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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Communication Stream

Performance Analysis of Phased Array Antenna

A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of bachelor of science
in electrical and computer engineering

Andualem Mihret……………………………………...0264/08
Ashenafi Gutu…………………………………………0295/08
Demelash Awoke……………………………………...0577/08

Advisor: Alemayehu Ch.(M.SC)

Hawassa, Ethiopia

June 2019
This is to certify the project entitled “ PERFORMANCE ANALAYSIS OF PHASED ARRAY
ANTENNA’’ which is being submitted enclosed for the award of the Degree Bachelor of
Science in Electrical and computer Engineering of Hawassa University is the result of the project
work carried out by:
Andualem Mihret
Ashenafie Gutu
Demelash Awoke
Under our advisor and guidance of Alemayehu Ch. (M.SC).To the best of our knowledge and
belief, the work embodied in this project has not formed earlier the basis for the award of any

Head department: signature:

Advisor: signature:

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our advisor Mr. Alemayehu Ch. (M.SC) for his
invaluable guidance and steadfast support during the course of this project. Fruitful and
rewarding discussions with him on numerous occasions have made this work possible. It has
been a great pleasure for us to work under his Guidance. We would also like to express sincere
thanks to all the faculty members of Electrical Engineering Department for their kind co-
operation. We would like to acknowledge the assistance of all our friends in the process of
completing this work. Finally, we express our sincere gratitude to our friends for their constant
encouragement and support.


An antenna Array is a configuration of individual radiating elements that are arranged in space
and can be used to produce a directional radiation pattern. Single element antennas have
radiation patterns that are broad and hence have a low directivity and wide beam width compared
to when the number of element of antennas are increasing, that is not suitable for long distance
communications with more directive radiation. A high directivity can still be achieved with
single element antennas by increasing the electrical dimensions (in terms of wavelength) and
hence the physical size of the antenna. Antenna arrays come in various geometrical
configurations, the most common being, linear arrays. Arrays usually employ identical antenna
elements. The radiating pattern of the array depends on the configuration, the distance between
the elements, the amplitude and phase excitation of the elements, and also the radiation pattern of
individual elements.
Generally, this project focuses on uniform linear phased array antenna, an array which consists
of equi-spaced elements, which are fed with current of equal magnitude (i.e. with uniform
weighting) and can have progressive phase-shift along the array. The existence of grating lobes
and the mechanisms that can be implemented to reduce these grating lobes are also main points
of interest in the paper. The impact of variation of phase angle, number of elements and inter
element spacing is also described with supportive simulated results. It was concluded that the
performance of phased array antenna mostly depends on number of elements, phase angle and
the spacing between the elements.

AF Array Factor
d Distance Between Elements
E Electric Field
I Current
IEC International Electro-technical Commission
IEEE International Electrical and Electronics Engineering
MATLAB Mathematics Laboratory
N Number of Array Elements
Λ Wave Length
𝛽 Phase Difference Between Array Elements

List of figures Page
Figure 2.1 Block diagram of phased array antenna............................................................................... 5

Figure 2.2 Characteristics block diagram of phased array antenna....................................................... 6

Figure 2.3 Far-field geometry of N-element array of isotropic elements along z-axis [1]. .................. 7

Figure 3.1 (a) simulation results at 00. ................................................................................................ 11

Figure 3.1 (b) simulation results at π/6 ............................................................................................... 12

Figure 3.1 (c) simulation results at π/3 ............................................................................................... 12

Figure 3.1 (d) simulation results at π/2. .............................................................................................. 13

Figure 3.1 (e) simulation results at 2π/3. ............................................................................................ 13

Figure 3.1 (f) simulation results at 5π/3 .............................................................................................. 14

Figure 3.1 (g) simulation results at π. ................................................................................................. 14

Figure 3.2 simulation result of comparison of different inter- element spacing. ................................ 15

Figure 3.3 simulation result of comparison of different number of elements for uniform linear array.
............................................................................................................................................................ 16

