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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology

College of Engineering & Technology

Peak Hour Demand Determination

Determination of Peak Hour Demand:

A Case in Gen. Aguinaldo Street–Roxas Avenue
Intersection, Iligan City, Philippines

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the course ENE184 Urban Transportation
Engineering and Planning

Submitted by
Ynna Nichole O. Ilogon
Alonzo Gabriel R. Limocon
Rodel Jr. D. Remolana

Submitted to
Engr. Florife D. Liwanag

21 April 2023

Transportation planning is essentially the amalgamation of many distinct disciplines in

the early phases of developing plans, regulations, and legislative activity, funding, and project
development. It is defined as a collaborative and participatory process in which agencies,
organizations, and the general public examine national, state, regional, and community needs. It
studies demographic features and travel patterns for a given location, forecasts how these
factors will evolve over time, and evaluates potential transportation system upgrades
(Transportation Planning, n.d.).
Transportation is a market made up of both suppliers and users of transportation
services. Transport markets that work well should allow transportation supply to meet
transportation demand in order to meet the mobility needs of passengers and freight. An
economic system, which includes several activities located in various places, creates
movements that must be supported by the transportation system. Infrastructures would be
meaningless without mobility, and movement would be impossible or inefficient without
infrastructures. This interdependence can be thought of in terms of two concepts: transportation
supply and demand (3.4 – The Provision and Demand of Transportation Services, n.d.).
Transportation supply is the capacity of transportation facilities and modes, typically over
a geographically specified transportation system and for a specific time period. Infrastructures
(capacity), services (frequency), and networks (coverage) are all used to describe supply.
Capacity is frequently measured in static and dynamic terms, with static capacity representing
the amount of area available for transportation (e.g., terminal surface) and dynamic capacity
representing the improvements that may be achieved through better technology and
management. To quantify transport supply, the number of people, volume (for liquids or
containerized traffic), or mass (for freight) that may be transported per unit of time and area is
typically utilized (3.4 – The Provision and Demand of Transportation Services, n.d.).
Transportation demand is the requirement or need for the supply of transportation of its
users. Transportation requirements, whether completely, partially, or not at all met. Thus,
transportation demand can be realized where it has been observed under current conditions, or
potential where it could happen under hypothetical ones. It is stated in terms of the number of
persons, volume, or tonnage per unit of time and distance, similar to transportation supply (3.4 –
The Provision and Demand of Transportation Services, n.d.).
Obtaining the transportation demand is a pertinent component of any transportation
planning in order to gauge the extent and composition of the need for the establishment
operations, integration of vehicles, and estimate of mobility. Hence, in this report, the traffic
demography of a specific location in Iligan City was determined through the conduct of a traffic
count of all vehicles passing the prospect area of study. It aims to help the authors understand
the situation of traffic within the area and assess the traffic composition that traverses the
location during peak hours.

Scope and Limitations
This report operates within the following bounds and specifications to ensure that it
yields comprehensive results and that the conduct of this study is feasible:
● Location. The study was conducted at an intersection between Gen. Aguinaldo
Street, Aguinaldo Extension, and Roxas Avenue, which is one of the busiest road
locations in Iligan City.

Figure 1. Map view of the location.

● Duration. The study was conducted within a total of four (4) hours, two (2) of
which were during the morning peak hours starting 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM and the
remaining two (2) hours of were carried out during the afternoon peak hours
starting 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
● Traffic elements. The study accounted for all transport vehicles traversing all
lanes that pass through the intersection. This study does not include pedestrians.

Sampling Method
The study utilized a delayed manual counting method via video recording of all lanes in
the specified area of study, wherein all transport vehicles passing through the routes of
Aguinaldo St.-Aguinaldo Ext. and Northbound Roxas Ave-Southbound Roxas Ave vice versa
were accounted for and classified accordingly. The recording was inspected frame by frame to
ensure that all vehicles were counted.
Figure 2. Image of the location of study.

The sampling time was assumed according to existing trends in Iligan City that indicates
the most probable peak hours of transport movement in the area. Both morning and afternoon
peak hours were studied in this report as each of them has different peak times for different
reasons and factors.

