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APA (7th Edition) Reference Examples:

Author’s last name, First initial(s). (year). Title of the book. Publisher.

DeBruyne, K., & Pinna, K. (2020). Nutrition for health and health care. (7th ed.). Cengage.

Sizer, F., Whitney, E., & Piche, L. (2021). Nutrition concepts and controversies.
(5th Cnd ed.). Nelson Education Ltd.

Author’s last name, First initial(s) or Name of the Organization. (year). Title of the specific
web document that you used. URL

Health Canada. (2019). Canada’s food guide.

Cengage. (2020). Diet and wellness plus.

UM Learn Course Notes:

Author’s last name, First initial(s). (year). Course Number and section Course Name Term.
[specific section of notes that you used]. URL

Hildahl-Shawn, K. (2020). HNSC 1200 D01 Food: Facts and Fallacies Winter 2021 [Unit 1
course notes].

Person or group who uploaded video. (Date of publication). Title of video [Video]. Website host.

AgricultureCanadaEng. (2019, February 16). Agriculture then and now: Food accessibility
[Video]. YouTube.

Author, A., Author, B., & Author, C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Magazine, volume
number(issue number), pages. URL

Peterzell, J. (2019, April). Better late than never. Time, 143(18), 40–41.

Executive Producer, E. P. (Executive Producer). (Date of publication). Title of podcast episode
(Episode number) [Audio podcast episode]. In Title of podcast. Production company. URL
*NOTE: Host of the podcast can be used in place of Executive producer

Wilbur, M., & Keene, A. (Hosts). (2019, March 3). Food sovereignty: A growing movement. (Episode
2). [Audio Podcast episode]. In All my relations. SpeakOut.
K. Hildahl-Shawn (2021)
If the year of publication is not listed, use (n.d.) meaning no date.
If there is no author or organization listed for the website, use the title of the article in place of the
author: e.g. Keto diet: Easy steps. (2019).
The title of books and web documents are in italics. Only the first word has a capital letter, the rest is
all lower case (sentence case).
References should be listed in alphabetical order and the second (and subsequent) line of each
reference should have a hanging indent.

In-Text Citations:
One author: (Hildahl-Shawn, 2020).
Two authors: (DeBruyne & Pinna, 2020).
Three or more authors: (Sizer et al., 2021).
Organization: (Health Canada, 2019). (Cengage, 2020).
No Author: (Keto diet, 2019).
No date: (Health Canada, n.d.)

Other Information:
APA Publication Manual 7th Edition Guide:
University of Manitoba Libraries Style Guide: APA:
How to Determine a Good Source:

K. Hildahl-Shawn (2021)

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