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A qualitative research design is concerned with establishing

answers to the whys and hows of the phenomenon in

question (unlike quantitative). Due to this, qualitative research is
often defined as being subjective (not objective), and findings are
gathered in a written format as opposed to numerical.
Qualitative Quantitative
Data are in the form of words Data are in form of number
Thematic and narrative analysis Statistical analysis
Construct cultural meaning through a process Measure objective facts and focus on
Few cases Many cases
Aims to find insights into particular contexts Aims to find generalizable conclusions
Analysis proceeds by extracting themes or Analysis proceeds by using statistics, tables,
generalizations form evidence and organizing or charts and discussing how what they show
data to present a coherent, consistent picture related to hypotheses.
Context-based Independent of context
Research procedures are particular and Procedure are standard, and replication is
replication is very rare assumed.

Open and flexible – data categories/themes Pre-organised data categories


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