protection regulations and protect against data breaches.

Overall, a micro-project on an e-billing system using VB.NET can have various applications
in business automation, e-commerce, finance management, customer service, and secure data


1. Integration with blockchain technology: Blockchain technology can provide a

secure and decentralized system for storing and managing billing and payment data.
In the future, an e-billing system developed using VB.NET could be integrated with
blockchain technology to provide additional security and transparency.
2. Artificial intelligence (AI) integration: An e-billing system could be integrated with
AI technology to improve the accuracy and efficiency of billing and payment
processes. For example, AI algorithms could be used to automate payment matching
and reduce errors.
3. Integration with mobile payment platforms: Mobile payment platforms are
becoming increasingly popular, and an e-billing system developed using VB.NET
could be integrated with these platforms to provide additional payment options for
4. Cloud-based system: A cloud-based e-billing system could provide businesses with
more flexibility and scalability. In the future, an e-billing system developed using
VB.NET could be adapted to a cloud-based system to provide these benefits.
5. Improved analytics and reporting: An e-billing system developed using VB.NET
can provide businesses with valuable billing and payment data. In the future, the
system could be enhanced with improved analytics and reporting capabilities to
provide more insights into customer behaviour and financial performance.

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