The Most Retarded Sheet of All of WoD PDF

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~~~~~T~t~sttL~I~~~~ Tiffany Rouk Humanity

Nam e:_____
Tiffy Rouk the Nuke, Så-miʾēl, Lucifer the Morning Star,
■■■■■■■■■■ Experience 470 _
Spent Exp 1,002
The Crone, Eickos, The Unconquered Sun, Sinesia, Iila Umina
Sire: _ Ilcalth is Stmnina+3
Anarch _
Irad, Serosis, Myself, Tiffany Culona
Apparant _ 22 Clan
5'8" 34GG 45-18-48 (0.38WHR), 160lbs _
Tiffy's never really been all that smart even if she does have the talent for it; but,
o Assamite o Ravnos
she is dangerously hot. She has long shimmering golden hair like out of a fairytale,
sparkling azure eyes like brilliantly cut sapphires, a youthful face, with pouty lips,
True Age: _ o ■ Old God o
Brujah Setite
an amazing smile, an insanely hot voice, and the body of a total sex bomb. She has
large perfectly shaped breasts with medium-small areoles/nipples, a super tiny Geueration
o Cangrel o Toreador
waist with ridiculous abs and obliques, which smoothly transitions to wide hips,
• • • • •000000pO,00
o Giovanni o Tremere
thick muscular thighs, and the biggest roundest ass you've ever seen in your life.
As a boxer she typically wears a sports bra and spats, or booty shorts. A deep ●●●●●●;'\1'(" i'M.Y I',t:llL\n: I o Lasomhra o Tzimisce
yellow, and black, with a radiation symbol on the sports bra. Red gloves, red shoes.
At other times it really depends, but a suit jacket, and a tight skirt, along with a ✔
✔ o Malkavian o Ventrue
cleavage revealing blouse (or just sports/bra) is a pretty good bet. All with generally
0000000000 ●●● ●●
o ●Humau o Ghoul o Nosferatu o Caitiff
thin silky material.
WilllXlwcr is Conviction+Sclf~COlllrol 0 Nagaraja
- - - - - - - - - - - - A t t r i b u t e s ------=----=------ ✔

Distribute 8 points as you sec tit. Can"! raise any higher than 4 ewept Appearance at creation. NoslCralu canl10t raise Appearance above O.
x20 x10 Physical x20 x10 Social x20 x10 Mental
●● Strength ●●●●●●●
●● ●.000000000 Charisma ●● ●●●
.000000000 ●●●●
●● ●
Perception _ _.000000000
●● Dexterity ●●● ●●●●
●● ●.000000000 ●●●●●
Manipulation_.OOOOOOOOO ●●●●
●● ● ●
Intelligence _ _.OOOOOOOOO
●● Stamina ●● ●● ●● ●●●● ● ● ● Appearance __OOOOOOOOOO
.000000000 ●● ●●●● ●●●● Wits ●● ●●●
-------------Abilities----------- ✔

Allilities: Spend 5/5/5 points as you sec iiI. Can'! mise UIlY higher 1huI14 at creation.

x20 x10 Talents x20 x10 Skills x20 x10

●● Athletics ●● ●0000000000
●●● ●●●● ● ● Firearms ●●●●●●●●●●
0000000000 Computer ●●●●●
●● Brawl ●●●0000000000
●●● ●●●● ● ● Melee ●●●●●●●●●●
0000000000 Finance ●●●●●
●● Dodge ●● ●0000000000
●●● ●●●● Lockpicking ●●●●●
0000000000 Occult ●●●●●●●●●
●● Stealth ●●●●●
0000000000 Medicine ●●●●●●●
Suhterfuge ●● ●●●0000000000 Ettiquette ●●●●●
0000000000 Politics ●●●●●
Investigation●● ●●●
0000000000 Survival ●●●●●
0000000000 Science ●●●●●●●
-------------Disciplines - - - - - - - - - - - ✔

Neonates: You gel I point ill each base Clan Discipline. No additional poinlS. NI'C: Consul1 Gr\'l. II umanlChoulrrhinblood: None.

