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Student- Miss Doydora, Hazel Learning ENGLISH 11

Teacher: Mae G. Area

Cooperating National Secondary Date April2023
School: Technical School
Cooperating Miss Jade Ann R. Quarter 3rd Quarter
Teacher: Maaliao
SHS Adviser


Duration: 2 hours
Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to explain the
difference between coherence and cohesion, identify examples of
coherence and cohesion, and demonstrate the ability to write a coherent
and cohesive paragraph.
a) Cognitive: Students will be able to identify the elements of
coherence and cohesion in a text.
b) Affective: Students will appreciate the importance of coherence
and cohesion in effective communication.
c) Psychomotor: Students will be able to apply the elements of
coherence and cohesion in their own writing.


We will be discussing the following topics in this lesson:
- Coherence
- Cohesion
- Elements of coherence and cohesion
- Techniques to improve coherence and cohesion


 Whiteboard and markers
 Handouts on coherence and cohesion
 Samples of well-written pieces for analysis

C. Routinary Activities
1. Prayer
Everybody stands and lets us pray.
Is anyone who wants to lead the prayer?
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance ( inquire if the beadle has already
checked their attendance for today)
4. Setting of classroom standards.
 Respect
 Respond

5. Reviewing the previous lesson and presenting the new lesson.


To start the lesson, I will ask students to bring in a sample of their own
writing. We will then discuss as a class the importance of coherence and
cohesion in effective communication and how it impacts the clarity and
organization of their writing.

 Have you ever read a paragraph that didn't have cohesion and
coherence in a given text, and demonstrated the skills in their
own writing?

IV. Procedures:

Procedure: Students’ will complete the K-W-L Chart

1. Introduction to the topic below:
and learning objectives
2. Discussion of the
importance of coherence and

cohesion in effective
3. Presentation of elements
of coherence and cohesion
4. Analysis of samples of
well-written pieces
5. Practice exercises on
coherence and cohesion
6. Application of elements of
coherence and cohesion in
writing a short paragraph
7. Class discussion and

I. Coherence:
- Definition: Refers to the 1. Read a given text together as a class and
clarity and logical connection identify examples of coherence and cohesion
of ideas and arguments in a in the text.
text 2. Students will work individually or in pairs to
write a paragraph about any topic they
- Example: A well-organized choose. They will then self-evaluate the
essay with a clear thesis coherence and cohesion in their writing using
statement, well-developed a checklist.
body paragraphs, and a 3. Students will work in pairs or small groups
conclusion that effectively discussing how to improve the coherence and
ties everything together. cohesion of each other’s writing.
4. Using a word bank provided by the teacher,
II. Cohesion: students will create a paragraph that has
proper coherence and cohesion.
- Definition: Refers to how
well the different parts of a Conclusion: Students will be able to
text are connected together distinguish between coherence and cohesion
through the use of in a text and will be able to apply this
transitional words, phrases, knowledge in their writing
and sentences.
- Example: Using transitional
words such as "furthermore,"
"additionally," and "in
addition" to connect ideas in
a paragraph.

V. Application:

Activating Prior Knowledge: The teacher will ask students to

provide examples of text they have read where they noticed
coherence and cohesion. The teacher will then provide a
working definition of coherence and cohesion.

Students’ possible answers:

Coherence and cohesion are two important properties of a well-written
text. Coherence refers to the logical and consistent flow of ideas in a
text. A coherent text is one where the ideas are arranged in a logical
order, and each idea is connected to the previous one in a way that
makes sense. A text that lacks coherence can be confusing and difficult
to follow.

Cohesion, on the other hand, refers to the use of linguistic devices to

connect ideas and create a seamless flow in a text. Cohesion is
achieved through the use of transitional words and phrases, repetition,
pronouns, and other linguistic devices that help to connect ideas and
create a sense of unity in the text. A text that lacks cohesion can feel
disjointed and difficult to read.

Together, coherence and cohesion help to create a well-written text that

is clear, organized, and easy to understand. By understanding these two
properties and applying them in their writing, students can improve the
quality of their work and communicate their ideas more effectively.


Generalization Questions:
1. What is coherence in a text?

Answer: Coherence refers to the logical and consistent flow of ideas in a

2. What is cohesion in a text?

Answer: Cohesion refers to the use of linguistic devices to connect ideas
and create a seamless flow in a text.

Miss or Mr._________________, would you like to conclude our

In a nutshell,
VII. Assessment:
Assessment: The teacher will assess students' understanding
through written responses to a given text, classroom
discussions, and written assignments in which students will
demonstrate their understanding of coherence and cohesion in
their own writing.
Assessment Questions:
1. How can transitional words and phrases improve the coherence and
cohesion of a text?
Answer: Transitional words and phrases can improve the coherence and
cohesion of a text by creating a smooth flow of ideas and connections
between them.

2. Why is it important to have coherence and cohesion in a text?

Answer: It is important to have coherence and cohesion in a text
because it helps to create a clear and organized message that is easy to


Assignment Questions:
1. Write a short paragraph applying the techniques of coherence and
2. Rewrite a poorly written paragraph while applying the elements of
coherence and cohesion.

Prepared by:
Hazel Mae G. Doydora

Checked by:
Miss Jade Ann R. Maaliao
Cooperating Teacher/ SHS Adviser


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