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A Qualitative Research Paper

Presented to the
High School Department
Malayan Colleges Mindanao
General Douglas MacArthur Highway,
Matina, Davao City


Obenza, Serj Louis G.

Alquino, Elijah Nicolas A.
Flores, Keith Isiah B.
Salveron, Jea Elyon R.
Segundera, Hanssen Eugene G.



A Qualitative Research Presented to

the High School Department of
Malayan Colleges Mindanao
General Douglas MacArthur Highway,
Matina, Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for APP3:
Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research)



Obenza, Serj Louis G.

Alquino, Elijah Nicolas A.
Flores, Keith Isiah B.
Salveron, Jea Elyon R.
Segundera, Hanssen Eugene G.


Research Adviser

MARCH 2023

Republic of the Philippines

General Douglas MacArthur Highway,
Matina, Davao City

Declaration of Originality

We, Serj, Elijah, Keith, Jea, and Hanssen, declare that this research is original

to the best of our knowledge. We declare further that this activity was undertaken by us.

Researcher Researcher Researcher

Obenza, Serj Louis G. Flores, Keith Isiah B.

Alquino, Elijah Nicolas A.

Researcher Researcher

Salveron, Jea Elyon R. Segundera, Hanssen Eugene G.

MARCH 2023

This research paper entitled, “PERSPECTIVES OF SHS STUDENTS ON

ASSURANCE” prepared and submitted by NAME 1, NAME 2, NAME 3, and NAME
4, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject APP5: Practical Research 2
(Quantitative Research), has been examined and is, hereby, recommended for the
corresponding oral presentation, approval, and acceptance.


Research Adviser



APPROVED by the Panel of Examiners with a grade of _____.


Chairman Member


APPROVED and ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the subject APP3: Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research).

School Principal



Background of the Study
Research Questions
Theoretical Lens
Related Literature
Importance of the Study
Limitation of the Study
Definition of Terms

Research Design
Research Participants
Data Sources
Data Collection Procedures
Data Analysis
Trustworthiness of the Study
Ethical Considerations


Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Students who eat well arrive at school more alert and ready to learn. Students are

more likely to attend class more frequently and take fewer absences since better diet

makes them healthier. According to (Lindberg, 2020) both sugar and starvation have a

bad effect on children's behavior. When kids eat a balanced diet that contains protein, fat,

complex carbohydrates, and fiber, these impacts can be mitigated. As a result, kids will

spend more time in class and experience fewer learning disruptions during the school

year. A better learning environment for every kid in the class may also result from

improved student behavior and fewer disturbances in the classroom (Healthy-Food-

Choices-In-Schools, 2019). However, when prices rise, food becomes unaffordable and

inaccessible to these people who are already struggling, forcing more people into poverty

(Hrisca, 2022). Furthermore, the high cost of food has some negative effects on students'

allowances; some students prefer not to buy specific meals because of the costs after class

or during a health break since they have a limited budget or are saving up their

allowance. Even though it has unfavorable effects. Moreover, the definition of a high

food price is one in which fundamental shifts in the global supply and demand have

increased the price of food (Janssen, 2012). To sum up, high food costs in school

cafeterias can have a significant impact on students' health, satisfaction, and academic

performance. In order to guarantee that all students have access to reasonably priced

meals, it is crucial to address this issue immediately.

In Maryland, United States, (Shorter, 2022) the director of food and nutrition at

Prince George's County Public Schools, one of the biggest school districts in Maryland,

the cost of food and supplies has increased in Prince George's County, Maryland, schools

by an average of 12 to 20% over the past two years. Fruit prices increased by 10 cents per

serving, while milk carton prices increased by 6 to 7%. These price hikes quickly mount

up in an area that serves 50,000 breakfasts and 80,000 lunches daily. According to

Shorter, the cost of fruit per day amounts to an additional $8,000, and that is only for one

meal. Prices are going up everywhere, and they still haven't even discussed breakfast.

Over the past year, the price of paper goods and cleaning supplies has also surged.

According to Gleave, salad serving platters cost twice as much. Others caution that

higher prices may have detrimental effects on student nutrition, especially in lower-

income districts like Glendale, where approximately 94% of the student body is enrolled

in the free and reduced lunch program, as some districts respond by raising the costs that

students, families, and taxpayers pay (Popli, 2022).

