The Effects of The Absenteeism of The Students

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The Effects of the Absenteeism of the Students

Background of the study

Presentation of the Problem

In the world we currently live in, there are a lot of students who skip their classes to do
something else than go to school, resulting in a lot of students dropping out. This is due to
their uncontrollable desire to do something else than attend the class.

Historical Background of the Problem

Typically, in 2015, about one in SHS (19.2 percent) missed school three days or more in the
month before the assessment and would be at risk of being chronically absent if that pattern
were sustained over the school year.

● About 13 percent missed 3–4 days of school in 2015; about 5 percent missed 5–10
days of school (between a quarter and a half of the month); and a small minority, less
than 2 percent, missed more than 10 days of school, or half or more of the school days
that month.

● We find no significant differences in rates of absenteeism and chronic absenteeism by

grade (similar shares of fourth-graders and eighth-graders were absent), and the
patterns were relatively stable between 2003 and 2015.

● While, on average, there was no significant change in absenteeism levels between

2003 and 2015, there was a significant decrease over this period in the share of
students missing more than 10 days of school.

Geographical Condition of the Study Locale

The place we choose to conduct our study for our research is inside the campus, Tanauan
National High School itself, we know for sure that there are a lot of students who have
experienced not attending classes for a week or even a month.

Rationale of the Study

The main reason why we want to conduct this kind of study is to monitor the students who
are not attending school and to spread awareness of how important attendance is in the
The Factors that make the Student Unmotivated

Background of the Study

Presentation of the problem

It is known that unmotivated students are just lazy, but the unmotivated student is highly
motivated when it comes to schoolwork -- he's motivated to avoid it. He puts more work into
avoiding academic challenges than he puts into tackling them. Although his test scores often
convey high potential, his classroom performance suggests something else. When given an
assignment, the unmotivated student will shrug his shoulders and complain, "Why do we
have to do this?" He gives up at the first sign of a challenge. He is content with just getting

Geographical Condition of the Study Locale

The place we choose to conduct our study for our research is inside the campus, Tanauan
National High School itself, we know for sure that there are a lot of students that lack
motivation or are unmotivated to do school work or homework and projects.

Rationale of the Study

The main reason why we want to conduct this kind of study is to know the factors and the
things that can motivate unmotivated students to do their school work and other things that
are related to the school.
Leader: Jannila Bianca Handayan

Members: Rey Ann Detuna

Charles Aldene Colinares

John Marpe Baguisa

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