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Teaching Dates and
April 17-20, 2023 Quarter THIRD
Mon-Fri (9:30-10:20
Teaching Day and Time a.m./10:30-11:20 a.m.)
Grade Level Section Chrysanthemum/Sunflower

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

A. A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of polygons, circles and solid figures
B. B. Performance Standards The learner is able to construct and describe polygons, circles and solid figures
C.C. Most Essential Learning Find the circumference of a circle Finds the circumference of a circle At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, learners
Competencies (MELCs) Code: M5ME-IIIi- Code: M5ME-IIIhi- learners should be able to: should be able to:
1. Follow directions on the given 1. Follow directions on the given
test. test.
2. Answer the test correctly and 2. Answer the test correctly and
honestly honestly
II. CONTENT Measurement Finding the circumference of a Third Periodical Test Third Periodical Test
circle (1st Day) (2nd Day)

III. LEARNING RESOURCES Testpapers Testpapers

A. References
B. a. Teacher’s Guide CG p. 63 CG p. 63
Lesson Guide in Elementary Elementary Mathematics 5 pp.
Mathematics 5 pp. 366 366-369
C. b. Learner’s Materials
D. c. Textbook Mathematics for Better Life 5, p. Mathematics for Better Life 5, p.
244 244
E. . d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
F. e. Other Learning Resources Cutouts of different sizes of circles Chart, flashcards
A. A. Reviewing previous lesson 1. Drill 1. Drill Let students be ready for Let students be ready for
or presenting the new lesson Mental Computation Group the class into 5. Use the test. the test.
Aling Meding delivers 200 sumang flashcards. Let the pupils think and Remind students the Remind students the
yakap daily to each of her solve.
standards to follow when standards to follow when
10 customers in Talipapa. How The group with the most number
taking a test. taking a test.
many sumang yakap does she of correct answer wins.
deliver Directions: Give the diameter of
everyday? the following circles whose radius
2. Review on Finding Perimeter are:
Directions: Find the distance around a) 4 cm b) 15 m c) 3.5 m d) 18 cm
each given figure. e) 24 cm
a) A rectangle with a length of 12.5 2. Review
cm and a width of 9.5 cm. How can you compute the
b) A square whose sides is 12.75 cm circumference, when the given is
c) An isosceles triangle whose base radius? How about when the
is 25.25 cm and whose legs measure diameter is given?
18.5 cm each.
d) A right triangle whose sides are
22.5 cm; 18 cm; and 13.5 cm.

B. B. Establishing a purpose for Present this picture to the class Activity: Acting Out The teacher will ask The teacher will ask them.
the lesson Tell the pupils to form circles by them. 1. Are you ready for the
groups of 8, 10 or 12 then let each 1. Are you ready for the test?
group form a straight line
test? 2. Did you study your lessons
a) How many pupils are there in a
circle? 2. Did you study your well?
b) How many pupils are the in the lessons well?
The number of pupils in the line is
the distance around the circle.
Today we are going to study about
Who among you love to play finding the circumference of a
basketball? circle.
Whom do you play with?
Do you have your own ball?
How big is your basketball?
C. Presenting examples/ Present a story problem Have you been to a plaza? What Distribution of the test Distribution of the test papers.
instances of the lesson Mrs. Olojan planted dwarf santan can you find there? papers.
around her circular flower garden Values Integration
which has a diameter of 8 metres. How do you keep our plaza clean?
How many metres did she plant
with dwarf santan?
C. D. Discussing new concepts What is asked? In the middle of a park, there is a Read the instruction to Read the instruction to the
and practicing new skills #1 What are given? circular garden that has a diameter the student give some student give some
How will you solve the problem? of 10 meters. What is the distance examples. examples.
What is the formula in finding the around the garden?
circumference of a circle?  What is at the middle of the
 What is the diameter of the
D. E. Discussing new concepts Strategy: Direct Instruction The distance around the circle is Ask students if they have Ask students if they have
and practicing new skills #2 To find the circumference, use Pi called the circumference. some questions or some questions or
(π), a mathematical constant. Its What did you do to get the clarifications clarifications
value is 3.14 or 227 . It is the ratio of circumference of our circular
the circumference to the diameter objects?
of a circle.
π = 𝐶𝑑 so C = π x d or C = 2πr
To find the circumference, multiply
the diameter by 3.14
= 3.14 x 8 m
= 25.12 m planted with dwarf
If radius is given use this formula, C
= 2πr
Given: 4 metres radius
C = (2 x 3.14) 4
= 6.28 x 4
= 25.12
E. F. Developing mastery Directions: Find the circumference Developing Mastery If necessary, teacher reads If necessary, teacher reads
(Leads to Formative of each circle below. Do this by Let the pupils stay with their the questions orally, while the questions orally, while
Assessment 3) Pair group. Give them enough time to pupils answer silently.
pupils answer silently.
the next activity.
Fill up this table. Compute for the
Objects Radius Diameter
Pail 12 cm
circular lunch box
6 cm
40 cm
F. G. Finding practical Directions: Analyze the problem Margarette’s bicycle wheels have a How do you find the test? How do you find the test?
applications of concepts and below. Justify your answer. diameter of 70 cm. What is the
skills in daily living 1. Find the error. Your friend circumference of the wheel?
is finding the circumference of a
circle with a radius of 3 millimetres.
Describe and correct the error.
2. Find the circumference of the
circle described. Tell what value you
used for π. Explain your choice
G. H. Making generalizations and How do we get or find the How do we find the circumference What did you do to get high What did you do to get high
abstractions about the lesson circumference of a circle? of a circle? score in the test? score in the test?

H. I. Evaluating learning Directions: Find the circumference Directions: Find the circumference Collecting the testpapers. Collecting the testpapers.
of the circle with the following of the following circles whose
radius or diameter. radius/diameter is given.
1) r = 11 m 4) d = 16 cm
2) r = 9.5 m 5) d = 20 m
3) d = 2 cm
I. J. Additional activities for Directions: Complete the table Directions: Read and solve the Checking and recording the Checking and recording the test
application or remediation below. problem. test results. Getting the results. Getting the frequency
A telescope has a lens with a
frequency of errors of errors
diameter of 12 cm. What is
the distance around the lens?


a. No. of learners who earned 80%

on the formative assessment
b. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation.
c. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
d. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
e. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
f. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized
materials did I use./discover which
I wish to share with other
Prepared by:

Subject Teacher


Principal I

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