__ Celerity ●●●●●●●●●● _ _
_ _ _0000000000 Potence ●●●●●●●●●●
_ _ _0000000000 __ Dominate ●●●
_ _ _0000000000
__ Protean
_ _ _0000000000 Fortitude
●● ●●●●●●●● _ _ __ ×2 _0000000000
●●●●●●●●●● _ _Auspex ●●●●●●●●●●
_ _ _0000000000
_Thaumaturgy ●● ● ●●
_ _ _ _0000000000 __ Obfuscate
_ _ _0000000000 __ Presence ●●●●●●●●●●
_ _ _0000000000

------------Backgrounds - - - - - - - ●- -
●● ●● ● ● ●●●

■■■■■■■■■■ Spend 4 points as you sec til.

_ ___
Fame ●●●●●●
_0000000000 ___ Herd ●●
_ _0000000000 ■■■■■■■■■■ _ _ _220,898,375,064,409
_ _0000000000
____ ●●
_0000000000 _Sanctum
_ _(-2 _ diff ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
in) ●●●●●
_0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
____ ●●● ●●●●●●
_0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ _ _ _ _ _0000000000

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - V i r t u e s - - - - - -■
Mentor: Isaac Abrams●●●● ■■
■■■■■■■■■ Add 7 of your choice
Conviction ● ●●●●●
.000000000 Self-Control ●●●●●●
.000000000 Courage ●●●●●
- - - M e r i t s - - - - - - - Flaws - - - - - - - - - - - - - ×10

Cost ■■■■■■■■■
Merits/Flaws: Add ns Inuny Fln"s us yOll like. Add I'dcrils worth lip to thm Inuny points ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Precocious (learn twice as fast, ½ XP costs)
Permanent Virginity (+3 self, +3 other, -1 BP, 1/B) 3

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Fast Learner (+1 xp at end of each story) 5 Big Mouth 2
Nine lives 6 Derangement: Nymphomania, Masochism, Perfection 9
Common Sense
Blase (ward off presence up to lvl 7)
Distinguishing Characteristic - totally ripped
Gender Awkwardness - Tomboy (+1 diff socials w/ girls)
Unbondable 3 Hatred - Druggies, Alcoholics, Drug Dealers 9 0000000000
Clear Sighted (see invis, per+wits vs power lvl + 3) 6 Impatient 1
Computer Aptitude (-2 diff computers) 2
Lustful 2 0000000000
Eidetic Memory (int+wits for total recall) Stubborn 2
Enchanting Voice (-2 diff voice) 2 Dead Star 2 0000000000
Enchanting Gaze (-2 diff eye contact) 2 Addiction: Tasty 5+ Female Cum 3
Good Right Hook (+2 die for brawl, people fall over) 4
Healthy Skepticism (-2 diff to detect lies) 1
Lightning Calculator (-2 diff w/ computers/numbers) 1 Blood Per Turn
Time Sense 1
Uncanny Logic (-2 diff for deduction)
David's Arm (double aim benefits) 3
Natural Swimmer (+1 athletics in water, -2 diff in water) 1
Pelagic Harmony (-1 diff all wp rolls in sight of ocean) 1 Hunger
Burning Aura 2
Living Icon 4 ■ ■00000
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
69 Total: 39
Points Available: -30 ■■■■■■■■■
[Cal] [ Type ] [Qty]

