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J R Army Med Corps 2005; 151: 250-255

Drowning, Near Drowning and Immersion Syndrome

SR Lord, PR Davis

Introduction stricken submarine. However, drowning

Drowning is a common cause of acciden- and near drowning have stalked the sur-
tal death and often affects young healthy vivors of shipwreck down through the cen-
individuals. Early rescue and resuscita- turies, particularly during World War II
tion in order to minimise damage to the when thousands of Royal Navy and
central nervous system and the identifi- Merchant Marine sailors were cast into the
cation and management of concomitant Atlantic as a result of submarine attack
injuries, will determine the subsequent upon supply convoys. Specialist medical
quality of life. There are dramatic exam- and technical teams have evolved to fill
ples of both adult and paediatric victims capability gaps, such as the Subsunk
of prolonged submersion with cardiac Parachute Assistance Group (SPAG). This
arrest who have survived to discharge team is able to deploy world-wide at very
with normal or near normal functional short notice and to parachute onto the
status (1) thanks to modern critical care scene if necessary to supervise the medical
medicine. This article is intended to care of an escaped submarine crew.
update medical and paramedical staff on However, any military or civil hospital may
current terminology and the emergency be required to manage the victim of a recre-
management of submersion injury. ational or industrial near drowning incident.
Particular attention is drawn to the fact Prompt and effective critical care may save
that significant morbidity may still arise life and will minimise secondary morbidity.
in the apparent survivor, up to 24 hours
after successful rescue. Terminology
Drowning is defined as death due to
asphyxia caused by submersion in fluid
Epidemiology (6,7) (usually water).
Worldwide there are 3.5 deaths/100,000 pop- Near Drowning is defined as initial sur-
ulation caused by drowning and in 2002 427 vival at least beyond 24 hours of an individ-
people drowned in the United Kingdom ual after suffocation due to submersion in
(2,3).This is in comparison to the 3508 fatal- fluid. It does not necessarily lead to long
ities in road accidents in 2003 or 578 deaths in term survival and is associated with second-
fires in 2002. 35% of the total deaths were in ary complications, which require further
men aged between 15 and 45 years old and medical management.
only 17 drownings were reported in the under Immersion Syndrome is sometimes used
5s. Alcohol was found to play a part in 17% of to describe both pathophysiological entities
all drownings in that year with the vast major- although strictly speaking it refers to sudden
ity occurring in stretches of open water such death immediately following submersion in
as rivers, lakes and costal areas though there cold water (8).
was still a significant number occurring within Post Immersion Syndrome or
the home environment (baths and ponds). Secondary Drowning is an acute deterio-
Drowning is also responsible for 60% of the ration in respiratory function in a patient
deaths that occur in SCUBA diving. subjected to a submersion incident, who
appears to be well at initial presentation.
The Military Context
Men and women from all three services may Pathophysiology
be exposed to injury as a result of submer- Cold Shock Response
Maj SR Lord RAMC sion. Any conventional or non-conventional This refers to the first three to four minutes
Specialist Registrar in military operation, adventurous training or of cold water (head out) immersion rather
Emergency Medicine recreational activity may involve exposure to that submersion. It consists of peripheral
Email: a water hazard. Particularly vulnerable are vasoconstriction, the gasp reflex, hyperven-
submariners and divers, and the sub-spe- tilation and tachycardia. Vagal arrest may
Lt Col PR Davis RAMC cialty of underwater medicine has evolved to supervene (Immersion Syndrome), or the
Consultant in deal with the unique hazards faced by these victim may become submersed and thus
Emergency Medicine
personnel. Recent incidents involving the subject to drowning. Respiratory failure and
Russian submarines Kursk and AS-28 (4,5) cerebral hypoxic injury are the major threats
Southern General highlighted the potential in a modern fleet to life. Respiratory failure and cerebral
Hospital, Glasgow, for a major incident involving multiple casu- hypoxicinjury are the major threats to life
G51 4TF alties when a crew is required to exit a after submersion. There may be associated
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SR Lord, PR Davis 251