Contents Page
ACKNOWLEDGMENT................................................................................................................. ii
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................. iv
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... iv
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1Background ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Literature Review...................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Statement of the Problem .......................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.4.1 General Objective .................................................................................................................. 3
1.4.2 Specific Objective .................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 The Scope of the Project ........................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Methodology ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.7 Project Outline .......................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 4
REVIEW OF PHASED ARRAY ANTENNA ............................................................................... 5
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Basics of Phased Array Antenna............................................................................................... 5
2.3 Linear Phased Array Antenna ................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Advantage of Phased Array Antenna ........................................................................................ 9
2.5 Disadvantage of Phased Array Antenna ................................................................................... 9
2.6 Application of Phased Array Antenna .................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 11
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 11
3.2 Simulation Result with Phased Excitation Angle ................................................................... 11
3.3 Simulation Result with Different Inter-element Spacing........................................................ 15
3.4 Simulation Result with Different Number of Elements .......................................................... 16
3.5 Discussion on the Results ....................................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 17
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................ 18
REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................ 19
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 20



Phased array is an array of antennas in which the relative phases of the respective signals feeding
the antennas are set in such a way that the effective radiation pattern of the array is reinforced in
a desired direction and suppressed in undesired directions[4]. The phase relationships among the
antennas may be fixed, as is usual in a tower array, or may be adjustable, as for beam steering
and important element of each radio transmission system. The use of proper antennas, with
appropriate radiation pattern, can improve the system performance, allowing eliminating some
unwanted interfering signals, increasing gain, efficiency and quality of the signal reception.
As we know different antennas are used for different purposes. So this process is achieved by
either designing or modifying (redesigning) antennas and analyzing their performances by
varying the phase angle, number of element, spacing of inter elements [6],[7].
In this project, the results of the performance analysis of the antenna array will be discussed and
a brief background of the existing antenna array, and simulation results, conclusions and
1.2 Literature Review
This project concerns performance analysis of phased array antenna by using varying different
controlling parameters. Such as inter-element spacing, number of elements, steering angle of
phased array antenna. There are many projects that conducted related to our project among these
we would try to see some of the following . [11]“ Optimal pattern synthesis of linear antenna
array using grey wolf optimization algorithm. An extensive study about linear phased array
antenna analysis concluded that, the side lobe level and null placement in the desired direction
are major issues in antenna array radiation pattern. These problems can be overcome by
optimizing the antenna array parameters such as excitation phase and amplitude of each element
or the inter element spacing and number of element antenna. The geometry of antenna array also
impacts on its radiation pattern. The common used geometry in the wireless communication is
linear one, where radiating elements are arranged uniformly in a straight line

In Author’s[10], “Synthesis of a Liner Antenna Array for Maximum Side-lobe Level Reduction.”
An optimum compromise between the low side lobe level and the beam width of array must be
necessary, because during the side lobe level of radiation pattern is decreased, its beam width
gets increased and vice versa. They demonstrated the performance of phase array antenna by
varying some parameter. Such as phase shift of antenna and by distance between the elements
using mat-lab software.
In Author’s [3], who was demonstrated performance of phased array antenna based on the
relative amplitudes of constructive and destructive interference effects among the signals
radiated by the individual antennas determine the effective radiation pattern of the array. A
phased array may be used to point a fixed radiation pattern, or to scan rapidly in azimuth or
elevation. Simultaneous electrical scanning in both azimuth and elevation was first demonstrated
in a phased array antenna. Who concludes that phased arrays antenna is used in optical
communication as a wavelength selective splitter.
In this project, it would have been analysis the performance of phased array antenna based on
varying pattern control parameters such as steering angle, inter element space, number of
elements using Mat lab software and concluded the result with helps of the simulated graph.
1.3 Statement of the Problem
Phased array antennas are electrically steerable, which means the physical antenna can be
stationary. To control signal in all direction without mechanical moving of the antenna with
maximizing gain and efficiency of each antenna element, we need to maximize the steering angle
of the phased array antenna. Array analysis the performance this halts the performance of the
phased array antenna. So we mainly focus on performance analysis of the phased array antenna
by increasing steering angle, number of elements, inter element space between elements with
simulation using Mat-lab Software.