Analysis Tools
The data consolidated were divided into 10-minute cycle intervals given the sheer
volume of vehicles passing through the area, which significantly improves the resolution of the
analysis tools used in this study. For the analysis of the data obtained and the determination of
the peak hour demand in the location of the study, a series of graphical and empirical data
representation methods were used to qualitatively and quantitatively assess and evaluate the
● Line graph. This graphical tool was used to analyze the data obtained from
conducting a morning and an afternoon traffic count study. It was used to
visualize the perturbations in the data set and determine the actual peak traffic
activity hours in the location of the study.
● Pie chart. This tool was used to graphically represent the components of the
traffic traversing the location of the study. It allows for the determination of
apparent traffic vehicles and elements that are common in the area and possibly
guide the discussions and future recommendations using such data as
● Stacked step area chart. This tool was used to look at the peak times for each
type of vehicle that travels through the location of the study. It helps explain
further the possible demand that is attributed from the type of transport vehicle
that is most abundant during peak hours. It also allows us to compare vehicles
and cycle times accordingly.
Results and Discussion
The traffic count study conducted on the target location yielded two sets of data: a range
and an overall traffic count for each cycle arranged for both the morning and afternoon peak
hours. The following data sets are reflected in Tables 1 and 2 below.

Table 1. Traffic count in each .


Cycle Vehicle Southbound Northbound Aguinaldo

Time range
Number Classification Roxas Ave - Roxas Ave - St. -
Northbound Southbound Aguinaldo
Roxas Ave Roxas Ave Ext.


Motorcycle 64 33
Jeepney - 80
Commuter bus 4 1
Trailer trucks 2 -
1 8:00 - 8:10 -
Cargo 3 1
Sikad/Bikes - 2
Automobiles/SUV 41 21
Ambulance/Patrol cars

Total 150 114 138

Motorcycle 64 58 36
Jeepney 11 - 74
Commuter bus 12 3 -
Trailer trucks 1 1 -
2 8:10 - 8:20
Cargo 8 4 1
Sikad/Bikes 3 - 1
Automobiles/SUV 33 50 16
Ambulance/Patrol cars - 1 -

Total 132 117 128

Motorcycle 74 64 32
Jeepney 6 - 90
Commuter bus 6 1 2
Trailer trucks - 2 -
3 8:20 - 8:30
Cargo 2 13 1
Sikad/Bikes 3 1 1
Automobiles/SUV 44 31 18
Ambulance/Patrol cars - - -

Total 135 112 144

4 8:30 - 8:40 Motorcycle 58 48 56

Jeepney 18 - 71
Commuter bus 6 4 -
Trailer trucks - 1 -
Cargo 7 10 3
Sikad/Bikes - - 4
Automobiles/SUV 38 43 13
Ambulance/Patrol cars 2 1 -

Total 129 107 147

Motorcycle 71 58 42
Jeepney 6 - 75
Commuter bus 5 2 -
Trailer trucks 3 1 -
5 8:40 - 8:50
Cargo 6 13 3
Sikad/Bikes - 2 4
Automobiles/SUV 30 28 8
Ambulance/Patrol cars - - -

Total 121 104 132

Motorcycle 73 53 35
Jeepney 7 - 81
Commuter bus 8 3 1
Trailer trucks - 1 -
6 8:50 - 9:00
Cargo 4 9 1
Sikad/Bikes 7 1 1
Automobiles/SUV 25 42 14
Ambulance/Patrol cars 1 1 -

Total 125 110 133

Motorcycle 39 50 39
Jeepney 11 - 75
Commuter bus 2 3 -
Trailer trucks - 1 -
7 9:00 - 9:10
Cargo 11 8 3
Sikad/Bikes 1 1 3
Automobiles/SUV 36 35 11
Ambulance/Patrol cars - - -

Total 100 98 131

Motorcycle 60 49 35
Jeepney 7 - 67
Commuter bus 5 - 1
Trailer trucks 4 3 -
8 9:10 - 9:20
Cargo 10 16 3
Sikad/Bikes 1 - 1
Automobiles/SUV 15 47 24
Ambulance/Patrol cars - - 1
Total 102 115 132

Motorcycle 57 37 42
Jeepney 3 - 78
Commuter bus 4 3 -
Trailer trucks 2 2 -
9 9:20 - 9:30
Cargo 4 8 2
Sikad/Bikes 2 - 2
Automobiles/SUV 36 50 18
Ambulance/Patrol cars - - -

Total 108 100 142

Motorcycle 43 43 27
Jeepney 8 - 67
Commuter bus 5 2 1
Trailer trucks - - -
10 9:30 - 9:40
Cargo 15 9 -
Sikad/Bikes 2 2 -
Automobiles/SUV 39 49 10
Ambulance/Patrol cars - 1 -

Total 112 106 105

Motorcycle 65 62 44
Jeepney 12 1 63
Commuter bus 6 1 1
Trailer trucks 2 - -
11 9:40 - 9:50
Cargo 9 6 -
Sikad/Bikes - - 2
Automobiles/SUV 45 38 17
Ambulance/Patrol cars 2 - -