traumatic injury, hypothermia and aspira- saemia have been reported following sub-
tion pneumonitis. Acute Respiratory mersion in the Dead Sea. Rhabdomyolysis
Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and Acute (11) may occur if the hypoxic insult to the
Lung Injury (ALI) pose management chal- muscles is extensive and the subsequent
lenges in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). myoglobinaemia may precipitate acute
Hypoxia (7,9,10) is the principle mecha- tubular necrosis and consequent renal fail-
nism of injury in near drowning and occurs ure. Rhabdomyolysis (11) may occur if the
through several mechanisms. In the most hypoxic insult to the muscles is extensive
basic form submersion in water results in and the subsequent myoglobinaemia may
cessation of normal respiration and a sud- precipitate acute tubular necrosis and con-
den reduction in alveolar concentration of sequent renal failure.
oxygen. This causes the victim to gasp with
a subsequent intake of water. At first there
may be violent laryngospasm and bron-
chospasm, preventing ingress of water into
the lower airway, but as hypoxia supervenes,
the vocal cords relax and water enters the
lungs, exaggerating the hypoxia. Aspiration
leads to changes in pulmonary surfactant,
and here there is a difference between salt-
water and freshwater. In saltwater aspiration
acute pulmonary oedema occurs due to the
drainage of protein rich fluid from the
intravascular space into the alveoli; this is
because saltwater has 3-4 times the hyper-
tonicity of blood. In freshwater aspiration
Fig 1. Helicopter winching in action.
surfactant is inactivated resulting in alveolar
collapse (atelectasis), leading to an increase Circum-Rescue Collapse
in ventilation/perfusion mismatch (shunt) Circum-rescue circulatory collapse may
within the lungs. also occur following rescue from immersion
Pulmonary parenchymal damage occurs in water (7,9,12, 13). In the water, there is
due to the irritant effect of water within the an increased hydrostatic pressure around
lungs (7). As a consequence, a protein rich the victims legs and trunk which results in
transudate floods the alveoli further impair- an increase in venous return and hence an
ing gas exchange (secondary drowning) and increase in cardiac output. This increase in
this may occur up to 12 hours after the ini- central volume is sensed as hypervolaemia
tial event. 70% of submersion victims also by the body and thus a diuresis and salt loss
aspirate mud, algae and vomitus as well as (natriuresis) will occur. Peripheral vasocon-
water, which may cause an aspiration pneu- striction will occur due to the relative cold
monitis. Non-cardiogenic pulmonary oede- temperate of the water, even in temperate
ma may result from direct pulmonary climes, resulting in a further increase in
insult, surfactant loss, inflammatory con- venous return and exacerbating this
taminants and cerebral hypoxia. response. In this way the victim’s intravas-
Hypoxia is sensed by arterial chemore- cular volume becomes depleted. One sug-
ceptors, leading to activation of the auto- gested mechanism leading to circulatory
nomic nervous system (7). A subsequent collapse is that the myocardium becomes
bradycardia leads to a reduction of myocar- stressed due to increased venous and arteri-
dial oxygen consumption, and an increased al pressures resulting in increased cate-
tolerance to the hypoxic episode. cholamine release. Coupled with hypoxia,
Vasoconstriction to non-vital organs also the increase in circulating catecholamines
occurs (e.g. skin and splanchnic vessels), may provoke cardiac dysrythmias. A second
thus conserving available oxygen for the theory is that removal from the water caus-
heart and brain. This vasoconstriction may
be strong enough to decrease or obliterate
peripheral pulses, and this effect may be
exaggerated in the hypothermic victim.
Hypothermia is a concomitant hazard due
to prolonged immersion even in temperate
climes. Wind and surface spray over
exposed body surfaces, low water tempera-
tures, lack of insulation and alcohol inges-
tion are factors that will accelerate the drop
in core temperature.
Aspiration of water usually occurs in such
low volumes that it does not affect the
haemoglobin level or electrolyte balance,
although hypercalcaemia and hypermagn- Fig 2. Helicopter stretcher.
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252 Drowning, Near Drowning And Immersion Syndrome