1.4 Objectives

1.4.1 General Objective

The main objective of this project is to analysis the performance of phased array antenna.
1.4.2 Specific Objective
This project attempts to describe effect of the following.
 To analysis the effect of element space variation.
 To analysis the effect of varying numbers of element in the phased array.
 To analysis the effect of maximizing steering angle of array antenna.
1.5 The Scope of the Project
The scope of this project is to analysis the performance of phased array antenna which
maximized steering angle. The importance of this project to do the antenna more efficiency with
maximum gain and to detect signal in all direction without mechanical change of the antenna
part. The project can divide into three parts:-The first part is maximizing steering angle and
analysis the performance of the phased array antenna by changing the steering angle at different
values of angle to control. The second part in our project is to analysis the performance by
increasing the numbers of the elements of array. Third part of this project is to analysis the
performance by increases and decreases the distance between the elements of array antenna.
1.6 Methodology
As discussed in the above subsections, the methodology of this project work has a specific
emphasis on the performance analysis of phased array antenna. The characteristic performance
evaluation implemented in this work is mainly linear phased array antenna. To measure
performance using this, simulation approach is implemented using Mat-lab.
Generally, the formal methodologies to be used to achieve objectives of the work are:-
 .Literature review: includes reading books, articles, researches, simulation tools and
other resources related to the topic.
 .System modeling and simulation: includes mathematical modeling of the phased array
antenna and simulating the modeled Mat-lab.
 .Performance Comparison: includes comparing the performance of the existing array
antenna in terms of phase angle, number of element, and inter spacing of elements.

 .Analysis and Interpretation of the results: the linear phased array antenna
performance analysis improvements attained by using the proposed algorithm system will
be explained.
1.7 Project Outline
The first chapter is aimed to describe the introductory concepts related to the work done.
Includes, introduction of the study, literature review, statement of the problem, objectives of the
study, scope of the project and methodologies implemented. Chapter 2 emphasizes on array
factor based on linear phased array antenna with the derivation of array factor algorithms.
Chapter 3 includes the main part of this work. In this chapter Mat- lab simulations, assumptions
of the simulation, discussion on the results was addressed. Finally, chapter 4 summarizes the
conclusions reached at the end of this work and future work.



2.1 Introduction
Phased array is an array of antennas in which the relative phases of the respective signals feeding
the antennas are set in such a way that the effective radiation pattern of the array is reinforced in
a desired direction and suppressed in undesired directions. The phase relationships among the
antennas may be fixed, as is usual in a tower array, or may be adjustable, as for beam steering
and important element of each radio transmission system[6],[8].
Antennas are characterized by a number of performance measures which a user would be
concerned with in selecting phased array is an array of antennas in which the relative phases of
the respective signals feeding the antennas are set in such a way that the effective radiation
pattern of the array is or designing an antenna for a particular application.
2.2 Basics of Phased Array Antenna
A phased array antenna composed of a lot of number of element such with phase shifter. Beams
are formed by shifting the phase of the signal emitted from each radiating elements. It provides
constructive and destructive interference. So to steer the beams in the desired directions.
Constructive interference is the give one direction of signal to the desired direction. But
destructive interference is canceling of signal to undesired direction or suppressed [2].

Figure 2.1 Block diagram of phased array antenna.

Figure 2.2 Characteristics block diagram of phased array antenna.

2.3 Linear Phased Array Antenna

One way to analysis the performance of phased array antenna is to maximize the steering
angle by changing the degree values of the phase shift to detect the incoming signal in all
direction at any angle. In phased array of identical elements, there are at least five
controls that can be used to shape the overall pattern of the antenna [1] ,[9].These are:-
1. The geometrical configuration of the overall array (linear).
2. The relative displacement between the elements.
3. The excitation amplitude of the individual elements.
4. The excitation phase of the individual elements.
5. The relative pattern of the individual elements.
The uniform linear array consists of equally spaced elements at distance d apart with identical
amplitude excitation and has a progressive phase difference of 𝛽 between the successive
elements. Let us assume that the individual radiating elements are point sources with the first
element of the array at the origin. The phase of the wave arriving at the origin is set to zero.
The array factor can be obtained by considering the elements to be point sources. It is then
logical to assume that the maximum radiation can be oriented in any direction to form a scanning

array. Thus by controlling the progressive phase difference between the elements, the maximum
radiation can be squinted in any desired direction to form a scanning array. This is the basic
principle of electronic scanning phased array operation. Since in phased array technology the
scanning must be continuous, the system should be capable of continuously varying the
progressive phase between the elements. In practice, this is accomplished electronically by the
use of ferrite or diode phase shifters. For ferrite phase shifters, the phase shift is controlled by the
magnetic field within the ferrite, which in turn is controlled by the amount of current flowing
through the wires wrapped around the phase shifter.

Figure 2.3 Far-field geometry of N-element array of isotropic elements along z-axis [1].

