R212 Letter To Atlas - 14 - 20.02.2023 - Submission of Design Drawing For Wadi Mistal Location - 04 PDF

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AHC/R212-S/MOTCIT/14/2023 20.02.2023 To The Resident Engineer T1 Mis Atlas International Engineering Consultants Post Box. 1542 Postal Code No. 130 Sultanate of Oman. Fax No. 24283636 After Compliments, Project: Contract No. Tender No. 1 — Design, Build and Repairs of Infrastructure at Monsoon Affected Areas (Wadi Mistal and Al Awabi — Nakhal Road) ~ South Al Batinah Region. Sub: Submission of Design Drawing for Wadi Mistal Loc: In reference to the above project, we would like to bring to your kind information that we are submitting design drawing for the above subject project. SI.No Drawing No. Description q SA2022/DD/1G002 Typical RCC Retaining Wall Details 2 SA2022/DDIWM-R/LO4 Retaining Wall Details Wadi Mistal Location -04 | 3 _| sass2/D/cs-001 Cross Section Wadi Mistal Road Location -04 | 4 _| sassz/Dpics-o02 Cross Section Wadi Mistal Road Location -04 5 SA532/DD/CS-003 Cross Section Wadi Mistal Road Location -04 We hereby request your good selves to kindly approve the above at earliest, Yours faithfully For Abu Hatim Co. LLC i) T. Gnana Sekaran Project Manager- Roads & Bridges Encl: As Above GD Gam An SO 9001: 2008 Certified Company Visit us at: wawabuhatim.com E=571117.817 N= 2575656.489 J g O06 Existing 5 cell box culvert Riprap Proposed Retaining Wall: fer drawing (16002 ) eee Gabion cuvett es 2. c@ll 1% Exiting eed us mai GeNEN HSAN 4mx3m Scope Of Work am T_ [Cleaning the damage area reer 2 Removal of damage R/W 7 me 3___ [Earth work and asphalt work's __~7 I feseorreee 4 [Rirap Reinstatement (lt 5 Gabion Reinstatement 6 Construction of retaining walls with 5m height ~/ se pogeeereamr| 7 Gabion protection for, R/W_\/ tat 8 Grading the wadi seoga a 9 Road marking and road studs Reinstatement pee 10 | Guard rail instatement “om_2f-0)- 12 4 Reinstatement of concrete barrier 12 [Reinstatement of Reflectors co ar a rece DESIGN CONSULTANT = fsssrey | osu a DESIGN,BUILD AND REPAIRS OF TAYOUT PLAN aa S| freer oo coma usu cre AOE ATIONAL ENGINEERING SHRVICES INFRASTRUCTURE. AT MONSOON WaoimisTaL ROAD — | t:1100 = | foc ee antes PAKISTAN tc PARTNERS. LLC, ABFECTED AREAS (WADI MISTAL LOCATION-+ ‘ons el haariee aire _ . "EAR PTI MES OUSE,I-9, OTN ‘AND. AL AWABI-NAKHAL RoaD) | > sme mn ee oe MODEL TOIn EXTENSION LANGE, PAKISTAN =SOUTH AL BATINAI REGION stouiny 2023. |8A2022/00/WM-RILOA NOTE 4 See reer es upon eerecnow Dg oe. Tract oak wa [cowaneTe |e POSOSOSC Pane ar TH0 conte OF co = |e [ES | r, alee a a ailte=s [cet lie — ar + za esl eal lis zi fl tea ll > | so | soo | ao A 8 anes ey [=| = |= w EINE, OF RETAINING WALL 7 | v0 | sx | so TYPICAL SECTION OF RETAINING WALL | om | em | m0 Ceavaon ot TYPICAL WALL EXPANSION JOINT DIMENSIONS é& REINFORCEMENT FOR RETAINING WALLS. HDS REF DWG =SD 11-01: Retaining Wall Types & RC Details, No Surcharge Applied a pa a DESIGN CONSULTANT rar DESIGN GUILD IAND | HEPAIRSIOF! pear