In Koronadal City, Philippines, senior high school students frequently skip

breakfast in order to make it to the 7 a.m. class, which results in an absence of hunger and

energy for the rest of the day. Because of this, the majority of students rely on the

canteen's menu, yet they still have to pay high costs for meals that are typically not that

expensive when compared to the food and beverages available off campus. Stress is one

of the main issues facing both students and other individuals in this time. Stress is a state

of anxiety and stress in the mind brought on by issues in your personal life, career,

education, etc. Stress can be brought on by the canteen's exorbitant prices. While some

students are saving their money for school expenditures, activities, projects, and other

personal expenses, it might cause stress. In this situation, some students are being forced

to buy food against their will. The average food cost in some canteens is high. For

instance, the Koronadal National Comprehensive High School (KNCHS) SHS canteen

has a price of at least 20 pesos and higher, in contrast to the junior high school canteen,

which has a price of at least 5 pesos and is more reasonably priced than the KNCHS SHS

canteen (Alviar, 2019).

In Mintal, Davao City, Davao Del Sur, Philippines. Mintal Comprehensive High

School (MCHS) faces a number of issues that need to be resolved, particularly with

regard to the caliber of services it offers to students in the canteen. For instance, many

students grumble about the high cost of canteen items, which they are unable to purchase

due to their inadequate allowances. Also, due to the canteen's packed conditions the most

of the time, teachers and students suggest a venue that is larger. Regarding the type or

variety of foods offered at the canteen, students have a variety of experiences and

grievances (Galabo, 2019).

According to (Ruina, 2018), a cafeteria is a place with few to no personnel and

lots of self-service counters. And a canteen is a store where food, beverages, and small

goods are sold in a camp, school, etc., according to (Britannica Dictionary, 2023). In

addition, this study will concentrate more on MMCM's cafeteria menu price.

Furthermore, the cost of the cafeteria menu has been discussed in previous studies. There

has been research on cafeteria menu prices, however it was done on a global and national

level. Furthermore, the researchers have not conducted research on cafeteria menu prices

in a local environment. Other researchers prefer to evaluate their participants'

performance using cafeteria menu prices for their studies. Likewise, this study will

present senior high school students' perspectives on cafeteria menu prices. The purpose of

this phenomenological study aims to identify the factors that influence senior high school

students' decisions to purchase food off-campus. Particularly, senior high students are

significantly impacted by the expense of food at the MMCM school cafeteria.

Research Questions

This study seeks to understand the viewpoints of SHS students regarding cafeteria menu

prices. This research specifically aimed to respond to the following questions:

1. What are the lived experiences of the SHS students on MMCM cafeteria menu


2. How do the SHS students cope with the challenges they experienced on MMCM

cafeteria menu pricing?

3. What insights can be drawn from the experiences of the SHS students on MMCM

cafeteria menu pricing?

Theoretical Lens

Introduce the three theories which will be used in your study in two sentences.

Introduce the three theories which will be used in your study in two sentences.

Food Price Stabilization Theory (Newbery, 1989). This research is anchored on

David M. Newbery's theory of food price stabilization (1989), which stated that food

price volatility has significant implications on consumers, which have largely gone

unnoticed in the research on commodity price volatility. This study explores these

distinctions and contends that distribution difficulties are critical and that futures markets

are not well suited to provide consumer insurance. The competitive market will cause

insufficient price stability, but a universal ration entitlement, which would function as a

replacement for futures markets, would provide more cost-effective insurance. Yet, if

ration entitlement coverage is insufficient, providing improved price stabilization through

larger buffer stocks may be more cost efficient than rations.

Discuss the relevance of the theory to your study. Explain how such

theory will be used in this research. Discuss the relevance of the theory to your study.

Explain how such theory will be used in this research. Discuss the relevance of the theory

to your study. Explain how such theory will be used in this research. Discuss the

relevance of the theory to your study. Explain how such theory will be used in this

research. Discuss the relevance of the theory to your study. Explain how such theory will

be used in this research. Discuss the relevance of the theory to your study. Explain how

such theory will be used in this research.