From the above figure 2.3 we can find the total field in far field geometry representation
r1=r,r2=r1-dcos θ,r3=r2-dcos θ=r1-2dcos θ,r4=r3-dcos θ=r1-3dcos θ, rN=r1-(N-1)dcos θ (2.1)

And excitation current amplitude is equal for all the elements of the array except their phases
which is given as below
i1=Io, i2 = Io , i3 = Io , …..iN=Io (2.2)

And for uniform linear array the phase shift for each element is
Ф1=0, Ф2=β, Ф3=2β ФN=(N-1)β (2.3)
The total electric field of the array is calculated by

Where En is the electric field by ith element and are described as:-
E1=Eo, E2=Eo , E3=Eo , EN=Eo (2.5)
This leads to new expression of total electric field of the array
o +Eo (2.6)

Alternatively the electric field can be expressed in terms of the array factor and the electric field
of one element as
Etotal=AF*Eo (2.7)
Where AF=array factor
AF=1+ +…………….. + (2.8)
Where k=2π/lambda (constant)
Finally from equations (2.7) and (2.8) the array factor is given by
AF (2.9)

An alternative expression can be derived by considering the value of ψ to be

ψ= (kdcosθ+β) (2.10)
And this leads to
AF= (2.11)

The array factor of can also be expressed in an alternate, compact and closed form whose
functions and their distributions are more recognizable. This is accomplished as follows.
Multiplying both sides of the previous equation by ejψ the expression can be rewritten as
(AF) + (2.12)
Then subtracting AF from (AF) ejψ we get
AF (еjѱ-1) = (-1 + еjNѱ) (2.13)

Which can also be written as
AF = [е jNѱ -1 / е jѱ -1] = е j[(N-1)/2]ѱ [е j(N/2)ѱ – е -j(N/2)ѱ / е j(1/2)ѱ- е -j(1/2)ѱ е j [(N-1)/2] (2.14)
=ѱ [sin (N/2ѱ) / sin (1/2ѱ)] (2.15)
If the reference point is the physical center of the array, the array factor reduces to
AF = [sin (N/2ѱ) / sin (1/2ѱ)] (2.16)
The maximum value of this expression is equal to N . To normalize the array factors so that the
maximum value of each is equal to unity, it is written in normalized form as
(AF) n = 1/N [sin (N/2ѱ) / sin (1/2ѱ)] (2.17)
It is then logical to assume that the maximum radiation can be oriented in any direction to form a
phased array. The procedure is as shown. Let us assume that the maximum radiation of the array
is required to be oriented at an angle θ0 (00≤ θ0 ≤ 1800). To accomplish this, the phase excitation
β between the elements must be adjusted so that
this implies that
β = −kdcosθ0.Thus by controlling the progressive phase difference between the elements, the
maximum radiation can be squinted in any desired direction to form efficiency phased array.
This is the basic principle of electronic phased array operation.
2.4 Advantage of Phased Array Antenna
The main important of phased array antenna is:-
 Without physical movements steering of antenna beam.
 Multi-function operations.
 Reduction of fault signal component.
 High gain with low side lobes.
2.5 Disadvantage of Phased Array Antenna
The drawback of phased array antenna is:-
 Complex structure.
 High cost.
 Low frequency and low band width.

2.6 Application of Phased Array Antenna
Some role of phased array antenna is:-
 For radar tracking.
 For direction finding.
 Smart antennas.



3.1 Introduction
Mostly the performance analysis of any antennas implement in simulation technique using Mat-
lab software. This allows us to see the performance parameter of the designed antenna element
easily. In this project we try to see the result of performance of linear phased array antenna by
maximizing the steering angle of linear phased array antenna by changing the phase angle,
distance between element, and number of element of linear phased array antenna.
3.2 Simulation Result with Phased Excitation Angle
The performance analysis by varying the phase angle with phase difference in 300 each with in
linear and polar form. The effect of varying the phase angle will affect the performance of the
phase antenna array and this effect is shown as follows. We take the theta values θ=0, π/6, π/3,
π/2, 2π/3, 5π/3, and π to analysis in terms of radiation intensity transmitting capacity. And the
results are as shown below.

Figure 3.1 (a) simulation results at 00.

The figure 3.1 above express the maximum radiation at angle 0o we can say that by observing
the simulation result controlling signal at steering angle zero degree around the antenna area by
constructive the amplitude in desired direction.