Total 141 108 127

Motorcycle 63 44 25
Jeepney 10 - 72
Commuter bus 9 2 1
Trailer trucks 3 1 -
12 9:50 - 10:00
Cargo 6 12 2
Sikad/Bikes - 1 2
Automobiles/SUV 39 39 19
Ambulance/Patrol cars 1 1 1

Total 131 100 122


Motorcycle 53 59 33
1 4:00 - 4:10 Jeepney 8 1 90
Commuter bus 6 1 1
Pickup trucks 5 6 -
Trailer trucks 2 4 -
Cargo 8 1 -
Sikad/Bikes 1 - 2
Automobiles/SUV 35 45 17
Ambulance/Patrol cars - - -

Total 118 117 183

Motorcycle 42 53 39
Jeepney 5 1 66
Commuter bus 3 - -
Pickup trucks 1 11 -
2 4:10 - 4:20 Trailer trucks 3 1 -
Cargo 1 - -
Sikad/Bikes 3 2 2
Automobiles/SUV 27 44 15
Ambulance/Patrol cars - 1 -

Total 85 113 122

Motorcycle 54 54 32
Jeepney 10 1 81
Commuter bus 8 2 -
Pickup trucks 6 6 1
3 4:20 - 4:30 Trailer trucks 2 4 -
Cargo - 1 -
Sikad/Bikes 2 2 3
Automobiles/SUV 35 48 24
Ambulance/Patrol cars - 1 -

Total 117 119 141

Motorcycle 41 46 34
Jeepney 5 - 75
Commuter bus 8 3 1
Pickup trucks 3 6 -
4 4:30 - 4:40 Trailer trucks 3 2 -
Cargo 2 4 1
Sikad/Bikes 2 1 5
Automobiles/SUV 43 41 23
Ambulance/Patrol cars - - -

Total 107 103 139

Motorcycle 64 57 38
Jeepney 12 - 84
Commuter bus 9 - 1
5 4:40 - 4:50
Pickup trucks 3 8 1
Trailer trucks - 6 -
Cargo 2 - 2
Sikad/Bikes 2 4 3
Automobiles/SUV 46 51 26
Ambulance/Patrol cars - 1 2

Total 138 127 157

Motorcycle 67 65 39
Jeepney 5 - 79
Commuter bus 3 6 1
Pickup trucks 4 - 1
6 4:50 - 5:00 Trailer trucks - 2 -
Cargo 3 - -
Sikad/Bikes 3 - 6
Automobiles/SUV 39 45 16
Ambulance/Patrol cars - - -

Total 124 118 142

Motorcycle 53 77 63
Jeepney 8 2 58
Commuter bus 7 5 1
Pickup trucks 1 5 -
7 5:00 - 5:10 Trailer trucks 1 1 -
Cargo 3 1 -
Sikad/Bikes 5 2 4
Automobiles/SUV 47 42 26
Ambulance/Patrol cars 2 1 -

Total 127 136 152

Motorcycle 66 94 50
Jeepney 2 2 61
Commuter bus 5 2 1
Pickup trucks 7 3 -
8 5:10 - 5:20 Trailer trucks - 1 -
Cargo 7 2 -
Sikad/Bikes 4 6 4
Automobiles/SUV 38 49 20
Ambulance/Patrol cars 1 1 1

Total 130 160 137

Motorcycle 77 77 49
Jeepney 10 - 45
Commuter bus 7 3 -
Pickup trucks 1 4 -
9 5:20 - 5:30 Trailer trucks 2 - -
Cargo 1 - 2
Sikad/Bikes 1 5 5
Automobiles/SUV 40 43 15
Ambulance/Patrol cars 2 2 -
Total 141 134 146

Motorcycle 62 70 53
Jeepney 12 - 74
Commuter bus 6 3 -
Pickup trucks 4 3 -
10 5:30 - 5:40 Trailer trucks 1 3 -
Cargo 2 - -
Sikad/Bikes 1 3 2
Automobiles/SUV 50 35 21
Ambulance/Patrol cars - 1 -

Total 138 118 150

Motorcycle 75 76 49
Jeepney 5 1 58
Commuter bus 13 3 2
Pickup trucks 5 7 -
11 5:40 - 5:50 Trailer trucks 2 1 -
Cargo 5 4 -
Sikad/Bikes 1 3 3
Automobiles/SUV 46 57 23
Ambulance/Patrol cars - 1 -

Total 147 153 135

Motorcycle 57 44 47
Jeepney 5 1 66
Commuter bus 11 5 -
Pickup trucks 3 6 -
12 5:50 - 6:00 Trailer trucks 1 - -
Cargo 2 1 -
Sikad/Bikes 3 4 3
Automobiles/SUV 20 31 18
Ambulance/Patrol cars - 1 1

Total 102 93 135

Table 2. Consolidated traffic count per route and overall total.