Hellblade: FSotMS STR+20/A Internal Yes N/A N/A

____ Dominion Class 8: Divine 1B Spirit Bound Yes
Homing Stake STR+1/L Boot 30 Yes N/A N/A
____ Infernal Vestiments Class 8: Divine Effect Bound Internal Yes
Spear of Destiny (4 diff) STR+10/A Boot Yes N/A N/A
____ Boots of Shadowstride Class 8: Divine Effect Bound Internal Yes
Tail (4 diff) STR+1/A Internal Yes N/A N/A
____ LS: White Vest Class 4: Chainmail 4 0 Jacket Yes
Primium Tiffy Dagger (4 diff)* STR+1/A Boot Yes N/A N/A ____ LS: Black Suit Jacket Class 4: Chainmail 4 0 Trench Coat Yes
Iron Tiffy Dagger (4 diff)* STR+1/A Boot Yes N/A N/A ____ LS: Black Slit Skirt Class 4: Chainmail 4 0 Trench Coat Yes
Void Ray Ring** 13/12/11/A Pocket 1000 3 ∞ Yes N/A N/A ____ LS: Stylish Dress Class 4: Chainmail 4 0 Trench Coat No
Primium Knuckles (diff 4) STR+2 Pocket Yes ____ LS: Stockings Class 4: Chainmail 4 0 Yes
Trench Coat
____ Adaptive Voidplate Class 7: Power Armor 5 0 No
19/21 40mm HE grenade; 1/1 silver 40mm grenade, 17/17 9mm FMJ, 100/100 silver 9mm, 210/210 silver .556 ____
Lotus Exige ☢Yellow/Black 2001 100 250 10 1+4 10 10
frag grenades, 12/A, J, 30, 1, 1, yes, 15/15 ____
FRAG-12: 8/L Mini-grenades; eight dice on target, minus one die/ yard from impact to max. of -8 dice
hollow-point (+2 dmg die on unarmored targets), 200 incendiary 9mm
Guns have laser sights (-1 diff). Grenade has diff 6, -1 success each yard outside 30ft, 12 dice of damage.
* = steal 2 spirit from target., ** = consumes 3/2/1 spirit

Isaac Abrams Mentor Ex-Baron of Hollywood Hollywood Hotel, Room 8

Bertram Tung Tung owes her a boon. Atomic Acropolis Located between Hollywood, Santa Monica, and LA.
Therese Voerman Lover Has her #. Has hot lesbian sex with her.
Maximillian Strauss Blood bound to Tiffy Along with the entire LA Chantry, and perhaps beyond.
Venus Dare & Strippers Blood bound to Tiffy
Natasha Voreshkna New Baroness of Hollywood Have office #. Tiffy ate pussy, liked the taste. Baroness of Hollywood.
Tiffany Follami Culona Librarian - Hollywood, Tremere Have library #, cellphone #. She fucked me in the ass.
Prîs-Mîtînî-'Êl Daughter

Chimerstry ●●●●●●●●●●
Dark Thaumaturgy (All)@10 ●●●●● Ritual of the Bitter Rose 3 Valeren/Obeah ●●●●●●●●●●
Thaumaturgical Countermagic ●●●●● Reverse/Summoning 1 Mytherceria ●●●●●●●●
Path of Technomancy ●●●●● Devil (All) ●●●●●
Neptune's Might ●●●●● Devil (Blue) ●●●●●
Movement of the Mind ●●●●● Angel (All) ●●●●●●
Path of Mercury ●●●●● True Faith ●●●●●
Path of Warding ●●●●● Serpentis ●●●●●
Obtenebration ●
Path of Transmutation ●●●●● Quietus ●
●●●●● Animalism ●
Nature Temporis ●●●●●●●●
Tiffy is a professional female boxer. She's never tasted defeat in her entire professional career. She's won every single one of her 22 fights, 20 of which being knockouts. She's considered to be
the top female super middleweight boxer in the world, and the youngest WBA and WBC female super middleweight champion. She's known for not only her remarkable speed and virtually
unlimited stamina, but she's also known to hit like a train. While Muhammad Ali was said to fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee, Tiffy is said to fly like a dragonfly and sting like a bullet ant. She
even has the same boxing promoter as Muhammad Ali, the controversial Don King. Her intro song is a cool remix of Atom Bomb Baby starting with a warning siren thing.