Figure 3.1 (b) simulation results at π/6

The figure 3.1(b) above express the maximum radiation at angle 30o we can say that by
observing the simulation result controlling signal at steering angle 30o degree around the
antenna area by constructive the amplitude in desired direction.

Figure 3.1 (c) simulation results at π/3

The figure 3.1(c) above express the maximum radiation at angle 60o we can say that by
observing the simulation result controlling signal at steering angle 60o degree around the
antenna area by constructive the amplitude in desired direction.

Figure 3.1 (d) simulation results at π/2.

The figure 3.1(d) above express the maximum radiation at angle 90o we can say that by
observing the simulation result controlling signal at steering angle 90o degree around the
antenna area by constructive the amplitude in desired direction.

Figure 3.1 (e) simulation results at 2π/3.

The figure 3.1(e) above express the maximum radiation at angle 120 we can say that by
observing the simulation result controlling signal at steering angle 120odegree around the
antenna area by constructive the amplitude in desired direction.

Figure 3.1 (f) simulation results at 5π/3

The figure 3.1(f) above express the maximum radiation at angle 150o we can say that by
observing the simulation result controlling signal at steering angle 150odegree around the
antenna area by constructive the amplitude in desired direction.

Figure 3.1 (g) simulation results at π.

The figure 3.1(g) above express the maximum radiation at angle 180owe can say that by
observing the simulation result controlling signal at steering angle 180odegree around the
antenna area by constructive the amplitude in desired direction.

3.3 Simulation Result with Different Inter-element Spacing
We see the effect by varying the distance between the elements in linear form with constant
number of elements and lambda value at theta =pi/3. And the results are as shown below.

Figure 3.2 simulation result of comparison of different inter- element spacing.

The simulation results from different inter-element spacing

 When d ≤ 0.5λ, no grating lobes can exist for any angle β but the beam-width is wide.
 When d≥ λ, grating lobes exist for all values of β & narrower beam-width is achieved.
 When 0.5 λ < d < λ, formation of grating lobes depends on β and beam-with is

3.4 Simulation Result with Different Number of Elements
The performance analysis by varying the number of elements in linear form with uniform
distance between elements d=lambda/4 and lambda = 10 value at theta =pi/3.

Figure 3.3 simulation result of comparison of different number of elements for uniform linear
Figure above shows that beam width is larger when N= 5 compared to the beam width when
N=10 and so on. And this in other way means that with higher number of elements we can
achieve a more directive radiation d=lambda/4.

3.5 Discussion on the Results
The element radiation pattern is chosen to be non-directional which is isotropic radiator. Then in
this case, the array radiation pattern will be totally determined by the array factor AF. Therefore
the radiation pattern of a uniform linear array antenna which has 10 elements with inter-element
spacing d=λ/4 is similar to the plot given in fig.3.1 from (a-g) for the array factor. Figure,(a to g)
shown in steering angel increases to cover large area without mechanical movement of the
physical part of phased array antenna. This is done by changing excitation angels of phased array
antenna to detect signals from all direction of antenna. As shown in (fig.3.2) it is understood that
grating lobes exist if d ≥λ disregarding value of β taken. The array factor plots sketched for
different inter-element spacing indicate that the beam width is inversely proportional to the
spacing between the elements for same number of elements. (fig.3.2) array factor plot shows that
beam width is greater in the first case when d= λ/4 compared to the beam width when d= λ and
So on
 When d ≤ 0.5λ, no grating lobes can exist for any angle β but the beam-width is wide.
 When d≥ λ, grating lobes exist for all values of β & narrower beam-width is achieved.
 When 0.5 λ < d < λ, formation of grating lobes depends on β and beam-with is medium.
General conditions to avoid grating lobes with β :[0,2π ] and d:[0.5λ ,λ] :-
 For 0<= β<= π, the requirement is : kd+ β<=2π
 For π ≤ β < 2π , the requirement is: kd - β ≤ 0 The array factor plots in (fig. 3.2) show that the
beam width is not only dependent on inter element spacing d but also on the number of elements.
It is quite evident from the shown plots that beam width decreases as the number of elements in
the array increases. (Fig. 3.3) shows that beam width is larger when N= 5 compared to the beam
width when N=10 and so on. And this in other way means that with higher number of elements
we can achieve a more directive radiation.