es a sudden release in the hydrostatic pres- foetal position. This is said to reduce the
sure around the abdomen and legs, with a incidence of circum rescue collapse following
consequent venous pooling in the lower prolonged immersion (9), which occurs due
limbs and reduced venous return to the to the sudden release of the protective hydro-
heart. The resultant acute decrease in coro- static pressure around the victim’s legs and
nary perfusion may provoke ventricular fib- trunk. Primary survey immediately follows
rillation or acute myocardial ischaemia, the rescue phase. Submersion injury alone
causing death. without traumatic injury is not an indication
for C-spine immobilization (14). However,
Prehospital Management diving and surfing incidents in which there
Prehospital care commences with the rescue has been shallow water impact, significantly
phase during which the victim is safely and increase the risk of cervical spine injury due
rapidly removed from the water. ‘Scene safe- to the axial load onto the vertebral column,
ty’ is paramount and there are a myriad of and in these cases there must be a low
examples where would-be rescuers have threshold for full spinal immobilisation.
become secondary victims through failure to The airway should be cleared, suctioned as
appreciate the hazards posed by the environ- necessary and maintained with assisted ven-
ment. Extraction from the water should ide- tilation as required. Supplemental oxygen
ally be on a long spinal board or in a purpose should be administered at the highest possi-
designed litter (Figs 1 & 2). Cervical and ble concentration available (in absence of
spinal immobilisation should be employed saturation monitoring), or at a rate to main-
when injury has occurred, although the need tain saturations (SpO2) above 92% when
for continued spinal precautions should be conservation of oxygen supply is an issue. In
actively reviewed once the rescue phase is cardiac arrest the victim should be intubated
complete. Variations in body position may without drugs. In the unconscious and
provoke dysrythmias in the severely hypoxic, but self-ventilating victim, skilled
hypothermic victim. This is because the car- providers may undertake rapid sequence
diovascular system cannot cope with fluid intubation (RSI) and provide intermittent
shift changes brought about by being moved positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) with
from the supine to the vertical position for positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP).
instance. For this reason hypothermic vic- This will secure the airway, treat hypoxia,
tims should be managed supine, preferably prevent atelectasis and optimise gaseous
in a litter. Some search and rescue (SAR) exchange. However, the provider must con-
helicopters employ a double strop to winch sider concomitant barotrauma resulting in
victims from the water. One strop passes pneumothorax / tension pneumothorax,
around the trunk beneath the axillae, the especially in diving incidents, and be pre-
other around the leg beneath the knees, pared to site an intrapleural drain. If the
allowing the victim to be winched in the patient is hypotensive or tachycardic then