Name of Theory 2 (Proponent, year). French S. (2007) Braeutigam Besanko,

Melvin Boyes, and Heady (2010) Poweel Khan, Wada R. (2012) IMF, Pleven L., and

USAD (2013) research is also used to support this study. According to this study, food

costs significantly rose in 2006. At first, major food crops like corn, rice, vegetables, and

wheat all saw price increases. But in recent times, the trend has also been seen in other

non-food commodities. The main factors that influence food prices are supply and

demand dynamics, as well as production costs and commodity market speculation. The

2008 or 2009 financial crisis is to blame for the rise in food prices. The financial crisis

caused massive stock market losses by lowering the financial performance of most

publicly traded companies. Investors shifted their capital to the commodity market to

avoid losses (Headey, 2010, pp. 375-391). As a result of the increased demand in the

commodity market, oil and gas prices rose, raising the costs of processing various

foodstuffs. Oil is used, for example, to move crops from farms to factories or markets.

Thus, an increase in transportation costs leads to an increase in the prices of processed

food throughout the country. Over the past five years, the price of agricultural inputs like

fertilizer and irrigation equipment has also increased (Headey, 2010, pp. 375–391). As a

result, in order to increase the returns on their input investments, farmers had to raise the

prices of their output.

Discuss the relevance of the theory to your study. Explain how such theory will

be used in this research. Discuss the relevance of the theory to your study. Explain how

such theory will be used in this research. Discuss the relevance of the theory to your

study. Explain how such theory will be used in this research. Discuss the relevance of the

theory to your study. Explain how such theory will be used in this research. Discuss the

relevance of the theory to your study. Explain how such theory will be used in this

research. Discuss the relevance of the theory to your study. Explain how such theory will

be used in this research. Explain how such theory will be used in this research. Discuss

the relevance of the theory to your study. Explain how such theory will be used in this

research. Discuss the relevance of the theory to your study. Explain how such theory will

be used in this research.

Related Literature

Include a short introductory sentence about the contents of this section. This may

have 3-4 sentences.

Cafeteria Menu Pricing or Pricing Strategies in School Cafeterias/Canteen

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

Students'/Customer Experiences in Cafeteria Menu Pricing

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

Challenges Experienced in Cafeteria Menu Pricing

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

Consumer Strategies in Cafeteria Menu Pricing

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

In this section, carefully review your literature by following the move structure.

The moves are for the entire theme, not per paragraph. Do not just copy and paste the

literature found. Make sure to review the literature in order to gain a deeper

understanding of the topic and that it is has a bearing on your study. Remember also to

not include pieces of literature that are earlier than 2011, except for studies which are

quite limited in terms of accessibility. In each theme, there should be 4 paragraphs, with

5-7 sentences and 2-3 non-recurring citations in it and 1 paragraph intended for synthesis.

In your synthesis, summarize the whole points of the related articles/journals focusing on

the similarities and differences of the studies, and how can these studies establish the

importance of this paper.

Provide a one-paragraph synthesis of the entire related literature. Focus on the

importance of these literature to your study. Provide a one-paragraph synthesis of the

entire related literature. Focus on the importance of these literature to your study. Provide

a one-paragraph synthesis of the entire related literature. Focus on the importance of

these literature to your study.

Importance of the Study

The importance of our phenomenological study is to be able to help the students,

The cafeteria and the school itself. Students are more likely to benefit this study since we

are finding ways on how they could save money and lessen financial stress white eating

in the cafeteria. In addition, the cafeteria will also profit from our research since, if prices

are reduced, students are more likely to patronize the cafeteria than to go off campus for

food. Moreover, the school also can benefit since the they could improve student service

and gain more income since our study focuses on lowering the menu prices in the

cafeteria. A lot of recipients could gain more profit for the school and cafeteria and save

money for the students, which is the key takeaway from our study.

Limitations of the Study

This study investigated senior high school students' perceptions on cafeteria menu

prices. While the results offer insightful understandings into these senior high school

students’ viewpoints, there are a number of limitations that should be considered when

interpreting the data.

Firstly, the study only included a small sample size of 10 subjects. Although this

is a standard qualitative research constraint, it can limit how broadly the results can be

applied. If more students participate in the study, it will be possible to determine whether

the experiences of this group are typical of other senior high students' perceptions of

cafeteria menu prices.

In addition, the study is dependent on the participants' interest and availability.

Due to their schedules, several of the selected candidates are unable to participate. There

will be a propensity for them to offer incomplete and inaccurate information.