For the presented analysis the performance of phased array antenna, it has been shown that all
major objectives of this project have been met in this paper. The steering angle of phased array
antenna increases to detect signal in all direction of antenna. The simulation shows how to detect
signal in all direction by changing the excitation angle of phased array antenna to control area
around antenna that specified for specific application. This is important in radar system to detect
signal radiation in any direction. But this is influenced by element spacing between elements and
number of elements. Beam width is inversely proportional to the spacing between the elements
for same number of elements, beam-width is greater in the first case when d = λ /4 compared to
the beam width when d= λ and so on d ≥ λ, grating lobes exist for all values of β & narrower
beam-width is achieved. So to increases beam width without increasing of grating lobes distance
between elements must be 0.5 λ < d < λ and phase different between element must be 0 ≤ β < π
or π ≤ β < 2π. However, beam width not only depends on distance between element also it
depends on number of elements so beam width decreases as the number of elements in the array
increases. That means with higher number of elements we can achieve a more directive radiation.

[1] C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey,
[2] http// free encyclopedia. May:27/05/2019.
[3] Second EditionR. C. HANSENConsulting Engineer R. C. Hansen,
[4] The IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms for Antennas (IEEE Std 145–1983)
[5] W. L.Stutzman and G. A.Thiele, Antenna Theory and Design, Wiley, New York, 1998.
[6] Depardo, Dan, “2.3-2.4 GHz Phased-Array Prototype”, 2004.
[7] Stutzman, Warren L. & Gary A. Thiele, antenna Theory & Design. New York, NY: John
Wiley & York, NY: John Wiley
[8] Huie, C. Keith, Microstrip Antennas: Broadband Radiation Patterns Using Photonic Crystal
Substrates, 2002.
[9] L. Josefsson and P. Persson, Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design, IEEE (New
York:Wiley 2006).
[10] Ashwin Kothari. "Optimal pattern synthesis of linear antenna array using grey wolf
optimization algorithm." International Journal of Antennas and Propagation (2016).
[11] D.D. Dajab and K. Ahmad. "Synthesis of a Linear Antenna Array for Maximum Side-lobe
Level Reduction."International Journal of Computer Applications 85. (2014).

Appendix 1: Mat-lab Code

Figure 3.1 from (a-g)

%linear and circular plot for d=lambda/4 and N=10
lambda=10; N=10; d=lambda/4;
theta=input('input the phase angle');
beta=-k*d*cos(theta); %consider phased array
theta= -pi:pi/100:pi;
AF=(sin(N*(w./2))./sin(w./2)).*(1/N);%normalized array factor
title('Circular Plot')
xlabel('-\pi \leq \Theta \leq \pi')
ylabel('Normalized Array Factor')
title('Linear Plot')
grid on
Figure 3.2
%fixed number of elements but different d values
%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%
d=lambda/4;%Case 1 (The separation distance is d=lambda/4)

beta=-k*d*cos(theta); %consider phased array
theta= -pi:pi/100:pi;
xlabel('-\pi \leq \Theta \leq \pi')
ylabel('Normalized Array Factor')
title('Array factor at N=10')
grid on
hold on
d=lambda/2;%Case 2 (The separation distance is d=lambda/2)
beta=-k*d*cos(theta); %consider phased array
theta= -pi:pi/100:pi;
hold on
d=lambda;%Case 3 (The separation distance is d=lambda)
beta=-k*d*cos(theta); %consider phased array
theta= -pi:pi/100:pi;
hold on
d=2*lambda;%Case 3 (The separation distance is d=2*lambda)
beta=-k*d*cos(theta); %consider phased array
theta= -pi:pi/100:pi;

Figure 3.3
%fixed number of spacing element but different N values
N=5;%Case 1 (the number of elements is N=5)
beta=-k*d*cos(theta); %consider phased array
theta= -pi:pi/100:pi;

xlabel('-\pi \leq \Theta \leq \pi')
ylabel('Normalized Array Factor')
title('Linear Plot')
grid on
hold on
N=10;%Case 2 (the number of elements is N=10)
beta=-k*d*cos(theta); %consider phased array
theta= -pi:pi/100:pi;
hold on
N=20;%Case 2 (the number of elements is N=20)
beta=-k*d*cos(theta); %consider phased array
theta= -pi:pi/100:pi;
hold on
N=100;%0Case 2 (the number of elements is N=100)
beta=-k*d*cos(theta); %consider phased array
theta= -pi:pi/100:pi;


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