Fig 3.Treatment Algorithim

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SR Lord, PR Davis 253

judicious use of (warmed) intravenous crys- arrival in the emergency department, with
talloid fluid boluses will be required. subsequent management in the ICU. Ideally
In cases of cardiac arrest cardiopulmonary mechanical ventilation should potentiate
resuscitation (CPR) should be commenced alveolar recruitment and optimise intra pul-
and continued through to the hospital facili- monary gas distribution. Inappropriate ven-
ty as hypothermia may be a confounding fac- tilator management may exacerbate respira-
tor making the detection of vital signs diffi- tory failure. Ventilator – associated lung
cult in the field. Remember the adage that injury (VALI) may occur with ‘traditional’
hypothermic victims are not dead until they high tidal volume (TV) – low PEEP ventila-
are ‘warm and dead’. tor settings. In the submersion victim further
Any secondary survey must concentrate on parenchymal lung damage may occur due to
life and limb threatening injuries only, and in the overdistension of aerated lung (stretch)
any case must not delay onward transport to and the repeated opening and closing of the
definitive care.The correct disposition is to a collapsed, derecruited lung (shear) (14).This
hospital with 24-hour ICU facilities. may disrupt the normal alveolar integrity
and perpetuate the inflammatory response
Definitive Care (14). Critical care may begin at the point of
This phase focuses on continued resuscita- rescue in the hands of skilled providers; oth-
tion, correction of respiratory failure and erwise it must begin in the emergency
management of concomitant injuries. All department with the employment of ventila-
patients require the following investigations: tor management that is effective and does no
- full blood count (FBC) and coagulation further harm to the patient.
profile, urea and electrolytes (U&E), serum
glucose and creatine phosphokinase (CPK), Recommendations For
arterial blood gas estimation (ABG), electro- Ventilation (15)
cardiograph (ECG), chest X-ray (CXR) and These are based upon the ‘open lung tech-
urinalysis (MSU) for myoglobinuria. A toxi- nique’, which aims to optimise lung mechan-
cology screen may be useful in differentiating ics and to limit iatrogenic damage caused by
the unconscious victim.Tetanus immunosta- mechanical ventilation.
tus should be checked and a booster or 1. Manual ventilation. When ventilating by
course of treatment given as necessary (6, reservoir – bag, e.g. prehospital, each
11, 12). breath should be administered so that the
Patients can be divided into two sub- chest is seen to just rise and fall.This pre-
groups: - The first group is those who are vents excess volume and pressure. Aim
self-ventilating and who have a normal level for an Sp02 of 93 – 97% and end-tidal
of consciousness - these patients only require carbon dioxide (ETCO2) of 4.5 – 6.0kPa
supplemental oxygen to maintain their SpO2 (35 – 45mmHg)
>94%. Nebulised bronchodilotors may be 2. PEEP. Set PEEP at >10 cm H2O initially.
required to control bronchospasm. They Most alveolar derecruitment occurs in
require hourly observations to detect post supine patients at PEEP levels between
immersion syndrome or aspiration pneu- 10 – 15 cm H2O. Extensive parenchymal
monitis, either on a general ward or in a High injury will require increased PEEP.
Dependency Unit (HDU) setting (see Hypotension suggests under-filling, indi-
Figure 3) (11). If a patient’s respiratory func- cating further fluid replacement or
tion deteriorates, but they are alert, unlikely inotropic support.
to vomit and can comply with mask therapy 3. Oxygenation. PEEP or mean airway pres-
then they should be considered for non-inva- sure should be increased to maintain the
sive ventilatory assistance (NIVA). Those highest possible PaO2 / FiO2 ratio. Aim for
who do not meet these criteria, or who dete- PaO2 of 60 – 80mmHg (8 – 10kPa) using
riorate further, should undergo RSI and be the lowest possible oxygen concentration.
managed as detailed below. Patients man- High oxygen concentrations have been
aged in the ward or HDU setting must be shown (paradoxically) to increase at
observed for a minimum period of six hours, atelectasis and to cause toxic parenchy-
and prior to discharge the patient must have mal damage through free radical forma-
documented normal blood gases and a nor- tion (15).
mal core temperature and be advised to 4. Peak/Plateau airway pressure.This should
return if they suffer any deterioration in be limited to <35cm H2Oto minimise
symptoms or if they develop a fever within VALI.This can be achieved by decreasing
the subsequent few days. TV, decreasing respiratory rate and
The second group of patients are those increasing inspiratory time. Change to
patients who have inadequate ventilation sec- pressure mode ventilation +/- inverse
ondary to decreased conscious level or due ratio ventilation on advanced ventilators.
to the initial pulmonary injury. Patients with 5. Tidal Volume. Limit TV at 6 – 8ml/kg.
significant submersion injury are at very high Volutrauma may result from high TVs
risk for compounding their respiratory fail- causing over distension, or from high
ure through ALI or ARDS. These patients PEEP without a corresponding limitation
require early controlled ventilation upon in TV.
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254 Drowning, Near Drowning And Immersion Syndrome

