Mil 1ST Grading Examination

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V- Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte

Name: __________________________ Strand: ______________ Score: ______________

GENERAL DIRECTION: Read each question very carefully and choose the answer. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before each number.

____________ 1. This refers to an individual’s ability to responsively, appropriately, and effectively use technological
a. Information Literacy c. Media and Information Literacy
b. Media Literacy d. Technology Literacy

____________ 2. It pertains to an economic inequality between groups in terms of access to, use of, or knowledge of
a. Copyright c. Digital Divide
b. Cyberbullying d. Plagiarism

____________ 3. It is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed
and written materials associated with varying contexts.
a. Information c. Media
b. Literacy d. Technology

____________ 4. It is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms.
a. Information Literacy c. Media and Information Literacy
b. Media Literacy d. Technology Literacy

____________ 5. It refers to the essential skills and competencies that allow individuals to engage with media and
other information providers effectively, as well as develop critical thinking and life-long learning skills to socialize and
become active citizens.
a. Information Literacy c. Media and Information Literacy
b. Media Literacy d. Technology Literacy

____________ 6. Any physical object that people use to communicate messages.

a. Information c. Media
b. Literacy d. Technology

____________ 7. Which of the following is a type of information?

a. Computers c. TV
b. Knowledge, processed data d. Internet

____________ 8. Which of the following is the purpose of media literacy?

a. To empower adults in using media in their daily works.
b. To empower citizens by providing them with the competencies necessary to engage with traditional media and new
c. To empower students to use traditional and new media accurately.
d. To empower teachers and students to use media and technologies in school lessons.

____________ 9. Which term refers to the means of communication, such as radio, television, magazines, or the
a. Literacy c. Multitasking
b. Media d. Social Media

____________ 10. Which of the following situations does NOT denote an outcome of computer addiction?
a. Distracted thinking c. Moodiness
b. Healthy thought process d. Strained relationships
____________ 11. It refers to the process on which media and information has progressed throughout history.
a. Change of Media c. Passion of Media
b. Evolution of Media d. Social Media

____________ 12. What format/equipment did people use to communicate with each other in the Electronic Age?
a. Paper and Pen, Typewriter
b. Personal Computers, Mobile Phones, Wearable Technology, Social Media
c. Telegraph, Telegram, Telephone, Computers
d. Traditional paper and writing materials

____________ 13. It is the era where people harnessed the power of transistors that led to the invention of transistor
radio, television and the early computers.
a. Electronic Age c. Information Age
b. Industrial Age d. Pre-Industrial Age

____________ 14. It is the age where people used the power of steam, developed machine tools, established iron
production and manufacturing of various products. Newspaper, motion picture photography/projection and Punch
Cards were one of the widely used media of this age.
a. Electronic Age c. Information Age
b. Industrial Age d. Pre-Industrial Age

____________ 15. Clay tablets in Mesopotamia, cave paintings, papyrus in Egypt and Acta Diurna in Rome were the
media prolific in this era.
a. Electronic Age c. Information Age
b. Industrial Age d. Pre-Industrial Age

____________ 16. Which of the following was enabled by the existence of the Internet?
a. Communication c. Social Networks
b. Faster Communication d. Both B and C

____________ 17. Which of the following is a true statement about media?

a. Media is ever changing as time goes by c. Media will always remain the same
b. Media is static d. Media will not catch up with time

____________ 18. Which of the following is an example of media used in the Industrial Age?
a. Acta Diurna c. Printing Press
b. Computer d. Transistor Radio

____________ 19. Why do people easily adopt to newer media technologies?

a. People are very intelligent and brainy
b. People likes to use new things
c. Technology allows people to have better and faster access to information
d. Technology allows people to communicate without exerting so much effort

____________ 20. It is the data that has been collected, processed and interpreted in order to be presented in a
usable form.
a. Information c. Media
b. Literacy d. Technology

____________ 21. These are the facts that can be found in several places and are likely to be widely known
a. Common Knowledge c. Paraphrase
b. Interpretation d. Quotation

____________ 22. What is the main importance of asking questions?

a. To connect with other people c. To get away from confrontation
b. To gather information d. To use our right to speak

____________ 23. It refers to the documentation of facts that are not commonly known or ideas that interpret facts.
a. Common Knowledge c. Paraphrase
b. Interpretation d. Quotation

