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Kairav Suri- MYP 2A

Criterion D

Strand 1:
Task Chosen: User Trial
Task 2: Performance testing
My website contains 5 pages which include the following:
Home page on Waste management
More about waste management
Fun Facts on waste management
Feedback Form
About Me
When my website is open the homepage will open, to view the data on my home
page you would need to scroll down, once the data has been read, you can move
on to the next page by scrolling up and clicking the option which says “Next: More
about waste management” After clicking that, the webpage will open, after the
webpage is open you can read the data by scrolling down, once read, you can
move to the next page by scrolling back up and clicking the option which says
“Next: Fun Facts” after clicking the option the webpage will change to the fun
facts page, to read the data scroll down, after reading the data, you can move to
the next page by clicking the option which says “Next: Feedback Form” Kindly fill
the form up by scrolling down and answering the questions given, after answering
all question click ”submit” to move to the last page scroll back up and click the
option which says “Next: About Me” once the option is clicked the webpage will
open! Please read the page which talks about me! Thank You for viewing my
website. To go back to the home page and read all the pages again you can click
the option that says “Back” or “Back to home page”.

Strand 2: Product Testing

Design Met/Not How is it Justification and sample evidence
Specification met. met?
Navigation Met I added a
System system to
pages on
MIT App Not I did not
make my
Inventor met website
using MIT
Instead, I

Images Me I added a lot

of images to
my website.
The images
were for
Waste Me I gave
Managemen t
about waste
t Information management
– Fun Facts,
Ways to
Cost of Me My
website t website is
free to use
and view.

How did my website affect the target audience?:

My website affected the target audience by providing them with
information on Waste management, fun facts, etc. My website can
help my target audience take care of the environment and manage
their waste in a manner that is sustainable.

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