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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII


I. Objective:
1. Discuss the stages of infection

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Stages of Infection

Code: H8DD-IIIa-15
Materials: video clip, pictures
Subject Integration: Science
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Reminders
4. Drill
True or false
Write true if the statement is correct and false if the statement is wrong.
a. Infection is the invasion and growth of germs in the body.
b. Infection can begin anywhere in the body and may spread through it.
c. Pathogens is such as germs, bacteria and viruses.
d. Illness stage is recovery stage.
e. Prodromal stage start of non-specific signs and symptoms such as fever.
5. Motivation
a. What is infection?
b. How can a person be infected?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Activity
 Video presentation

2. Analysis
 (The teacher will ask questions after the video presentation)
 What should I do if I have infection?
 How do we know that the infection is in incubation? Prodromal? Acute?

3. Abstraction
 What are the stages of infection?

Stages of

Incubation stage Prodromal stage Acute stage Convalescents stage

4. Application
 Explain in your own words the graph of stages of Infection
1. Where did the arc started?
Where did it end? What does it mean?
2. Explain the flow of the arc? If you notice it started low, up then it goes down.



If your able to explain If you are able to explain If you are not able to explain the
very well the stages of the stages of infection but stages of infection.
infection and the ideas the ideas are limited.
are clear and

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Write the correct answer.
_________1. The period starting from the entry of pathogen until the appearance of the first sign.
_________2. The beginning of more specific signs and symptoms appear.
_________3. Another term for Recovery stage.
_________4. The invasion and growth of germs in the body.
_________5. The gradual recovery of health and strength after illness or injury.

V. Assignment
Search about the meaning of Morbidity and Mortality.

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