Professionally, she also had a fight against "Iron" Mike Tyson in February of 1999 as a publicity stunt. She was never really expected to win, with an 80-pound weight disadvantage. Tyson,
being 240lbs to her her 160. But she did defeat him by way of knockout 34 seconds into the third round.

Tiffy was embraced at 17 by a boy that she didn't know at a party. To this day she still doesn't know who that boy was. She doesn't know his name and hasn't seen him again. He never taught her
anything about being a vampire, and she doesn't even know what clan she is. The disciplines she's developed are unlike any of the known Cainite clans. Experiencing a number of folkloric banes
of vampires in pop culture she's learned most of what she knows about them from movies and books; though, we're talking Anne Rice, not the Book of Nod.

Tiffy tells herself that had she not been drunk at that party she might have asked the boy questions, or at the bare minimum have learned his name. Having grown up with an alcoholic meth
addict mother she already hated alcoholics and druggies. But after her embrace she swore off drinking and drugs all together. She's developed such a hatred for drugs and alcohol that she'll
actually throw up any blood with drugs or alcohol in their system. The mere taste of it is nauseating for her.

Though worse than just not knowing her sire, that was the first boy she ever had sex with. He did not take her virginity however. Only if. It was anal only and as a result she's been essentially
"cursed" with permanent virginity. Now, even after her embrace, though she can "lose" her virginity, she can't ACTUALLY lose it. It just heals right back immediately. Mid-stroke even. It's...
very painful. It took a few "real" times after to realize what was happening and that she could never "really" lose her virginity.

Not knowing anything about real vampires, or even that she was one now, her first brush with the sun the next morning was a harrowing experience. She very nearly met the final death and
ended up killing and draining her own mother dry in a bestial frenzy. As a result she's still terrified of the sun to this day. Though not even the typical Red Fear most vampires experience. She
even feels extremely uncomfortable in artificial lighting situations made to look like it's daytime with the potential for sun exposure.

Along with her boxing fame she's appeared in Playboy, posing for the cover and 11 pages within. She was even the feature of several anal only pornos with well known mainstream male
pornstars. She's gotten a lot of flak for doing this as when she entered the sport mainstream she wasn't taken very seriously because of her young beautiful appearance that looks somewhat out of
place in boxing. But she decided to play to it and take advantage of it instead, despite the rough slog getting respect for her fighting ability.

Fortunately, Isaac Abrams - the Baron of Hollywood, has recently taken Tiffy under his wing and has started instructing her in some of the ways of the kindred world.
Tiffy is somewhat inspired by Natascha Ragosina & Mia St. John. (