Total Vehicles Per Route

Southbound Roxas Northbound Roxas Overall

Aguinaldo St. - Total
Ave - Northbound Ave - Southbound
Aguinaldo Ext.
Roxas Ave Roxas Ave


1 150 114 138 402

2 132 117 128 377

3 135 112 144 391

4 129 107 147 383

5 121 104 132 357

6 125 110 133 368

7 100 98 131 329

8 102 115 132 349

9 108 100 142 350

10 112 106 105 323

11 141 108 127 376

12 131 100 122 353


1 118 117 143 378

2 85 113 122 320

3 117 119 141 377

4 107 103 139 349

5 138 127 157 422

6 124 118 142 384

7 127 136 152 415

8 130 160 137 427

9 141 134 146 421

10 138 118 150 406

11 147 153 135 435

12 102 93 135 330

As observed in the data indicated above, the amount of vehicles traversing through the
point of study are significantly high, even despite the segmentation of the duration of sample
collection into 10-minute intervals. There also exists some variations with regards to the traffic
count for each cycle on both morning and afternoon traffic count data sets. As for the verification
of the peak hour assumptions, Figure 3 verified that the sampling was able to capture the actual
peak traffic times in the area, especially during the afternoon, wherein the highest peak was
recorded at the 11th PM cycle or around 5:40 PM to 5:50 PM. Meanwhile, the morning data set
peaked at the 1st cycle or around 8:00 AM to 8:10 AM, which may suggest that the peak traffic
time in the area happens before the study’s morning sampling timeline.

Figure 3. Total traffic count per cycle time smoothed linear graph.

Meanwhile, Table 3 below shows the composition of traffic for each cycle and the total
number of each vehicle per cycle time. From the data, it can be seen that motorcycles comprise
the majority of transport vehicles that drive through the location of the study with 42.7% turnout,
followed by automobiles and SUVs at 25.9% and jeepneys at 21.6%. These observations are
duly reflected in Figure 4.
Table 3. Traffic composition data.
Morning Cycles Afternoon Cycles
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Motorcycles 184 158 170 162 171 161 128 144 136 113 171 132 145 134 140 121 159 171 193 210 203 185 200 148 3,839

Jeepneys 95 85 96 89 81 88 86 74 81 75 76 82 99 72 92 80 96 84 68 65 55 86 64 72 1,941

14 15 9 10 7 12 5 6 7 8 8 12 8 3 10 12 10 10 13 8 10 9 18 18 232

Pickup Truck 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 12 13 9 12 5 6 10 5 7 12 12 114

Trailer Trucks 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 7 4 9 2 4 6 4 6 5 6 2 2 1 2 4 3 3 81

Cargo 10 13 16 20 22 14 22 29 14 17 15 20 9 1 1 7 4 3 4 9 3 2 9 9 273

Sikad/ 4 4 5 4 6 9 5 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 7 8 9 9 11 14 11 6 7 10 154

Automobile/ 93 99 93 94 66 81 82 86 104 98 100 97 97 86 107 107 123 100 115 107 98 106 126 69 2,334

Ambulance/ 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 1 2 3 0 1 1 0 3 0 3 3 4 1 1 2 32
Patrol Cars
Figure 4. Composition of traffic in the location of study.

The study also found different peak times per vehicle that compose the traffic population
sample. As seen in Figure 5 below, each vehicle peaks at different cycles, which are consistent
with the data in Table 3. Prominent vehicles like automobiles or SUVs, jeepneys, and
motorcycles peaked at the 23rd, 1st, and 20th cycles, respectively.

Figure 5. Vehicle trends per cycle time.

Given the results of the study, it can be concluded that the area of study indeed is a
highly populous transportation point in Iligan City, as evidenced by the significantly large amount
of vehicles that pass through it. The data obtained proved that the assumption of the afternoon
peak traffic time was fairly accurate, while it revealed that the morning peak traffic time was not
within the range of the cycle times of the study.
The study also revealed that the majority of all vehicles that travel through the
intersection were composed of automobiles or SUVs, jeepneys, and motorcycles, which
suggests that the majority of transportation consumers that pass through this travel point are
traditional commuters and vehicle owners.
Nonetheless, the results of this study showed a fairly vivid illustration of the traffic
situation in the location of study. These data can be used in future studies that are related to this
current report.

3.4 – The Provision and Demand of Transportation Services. (n.d.). The Geography of Transport
Systems. Retrieved April 18, 2023, from
Transportation Planning. (n.d.). Institute of Transportation Engineers. Retrieved April 18, 2023,

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