In conclusion, the objective of this study was to investigate senior high school

students' views on cafeteria menu prices in 2023. Long-term perspectives and results of

cafeteria menu pricing could be different from what study participants stated. Future

studies should look into how cafeteria menu price affects long-term perspectives and

outcomes, as well as how these evolve over time.

Thus, future research should address these limitations to improve the validity and

generalizability of the findings. This study solely seeks to give senior high school

students' viewpoints on cafeteria menu price.

Definition of Terms

The keywords of the study should be provided with an operational definition

(according to the concept of the study/researchers) as to how it will function in the study.

This is done in a paragraph form. Arrange alphabetically.

Allowance - is a sum of money given to a person, typically on a regular basis, to assist

them in paying for the needs they have.

Cafeteria - a dining establishment where customers self-serve or are served from a

counter and pay before eating.

Food pricing - Food costs are the average cost of a specific food item.

MMCM - stands for Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao. It is a topnotch, globally

recognized University.

Menu - a list of the foods that are offered in a restaurant.

Participant - a participant is someone who engages in an activity.

SHS - a secondary school usually consists of the top three grades.

Student - an individual enrolled in school.

Chapter 2


In Chapter 2, it is the methodology part of the study. In this section, we will find

here what is the research design of the study, who will be the research respondents, what

is the data sources of the study, how we will gather our data, lastly the trustworthiness of

the study can be found here. This are the parts that we could find in chapter 2.

Research Design

In this study, a qualitative phenomenological study is being conducted. We used a

qualitative approach since according to Bhandari (2023), To better comprehend ideas,

opinions, or experiences, qualitative research entails gathering and evaluating non-

numerical data (such as text, video, or audio). It can be utilized to uncover intricate

details about a situation or to spark fresh study concepts. In relation to this study

Phenomenology aids in our comprehension of the significance of people's actual

experiences. In a phenomenological investigation, the focus is on how people saw a

phenomenon and what they actually went through. Since phenomenology has a solid

philosophical background, it is advised that you read the works of influential

philosophers like Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, and Merleau-Ponty before starting your

research (LibGuides: Qualitative Research Methods: Gumberg Library and CIQR, 2023).

We took a phenomenological approach to our research because we were curious about

how students view various experiences on the MMCM Cafeteria menu pricing.

Research Respondents

This should only be one (1) paragraph. Discuss your sampling method and

include an in-text citation. Then, explain how this sampling method will be used in your

study. Include your specific criteria (3-4) in selecting your participants. Then, include the

exact number of your participant, as well as other information of the sample, based on the

sampling method that you employed.

Data Sources

Creswell (2007) states that data sources are typically gathered in a variety of

formats, such as in-depth interviews (IDI) and focused group discussions (FGD). He also

mentioned four types of qualitative data collection in 2014. These include conducting

interviews, observations, and recording audio and visual materials.

The transcript version of the participants' remarks and testimonies from the

interviews that we conducted serves as our primary data source for this study. The

transcripts of the participants' interviews will be the major source of data. The data will

be acquired through participant narrations of their personal experiences and the

challenges they encounter as a result of those experiences. This data source will aid in

creating engaging statements, which will increase future discussions of research findings.

The data will be obtained from participants from the Mapua Malayan Colleges of

Mindanao institution, notably those in the senior high school institution. This institution

has been chosen since the research centers around it.

Our secondary data source for this study will be based on the theoretical lenses

that are in our introduction. Additional data will be obtained by the articles used in our

theoretical lens. This data source will help in the creation of engaging statements, which

will also boost future discussions on study findings.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before gathering research data on our chosen participants, we will conduct

interviews with five participants as part of the study. The first thing that we will do is to

request permission from the president of Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao and in

particular from our chosen participants to conduct the study. In order to obtain

authorization to begin the data collection, we will send an email with a copy of our letter


For our second step, we must get in touch with each of the participants we

selected using their school-provided Gmail or outlook accounts (MMCM). If they accept

our offer and are willing to conduct the study, we will include a letter with our request for

them to participate. Face-to-face interaction will be used for the interview.

The third phase will involve preparing the interview's relevant materials,

including guidelines, questions, and cameras (for recording purposes). Each question

relates to the subject of our research, and we take care to ensure that all participants can

understand it.