Her father is allegedly Lucifer. She's allegedly a Nephilim half archangel. She's also allegedly the Crone. And has been known as Eickos and Narcise, as well as Lilith. She founded the True
Blood clan. She is also allegedly Lucifer whose original name was Så-miʾēl ans has a True Name that is 666 pages long.
~~~~~T~t~sttL~I~~~~ !m15+107 # anal
!m15+119 # cock
+3 ×2×2
+3 ×2
N a m e : _ _!m15+137
_ _ _# oral {lLOODL1JjE9 DDD;~a~I~DDD +3 ×2
Experience _
Sire: !m15+110
_ # vaginal Ilcalth is Stmnina+3 +6 ×2 Exp
×2 !6v7 # heat check
Spent _
N/A Clan
cellphone; ice chest Books: Sex Ab Workouts, Belly DancingApparant Age:
N/A (1)
_ Key#8, Key: AA, Key: Exige
Appearance:'----- _
on Cocks Misc: Pink workout ball w/ 12 inch dildo attached,
o Assamite
62/6 72 (cock), 47 (appearance)
o Ravnos
(2) laptops, Deed: Confessions. 3 elder vitae bags, 12 alder
True Age: _ o Brujah o Setite
wood stakes, UniCash Card, Universal ID Geueration
o Cangrel o Toreador
Spear of Destiny notes; ice chest with 20 O-, 30 A- (random),• • • • •000000pO,00
o Giovanni o Tremere
marble mortar+pestle, bottle of red wine, bottle of purified ;'\1'(" i'M.Y I',t:llL\n: I
o Lasomhra o Tzimisce
o Malkavian o Ventrue
0000000000 o Humau o Ghoul o Nosferatu o Caitiff
WilllXlwcr is Conviction+Sclf~COlllrol 0 Nagaraja
- - - - - - - - - - - - A t t r i b u t e s ------=----=------
Distribute 8 points as you sec tit. Can"! raise any higher than 4 ewept Appearance at creation. NoslCralu canl10t raise Appearance above O.

Physical Social Mental

Strength August: $15,197,146
.000000000 Charisma Mythical Tightness
(15 min)(+60)
0 _ _.000000000
Hypersensitive Hole: Asshole 2

Dexterity $18,000,000
.000000000 Manipulation_.OOOOOOOOO
Mythical Texture (+60)
Erogenously Sensitive (+3)
Stamina .000000000 Appearance Tasty__OOOOOOOOOO
+60 Wits
0 .000000000
●●●●●●●●● Mythical Talent (×10 base score) 6
----- - -------Abilities-----------
Internal elongation 2
Allilities: Spend 5/5/5 points youbuds
sec iiI. Can'! mise UIlY higher 1huI14 at creation.
Fist of God 0
Talents Skills
Prehensile Cock +30 0 Knowledges
Sex Goddess (die#×2)(m15) 0
1990 primium coins
Athletics 0000000000 Firearms Vibration +30 0000000000 0 Computer 0000000000
Colossal Cock +24 0
Brawl 0000000000 Melee Tongue (All) +90
0000000000 0 Finance 0000000000
Dodge Adjustable pleasure+pain
Lockpicking 0000000000 0 Occult 0000000000
0000000000 0
Illusory Ward (1B Spirit)
Intimidation 0000000000 Stealth 0000000000 Medicine 0000000000
Suhterfuge 0000000000 Ettiquette 0000000000 Politics 0000000000
Investigation 0000000000 Survival 0000000000 Science 0000000000
-------------Disciplines - - - - - - - - - - -
◻ IC Goal: Find out where Irad is, and ask him questions.
◻ IC Goal: Meet Tiffany's father. Which is apparently Lucifer.
Neonates: You gel I point ill each base Clan Discipline. No additional poinlS. NI'C: Consul1 Gr\'l. II umanlChoulrrhinblood: None.
◻ OOC Goal: Get Jesus in a car so I can say "Jesus take the wheel."
◻ OOC Goal: Stay a good person. AND PRETTY.
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
◻ OOC Goal: Kill the fuck out of Caine and God. _ _ _ _ _0000000000
☑ OOC Goal: Go back down to appearance 5, or whatever minimum level to avoid presence. OR get a earring to nullify the effect.
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
◻ OOC Goal: Buy a blood bank in Hollywood too. Maybe buy an extra blood bank in SM? _ _ _ _ _0000000000
◻ IC Goal: Get sandwiched between Tiffany Culona and Lucy Westerna.
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
Herd (7 total): Candy, Kitty, Coco, Laci, Tasha (purple hair), Nadi, Nomi; Herd Handler: Venus Dare. Extra: Max Johnson, 12 inch.

------------Backgrounds - - - - - - - - -
Extra items:
2 Sig Sauer P226 Combat TB, 2×2 clips of hollow-points (40×2 bullets), and 2 clips of silver (40×2 bullets). 1 combat knives
35 exploding silver shuriken, 4 silver plated katanas, 3 silver plated combat knives. Spend 4 points as you sec til.