6. Permissive hypercapnia. In ARDS with a suspected or proven infection. However, sub-

marginal PaO2/FiO2 ratio, high PCO2 mersion in a spa or hot-tub, or in polluted
with corresponding acidosis down to pH water is an indication for an anti-
7.2 has been shown to be tolerated with- pseudomonal third generation cephalosporin
out adverse cardiovascular compromise, as part of the patient’s emergency manage-
in exchange for ventilator settings that ment.
limit further parenchymal damage.
7. Patient turning, suctioning and chest phys- Prognostic Indicators
iotherapy will improve gas exchange. Despite numerous attempts to create scoring
8. Consider intermittent prone position ven- systems that will predict survival and long
tilation if other methods of recruitment term neurological recovery after submersion
fail. injury (21), none have been validated for
9. Beware barotrauma especially in diving clinical use. In cases of cardiorespiratory
incidents arrest at the incident scene, in the presence
10.Bronchioalveolar lavage is useful to obtain of an obvious fatal injury, or where it is clear
samples for culture to optimise therapy in that submersion has been very prolonged,
cases of aspiration. life may be pronounced extinct. In all other
cases advanced life support should be insti-
Rewarming tuted and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Patients who are hypothermic (core temper- continued through to the emergency depart-
ature <35˚C) require active rewarming. The ment where a full evaluation can proceed as
patient’s cardiovascular status dictates the to the futility, or otherwise, of continued
method employed, and so the rate at which resuscitation. Once critical care has been
they are rewarmed.Those who are haemody- instituted, the failure to achieve return of
namically stable can be rewarmed using con- spontaneous circulation following rewarm-
vective or forced-air warming (BairHugger®, ing to 33˚C, or a measured serum potassium
Arizant Inc, Eden, Prairie, MN55344, USA) >10 mmol/l are indications to pronounce life
or resistive warming (Gera Therm system®, extinct (11).
98,716 Geschwenda, Germany) methods
with a maximum rate of warming of Novel Therapies
1˚C/hour. Those whom are haemodynami- Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
cally unstable or in cardiac arrest must be (ECMO) is a novel therapy that has been
rapidly rewarmed. This is ideally achieved employed in several cases of near drowning
using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) tech- (17,18) with dramatic results in both chil-
niques (16) or veno-veno haemodialysis (e.g. dren and adults on occasion. Several patients
Prisma system®, Gambro Hospal Ltd, have survived to discharge with an excellent
Huntingdon, Cambs, UK) and can produce functional status. Consideration should be
a temperature rise of 5-10˚C/hour. Recently given to referral to a regional centre with the
dramatic results have been achieved using capacity for ECMO in cases of submersion
Extra-corporeal Membrane Oxygenation injury with hypothermic cardiorespiratory
(ECMO) (17,18). If none of these technical arrest, or in cases of near drowning where
modalities are available then the patient may severe ARDS or ALI complicates their ICU
be rewarmed through bladder irrigation and management.
pleural lavage using warmed fluids. A recent Surfactant therapy (22) is currently under-
meta-analysis has demonstrated the efficacy going phase 3 trials in the treatment of
of pleural lavage when advanced techniques ARDS and ALI. Surfactant may in the future
such as CPB or ECMO are not available and become part of the early therapeutic man-
retrieved to a regional tertiary facility is agement of submersion injury where patients
either impossible or will be subject to an require early ventilation, or where initial sur-
unacceptable prolonged delay (19). Those vivors develop post immersion syndrome
patients who are in cardiorespiratory arrest and require ventilatory assistance.
require full resuscitation in accordance with Therapeutic hypothermia (23) is emerging
current Advanced Life Support (ALS) as a therapy in survivors of cardiorespiratory
guidelines, and active rewarming up to a core arrest and has been employed experimental-
temperature of 33˚C. Consideration should ly in some survivors of submersion. Some
be given to the use of an external cardiopul- benefit has been demonstrated in patients
monary resuscitator system to ensure pro- maintained at 33˚C for 12 hours, but the
longed consistent compression thus main- technique has not yet been validated and in
taining adequate circulation. any case is not recommended in children.
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Downloaded from on February 7, 2018 - Published by

Drowning, Near Drowning and Immersion

SR Lord and PR Davis

J R Army Med Corps2005 151: 250-255

doi: 10.1136/jramc-151-04-06

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