a TYPICAL RCC_RETAINING WALL a fae —[ vasa ‘re co us wo wo mero AMEE "ATIONAL. ENGINEERING SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE. AT MONSOON ae is [rons | 3% mere or rane coamcrnns «| PAKISTAN, & PARTNERS ULC staan CO") APFECTED AREAS (WADI MISTAL perAly fron SULTANATE OF OMAN Vr FIG NESPAK HOUSE, IoC, aL0G AND AL AWABI-NAKHAL ROAD) [™ os ew [ome [pesoarnon|aemnoar> [>rROMD ibe" Toi EXTENSION: LAHORE, PARISTAN =SOUTH AL BATINAH REGION Feoruary 2023 | _$A2022/00/1G002 0+156.077 0+176.077 0+186.077 0+206.077 0+208.761 tm iE | | m a m ra m om g a a g a qa TOP OF © s i 3 s fe) °° RETAINING WALL] S| | ie a Sita i ib 6 b ib |__| Fy © + a 3 sls 5 < R 6 g a] A FOUNDATION TOP a E a a a a] a ta | to) is] ib] 5 ~ a ° sl al q| s 8 g a| FOUNDATION S| PA S| | 5 | BOTTOM 3 g =| Z| | a] | 5 5 sy ey By sy " 2 3 a gf a g 5 q STATION | g q 3 3 3g 3g 4 | 4 4 4 4 3 a par co eUENTE a BESGN CONSULAR DESIGN,BUILD AND REPAIRS OF RETAINING WALL DETAIL — four = faeries —| isu ee ee eae INFRASTRUCTURE AT MONSOON WADI MISTAL ROAD a jeer Se cr eae omnes DPI EAEISTAN, fe PARTNERS LC Ham cO.LLC| APPECTED AREAS (WADI MISTAL LOCATION ee Suu oF ou Tog ree ee aS RSE | AND AL AWABI-NAKHAL ROAD) ca “SOUTH AL BATINAH REGION. Feeruary 2023 _|SA2022/DD0WM-RILO4 STATION 0+156.077 to_0+166.077 | GUARD RAIL Offset=10.000 15.620 FOR DETAIL REF OWG SA532/00/16002 "ATION. 0+166,077 to 0+176.077 GUARO_RAIL offset= 10.000, 15.708 FOR DETAL REF ONG '$4532/00/16002 o a cor coe [DESIGN CONSULTANT: Fre DESIGN,BUILD AND REPAIRS OF cnosssecro| ‘ae Fam —| oso NATIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE AT MONSOON \WAOTMAL Ron nts = cree cot, os Lo mr ABU HATHA CO. LLC ny ee is Ar ome OMNES © | BI PASISTAN,& PARTNERS LUC faetagmco-LLe| AERECTED AREAS (WADI MISTAL tocar z a fw ioe SULTANATE OF OMAN [os pees 2 IE SA ‘sscketet | “AND AL AWABI-NAKHAL ROAD) — | ®*€ ws one sara Ir Be TiSbcO ic Mcnstnt Cite bata =SOUTH AL BATINAH REGION Fepnuaey 2023 | sieazmacsoot STATION 0+176.077 to 0+186.077 GUARD RAL, feet 10.000 515.791 offset=10.000 15.876 FOR DETAL REF DWG FOR OETAL REF OWG Se | SA532/00/16002 | | ELE | 512.07: | ELE SHE : 2.799 ee | a Co BES CONSTI pais) DESIGN, BUILD. AND” REPAIRS OF ences so aa ci —[—— Fare is NATIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE. AT MONSOON ss Rend nis a fecone Sr rae ROR as Le MauNANMCS LLC) AFFECTED AREAS (WADI MISTAL tocar ao bayer Scutvate of oun HPAI eco, musa rom sessconcse* | “Gn at AWADICNARHAL ROAD). [= eee asm foro iS TARA Use BAR" “SOUTH AL-BATINAH REGION earuany 2023 |"""sxssanoes xe STATION 0+196,077 to 0+206.077 GUARD RAL offset 15.961 FOR DETAIL REF DWG '5A532/00/16002 STATION 0+206,077 to 0+208.761 GUARD RAIL Offeet=10.000, FOR DETAIL REF WG '54532/00/16002 = aac oT PESTON CONSULTANT (wea DESIGN,BUILD AND REPAIRS OF Saas fe : meena reise saaraaen ie] ret Sane Grd wig este 5 ae oa o ese | ARTE ameas aot isa — = S82, dA he AND ARAB AL OAD) [Preemie aos |" eoncuen

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