12x12 tupperware containers: empty
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
1 Katana (6 diff), 1 Combat Knife (4 diff), Glock 17 9mm, 4/L, jacket, 30, 4, 17+1, duffel bag, stake _ _ _ _ _0000000000
chainsaw, mini handheld broom, lighter fluid, box of matches, lighter, Isaac Abrams key ring, 2x small metal trashcans, ziplock baggies
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
Silver Katana (6 diff) STR+3/L T 30 1 1; Sig Sauer P226 Combat TB +LS 4/L jacket 40 4 20+1; Corvinus Combat Boots, class 2, 1, 0, n/a _ _ _ _ _0000000000
Primium Katana (diff 6), STR+3/L
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
Westerna Jacket, class 3, 3, -1, trench; 9mm, hollow-point, 160 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
M16 w/ M203 grenade launcher, 7/L, n/a, 150 | Gold engraved 9mm mahagony, 4/L, jacket, 30, 5, 30+1 | Silver Combat Knife (4 diff), STR+1/L, jacket | AA-12 (black), 8/L, trench, 50, 3, 32+1 | Beretta 92FS 9mm Full Auto, 4/L, jacket, 30, 6, 30+1
Corvinus Corset, Class 2, rating: 2, penalty: 0, conceal: jacket | Corvinus Trenchcoat, Class 2, rating: 2, penalty: 0, conceal: n/a | Corvinus Bracers, Class 2, rating: 1, penalty: 0, conceal: jacket
--------------Virtues - - - - - - - - - - -
Universal ID×3
poisonous lipstick for Vivi Add 7 of your choice
Adaptive Voidplate, class 7, 5, 0, jacket conceal ×3
Conviction .000000000 Self-Control .000000000
suitcases with 5 extra copies of everyone's clothes with secret hypertech compartments to hide daggers & guns that won't be detectable by search or human tech Courage .000000000
6 extra void ray rings

- - - M e r i t s - - - - - - - Flaws - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 Glamour Rings

Old measurements: 5'8" 34F 43-18-48 (0.38WHR), 160lbs, also green eyes
Merits/Flaws: Add ns Inuny Fln"s us yOll like. Add I'dcrils worth lip to thm Inuny points
Merit Cost Flaw Cost

Blood Per Turn



x10 x100

Name:_____ {lLOODL1JjE9 DDD;~a~I~DDD

●● ●●●●●Experience
●● ● _
Sire: _ Ilcalth is Stmnina+3
●● ●●●●●Spent●●●Exp _
✔ Clan
Apparant Age: _
Appearance:'----- _ o Assamite o Ravnos
True Age: _ o Brujah o Setite
●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●
o Cangrel ●● ●
o Toreador
●● ●●●●●●●● Geueration
●● ●●●●●●●● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ●
• • • • •000000pO,00
o Giovanni o Tremere
0000000000 ●●
●●●●●●●● ●● ●●●●●●●●
;'\1'(" i'M.Y I',t:llL\n: I
● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ●
o Lasomhra o Tzimisce
o Malkavian o Ventrue
0000000000 o Humau o Ghoul o Nosferatu o Caitiff
WilllXlwcr is Conviction+Sclf~COlllrol 0 Nagaraja
- - - - - - - - - - - - A t t r i b u t e s ------=----=------
Saulocept, Superior Saulocept Hellblade: Flaming Sword of the Morning Star
Distribute 8 points as you sec tit. Can"! raise any higher than 4 ewept Appearance at creation. NoslCralu canl10t raise Appearance above O.
Dominion: Archangelic Angelic Lord Armor

They appear to be small bones. If you hold them you can almost hear voices at the In its first form it is a black ring with a ruby, and a black hilt with red katana-like It appears like a suit of plate armor made of some sort of gold material that
edge of your perception. Physical Social
sword of light and flame. In its Exalted 2 form it shifts its appearance depending on Mental
shimmers and emits a light radiant golden light. Advanced practitioners are able to
its owners soul. change its appearance to their liking upon a whim.
Strength .000000000 Charisma .000000000 Perception _ _.000000000
• 1 EXP point for every 3 or more earned Hellblade: STR+5/A. Unblockable. Unsoakable. Heal 1/A with 5 blood; no action Dominion provides complete invulnerability to the body parts it protects. It as such
• Double all XP gained .000000000 Manipulation_.OOOOOOOOO
required (limited by Blood per Turn & Blood Pool). Can transform into gauntlet Intelligence
does not have_ _.OOOOOOOOO
an armor rating per se. Instead, it is measured in the amount of spirit
