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Topics: 1.2. Ideologies and Philosophies of Globalization

Ideologies and Philosophies of Globalization

1. Pro-globalization
a. Globalization is about the liberalization and global integration of
b. Globalization is inevitable and irreversible.
c. Nobody is in-charge of globalization.
d. Globalization benefits everyone.
e. Globalization furthers the spread of democracy around the world.
f. Globalization requires war on terror.

 Neoliberal capitalism - freeing corporations from much government

regulation will encourage capitalists to invest more on existing industries,
even on experimental and innovative ones. Privatizing industries and
services will create opportunities for corporations to create more wealth
from almost sure profits and possibly reduce the price of commodities as
competition between enterprises becomes stiffer.

2. Anti-globalization

a. Anti-globalization side- wants to end to what is considers as a highly

imbalanced system of globalization that favors the first world countries
over developing countries, corporations over citizens and communities,
and profit-seeking over environmental sustainability.

 Capitalism- profit motive (people tend to buy stocks of profitable companies,

why Government of Third world countries allow mining corporations to operate
even in places where the ecosystem is vulnerable).
3. Alter-globalization

a. Changing the current system to make it more humane, more pro-

environment, and more grass-roots driven.

 The directing motive, the end and aim of capitalist production, is to extract
the greatest possible amount of surplus-value, and consequently to exploit
labor-power to the greatest possible extent.

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