Analysis Phase - Educ 3315 Igm

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Italma Garcia Maya

Professor Xeriland

EDUC 3315

April 30, 2023

Analysis Phase: Application of the ADDIE Model

Application of ADDIE Model in Week 06

For my Analysis Phase of the ADDIE model I decided to go with Case Study Two. In the

analysis phase of the ADDIE model the learners are college students. Their learning style is

accustomed to a traditional classroom in which an instructor is guiding them throughout the

course. The knowledge problem in this scenario is that the college administration wants to move

the curriculum from face to face, to strictly online therefore the problem being what are the

student’s technology skills and abilities. How good are they with an online curriculum that will

be strictly an LMS tool, and no longer a person answering the questions face to face? That’s the

knowledge problem in this scenario.

With the performance gap established, narrowing down the curriculum, picking the most

relevant material, or content can help target that gap. For us to better design the course to be

delivered online we would analyze the overall success rate from previous students. What were

their scores like? What was it that they struggled with? Then we would utilize that data to create

our goal. Students by the end of this course are to execute their computer technology skills into

the real world. As we progress through the course students are to demonstrate their computer

technology skills by completing modules and ultimately creating an online portfolio.

The way we would measure or assess the students as we shift to a virtual environment

would be by having them answer online discussion boards about the lesson or by having them

take weekly quizzes. Some of the training project constraint or restraint on resources is that not

all students may have access to a computer if we shift to a virtual environment, therefore the

school has to be prepared by having more computers available for access. The budget would be

around a few thousand dollars because the school wants to attract outside students. We need

more money to purchase a good LMS system and the second being more computers for students

to access the virtual environment.

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