with hellfire claws, into a black ring with a ruby gemstone, or a black hilt with a expenditure required to destroy it. In this case, that is 1 Billion spirit.
Stamina .000000000 Appearance
ruby gemstone. Pressing the__OOOOOOOOOO
hilt's ruby will summon forth a katana-like pink-ish red Wits .000000000
blade with no discernible features but in a katana shape, and glowing red. Typical Archangel armor requires 100 Million spirit to destroy. The armor of a

-------------Abilities----------- • Exalted 1: Hellblade becomes Soulbound. Damage increases to STR+10/A.

Dominion however is far superior.

5/5/5blood equivalent
points to the
as you secdamage it inflictsmise
iiI. Can'! which UIlY
is stored within 1huI14 at
higher creation. The armor can be summoned at will, like an Archangel blade. It will also
the blade and can be used to heal your wounds rather than utilizing your own blood automatically self-summon if the wearer is attacked to protect the wearer.
Talents pool. Spirit may also be used. Skills Knowledges
Like Archangelic armor, Dominion is created via the Creation power of Dominions
• Exalted 2: Damage increases to STR+20/A. If a target dodges the hellblade with and requires Spirit expenditure of 1 Billion (for Dominion), 100 Million for
Athletics 0000000000 Firearms 0000000000
less than 10 successes more than the wielder's attack the hellblade will shift its blade Computer Archangelic. 0000000000
and strike the target regardless. Blade can now be summoned at will and resides
Brawl 0000000000 Melee
within one's soul when not in use. 0000000000 Finance 0000000000
Dodge 0000000000 Lockpicking
The current appearance has a golden 0000000000
handle with a beautiful voluptuous angel as the Occult 0000000000
handle with wings outstretched at the hilt, and has the shape of a khopesh ablaze in
Intimidation 0000000000 Stealth
radiant light. 0000000000 Medicine 0000000000
Spear of Destiny
0000000000 Ettiquette
Boots of Shadowstride
0000000000 PoliticsHoming Stake 0000000000
Investigation 0000000000 Survival 0000000000 Science 0000000000
The Spear of Destiny is gold and ornately carved. It is merely a spearhead and lacks The boots are black, and radiate a shadowy smoke from their sole. They appear to It's an ornately carved stake with Infernal runes on it that glow when its incantations
a shaft. be made of some sort of silk, with a dark grey floral-like runic pattern. are spoken.
-------------Disciplines - - - - - - - - - - -
Unknown magic effect. Sink into a shadow, emerge from another within 50ft. Does not require a roll. Choose a target, speak incantation [Infernal: Seek the heart.(V'roos taru'da.)], and
Neonates: You gel I point ill each base Clan Discipline.
Additionally No upon
you may step additional poinlS.
another's shadow NI'C:
and as long Consul1
as your boot is Gr\'l. II umanlChoulrrhinblood: None.
then release the stake. The stake will find its way to the target's heart. Or where their
With True Sight you can see some kind of life essence and energy being sucked into stationary upon the shadow they will be unable to move or take an action that heart should be. Attack cannot be dodged but can (potentially) be blocked. The last
it constantly from all around, like a siphon or funnel. Almost like you might requires physical movement of any kind. user that held the stake can also summon the stake to return to their hand by uttering
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000
imagine a black hole. ___ _ _0000000000
the incantation[Infernal: Return to me.(V'a ta'deed.)].
• Exalted 1: Range extends to 1 mile. Boots can merge with your shadow to 'hide'
Absorbs Paradox _when
Backlash _
used _ _0000000000
as a unique device for a spell rather than the _while
_ not in_use; this_ _0000000000
effect can be activated at will. Boots will automatically reform ___ _
• Exalted _0000000000
1: Homing stake will find a target's heart even if it is not within the
