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Choose the letter of the correct answer from the given box below
A. Economic Issue. E. Parallelism. I. Point of view
B. Theme. F. Character J. Setting
C. Propaganda. G. Social Issues
D. Cohesive Devices. H. Plot
1. The series of events in a short story
2. The perspective of the writer on who is telling the story
3. A problem that refers to any such problem in the economy
4. It gives information about the place, time, and environment
5. It is a person or anything that takes part in the story
6. Balance of the forms of words phrases or clauses in a sentence
7. Issues that negatively affects the personal or social lives of people
8. Influence people's opinion or behaviors
9. Central idea of the story or the moral lesson in a story
10. Refers to the conjunctions and connectives used to link parts of a writing

B. Read the statements carefully and understandably identify what is being defined by the given
statements choose the letter of the correct answer

11. Giving a person a bad label by using an easy to remember pejorative name
A. Bandwagon
B. Emotional words
C. Name calling
D. Testimonials

12. This technique is used to convince people without examining the facts
A. Bandwagon
B. Emotional words
C. Name calling
D. Testimonials

13. Particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region

A. Imagery
B. Legacy
C. Dialect
D. Testimony

14. Cultural legacy which we received from the past and which will pass on to the future
A. Imagery
B. Literature
C. Legacy
D. Heritage

15. Repeating of a certain symbol or slogan so that the audience remembers it

A. Bandwagon
B. Name calling
C. Testimonials
D. Repetition

16. A technique that tries to convince people to accept their products or else they will miss
out on something
A. Bandwagon
B. Emotional words
C. Name calling
D. Testimonials

17. A body of written works of poetry and prose

A. Imagery
B. Literature
C. Legacy
D. Heritage

C. Choose the appropriate cohesive/transitional device form the given choices that would make
the flow of the sentence smooth and effective

18. I can play quite a few musical instruments, ____________, the flute, the guitar, and the
A. However
B. Yet
C. For example
D. Meanwhile

19. Steve fell off of his bicycle while performing dangerous tricks; ________, he broke his arm.
A. Consequently
B. Finally
C. Nevertheless
D. Example

20. There are a lot of reasons not to skip school ____ getting into trouble with the headmaster.
A. Although
B. So
C. Finally
D. Such as

21. We studied a lot for the grammar quiz; _______, we failed it anyway.
A. However
B. Finally
C. In fact
D. So

D. Analyze the following sentences. Choose A if the ideas presented are BALANCE AND
PARALLEL. Then choose B if the ideas presented are NOT PARALLEL.

22. I love singing more than drawing.

23. To love is losing control.

24. My uncle loves to eat in expensive restaurants and visiting museums.

25. The frustrated customer wanted to exchange the food or to speak with the manager.

26. As young recruits we were told not only what to do but also what to think.

27. Her car looks luxurious, expensive, and elegant.

28. The man was old, lovely and a miser.

29. The production manager writes quickly, accurately, and in a detailed manner.

30. The players are excited, eager, and enthusiastic.

E. Distinguish whether the following statements are biased for or biased against. Choose A
if the statement is BIASED FOR and B if it is BIASED AGAINST.
31. Men are superior to women in any given field of work.

32. Youth is the hope of the future.

33. She is very selfish, she doesn't want to share her answers.

34. Juan is recycling the garbage, he shows resourcefulness.

35. My daughter is so talented.

F. Study the following images and decide what issues are being shown choose your
answer from the pool of choices provided

A. Social issues. B. Moral issues. C. Economic issues




G. Identify what part of a plot is presented in the following excerpts and choose the letter of your

39. Mathilde comes back home from the formal event, only to find that the diamond necklace
that was on her neck has disappeared.

A. Introduction
B. Rising action
C. Climax
D. Denouement

40. The Montague and Capulet families are at war and have had another fight. The Prince, who
keeps the peace in Verona, says that if there are any further fights the head of the houses will
be killed.

A. Introduction
B. Rising action
C. Climax
D. Denouement
Table of Specification

MELCs No. of % Numb Rememb understa apply analyze eval

days er of er nd uat
taught items e

Examine biases 4 12.5 5 31,32,33,

(for against) 34,35
mode by author

Analyze 4 12.5 5 8,11,12,

intention of 15,16
words or
used in

Determine 4 12.5 5 3,7 36,37,38

various social,
moral, and
economic issue

Analyze 8 25 10 1, 2, 4, 5, 39, 40
literature as a 9,
mirror to a 13,14,17
shared heritage
of people with

Use appropriate 4 12.5 5 10 18,19,20,

cohesive 21
devices in
various types of

Use parallel 8 25 10 6 22,23,24

structure ,25,26,2

Total 32 100 40 17 7 4 12
Answer key:
1. H
2. I
3. A
4. J
5. F
6. E
7. G
8. C
9. B
10. D
11. C
12. D
13. C
14. C
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. A
20. D
21. A
22. A
23. B
24. B
25. A
26. A
27. A
28. B
29. B
30. A
31. B
32. A
33. B
34. A
35. B
36. B
37. A
38. C
39. C
40. A

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