Finally, for the last stage, we will capture every participant's response, and then

we will create a transcript of it. We'll make sure this interview process is handled

properly. We guarantee that no questions will go unanswered during the interview. After

everything is finished, we will go on to editing. Once editing is complete, we will use the

clip to do our data analysis and draw a conclusion about our study.

Trustworthiness of the Study

According to Moran (2021) because it is expressed in many ways, the concept is

more enigmatic. It is important to discuss how qualitative researchers establish that the

research study's conclusions are credible, transportable, confirmable, and trustworthy

because they do not employ instruments with established metrics for validity and


Credibility – According to Moran (2021), is the degree to which the qualitative

researcher believes that the research study's conclusions are accurate. The issue that

needs to be asked here is, "How do you know that your findings are real and accurate?”.

In this study, In-depth interviews (IDI), member checking, and data triangulation will all

be used in this study. This study will only need a small number of participants, which is

advantageous for in-depth interviews (IDI) because, according to Bhat (2021), it only

needs a small number of participants to collect worthwhile data. These are the methods

that researchers use to examine qualitative data.

Transferability – According to Moran (2021), is how the qualitative researcher

shows that the research's conclusions are transferable to other situations. "Other contexts"

in this context can refer to comparable contexts, populations, or phenomena. In this


Confirmability – According to Moran (2021), is how objective the research

study's conclusions are. To put it another way, this means that the conclusions are based

on the responses of the participants, not on any potential bias or private goals of the

researcher. In this study,

Dependability – According to Moran (2021), is the degree to which the

investigation could be carried out again and the results would remain reliable. In other

words, if someone wanted to duplicate your study, they should have access to sufficient

data from your research report to do so and produce results that are comparable to those

of your study. In this study,

Ethical Considerations

Describe and elaborate the ethical considerations observed in this study. Focus on

the Data Privacy Act, anonymity, right to retract, and consent/assent. This should be one

paragraph only. Describe and elaborate the ethical considerations observed in this study.

Focus on the Data Privacy Act, anonymity, right to retract, and consent/assent. This

should be one paragraph only. Describe and elaborate the ethical considerations observed

in this study. Focus on the Data Privacy Act, anonymity, right to retract, and

consent/assent. This should be one paragraph only


Akpati, C. F. (2019). A multimodal discourse study of some online campaign cartoons of

nigeria’s 2015 presidential election. IAFOR Journal of Arts & Humanities, 6(2),

Go, J. R. (2018). Tulong: An articulation of politics in the Christian Philippines.

Philippine Political Science Journal, 69-71.

Malimas, M.A.P., Carreon, J.A.D. & Peña, N.W. (2018). Critical discourse analysis of
Filipino women politicians' campaign speeches. Asian EFL Journal, 20, p386-

Sani, I., Hayati Abdullah, M., Abdullah, F. S., & Ali, A. M. (2012). Political cartoons as
a vehicle of setting social agenda: The newspaper example. Asian Social Science,
8(6), 156–164.


Statement of Project Member Contribution


% of
Name of Member Contribution
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Other Parts
to the Whole
1. Surname, First
Name, M.I.
2. Surname, First
Name, M.I.
3. Surname, First
Name, M.I.
4. Surname, First
Name, M.I.
5. Surname, First
Name, M.I.
6. Surname, First
Name, M.I.

Total 100%


Permission Letter

(Provide your letter here in Single Space)


Letter of Informed Consent

(Provide the signed letter here; make sure to observe anonymity and confidentiality of
their identities)


Interview Guide Questions

Provide your guide questions here.


List of Validators

Attach the list here as well as their qualifications.



Provide the tabular transcribed data (Stages 1 and 2 here)


Turnitin Result

Attach the result here.



Name: insert your photo

here, white
background, bust
Grade and Section:
shot only,
Address: formal/business
Contact Number/s: attire
Email Address:


Senior High School:

Junior High School:


List your awards/achievements in your extracurricular activities from elementary

up to present in reverse chronological order (present to past). Example:

1st Place, Extemporaneous Speaking, March 2022

Pasikatay 2022

Champion, E-Sports (Mobile Legends) March 2022

Pasikatay 2022

3rd Runner-Up, Math-Sci National Quiz Bee September 2015

1st Place, Spelling Bee October 2013




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