caster. around the wearer's feet when unhidden. If other shoes are being worn, the boots location in which it should be upon its command being issued. Stake becomes
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _will_ _that_
form around _0000000000
footwear. Boots become soulbound. ___ _
soulbound _0000000000
and will not respond to commands of another until the soul of the one it
is bound to leaves its place of existence. This stake will nullify attempts to eject it

------------Backgrounds - - - - - - - - - • Exalted 2: TBD from one's body, and even if another attempts to pull the stake out they will have to
pass a strength check with 20 successes to surpass the force the stake emits
attempting to stay in place.
Spend 4 points as you sec til.
• Exalted 2: Wielder may speak the incantation [Infernal: Consume the soul. (V'roon
asad'da)] once the stake is within the heart of another entity. The stake will
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 ___ _ _0000000000
diablerize that entity, or otherwise eat its soul. Once the stake is back within the
hand of the wielder they may speak the incantation [Infernal: Feed it to me. (K'rass
_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 ___ _ _0000000000
na'teen)] and the spirit or soul consumed by the stake will be sent into the wielder as

_ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000 _ _ _ _ _0000000000

Infernal Vestiments Perfect Immortality Telepathic Molecular Cellphone Earrings (set)

--------------Virtues - - - - - - - - - - -
Red with black silk lining, or black with red silk lining. It features a hood, which
can be worn or not. At exalted 2 its appearance can be changed at will to anything
Their Pattern ceases to age, wounds regenerate in the moment they are inflicted and
no magic short of the powerAdd
of another
7 ofArchmage
your choicecan hurt them.
black or red or combinations thereof.
Conviction .000000000 Self-Control .000000000 Courage .000000000
Red: Immune to fire & Red Fear from fire. Immune to heat. No Aura. Cannot be Grants a Mind Shield protecting her from any mental influence or ability.

- - - M e r i t s - - - - - - - Flaws - - - - - - - - - - - - -
targeted by scry magic. Hide True Name & conceal face with hood up. You
additionally may turn invisible, pass through walls and magical wards, and will be
undetectable by the senses or even divine magic while invisible this way. Grants the
Disallowing the ability to read her mind, though allowing her to communicate
telepathically as normal.

ability to cast Seeming upon oneself.

Merits/Flaws: Add ns Inuny Fln"s us yOll like. AddConfers
I'dcrils worth lip to thm Inuny points
an Entropy 1/2 effect reducing the difficulty of her attacks by 2 and
• Exalted 1: Your seeming, with this cloak, becomes so great that even True Sight
Cost Flaw
increasing the difficulty of attacks by others by 2.
and similar abilities cannot see through it. You can duplicate any True Name, She may also consume ordinary food without any inconvenience, though it will not Blood
appearance, aura, and voice that you have seen or heard at least once. When you are confer any sustenance.
struck by a physical attack your body temporarily turns to flames and the attack 0000000000
passes through your body leaving you unharmed. If the attack would have left you Form may continue to evolve.
pinned or the object remained within you, you will move to the nearest location that 0000000000
is unobstructed.

• Exalted 2: TBD
Black: Physical attackers take aggravated damage equal to the damage of their
attack against you. Immune to shadow based attacks. Lowers difficulty of Dark
Thaumaturgy powers by 4. You may roll Dex+Athletics to "catch" a fire-based

Blood Per Turn

●●●●●●●●●● 0000000000
●● ●●●●●●●● ●● ●●●● ●●●●
Krav Naga
●● ●●●●●●●● ●● ●●●● ●●●● Hunger
Åst, Ilim, Ancient Sumerian, English, Animal, Most other languages 00000

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