____________ 24. It refers to the direct usage of someone’s words.

a. Common Knowledge c. Paraphrase
b. Interpretation d. Quotation

____________ 25. It refers to the reporting of news events by members of the public using the Internet to spread
a. Citizen’s arrest c. Human Trafficking
b. Citizen journalism d. Phishing

____________ 26. Which of the following is an example of a common knowledge?

a. A career in medicine is a hard, yet satisfying career.
b. Jose P. Rizal is our national hero.
c. Ramon Magsaysay is the most well-loved president of the Philippines.
d. None of the above

____________ 27. Which of the following statement is a quotation?

a. “As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” –Jesus, John 13:34
b. Life is not always a bed of roses, there are thorns in some of its twists and turns.
c. The Lord commands us to love one another as he loves us in John 13:34.
d. The youth is the hope of our nation, therefore we must take pride in our youth.

____________ 28. Why do we need to credit and attribute the works we cite or use to their source/authors/owners?
a. To avoid a fight with the original author or owner of the work.
b. To avoid being sued for a case.
c. To avoid getting an accusation of being a copycat.
d. To give credit to whom it is due, to express respect for the work of others.

____________ 29. Media such as radio and television are examples of this type of media.
a. Broadcast Media c. New Media
b. Print Media d. Old Media

____________ 30. Media which are consisted of paper and ink, traditionally reproduced through a printing process
that is mechanical.
a. Broadcast Media c. New Media
b. Print Media d. Old Media

____________ 31. Broadcast media uses ______________ as the transmission medium to reach target audience.
a. Airwaves c. Steam Engine
b. Electric Circuits d. Vacuum Tubes

____________ 32. Which of the following can be classified as digital/new media?

a. Philippine Daily Inquirer c. TLC Radio Program by Papa Jack
b. Star Studio Magazine d. Wattpad

____________ 32. Which of the following is the platform in which new media contents are organized and distributed?
a. Analog Platforms c. Social Media Platforms
b. Digital Platforms d. Word Platforms

____________ 34. How does print, broadcast and new media differ?
a. Print media is cheap, broadcast media is cheaper, new media is cheapest.
b. Print media is mechanical, broadcast media uses airwaves, new media is digitalized.
c. Print media is digitalized, broadcast media uses airwaves, new media is mechanical.
d. Print media uses airwaves, broadcast media is digitalized, new media is mechanical.

____________ 35. It is the co-existence of traditional and new media.

a. Media Convergent c. Media Evolution
b. Media Convergence d. Media Platforms

____________ 36. What is an example of media convergence?

a. Celebrities c. Radio Programs
b. Newspapers d. Internet

____________ 37. Which of the following does media convergence allow to take place?
a. Media content becomes static and unchanging
b. Media content becomes lesser available to minors
c. Media content becomes restricted in just one platform
d. Media content is allowed to flow through across various platforms

____________ 38. It refers to the closeness or validity of report to the actual data
a. Accuracy of Information c. Timeliness of Information
b. Reliability of Information d. Value of Information

____________ 39. This refers to the ability of the information to be verified and evaluated.
a. Accuracy of Information c. Timeliness of Information
b. Reliability of Information d. Value of Information
____________ 40. Sources with an established expertise on the subject matter are considered as having sound
authority on the subject.
a. Accuracy of Information c. Timeliness of Information
b. Authority of the Source d. Value of Information

____________ 41. It refers to the reliability, accuracy and value of information in regards to the time it was produced.
a. Accuracy of Information c. Timeliness of Information
b. Reliability of Information d. Value of Information

____________ 42. It is a place in which literary, musical, artistic or reference materials (as books, manuscripts,
recordings, or films) are kept for use but not for sale.
a. Bookstores c. Book displays
b. Book cabinets d. Library

____________ 43. If an information helps the user to make or improve decisions, the information is said to be
a. Accurate c. Timely
b. Reliable d. Valuable

____________ 44. Which of the following is a more authoritative source of information regarding legal matters?
a. A celebrity c. A lawyer
b. A mother d. A peasant

____________ 45. How do we develop skills in determining accurate information?

a. Look for facts
b. Cross-reference with other sources to check for consistencies
c. Determining the reason for writing or publishing the information
d. All of the above

____________ 46. It concerns to the technical and symbolic ingredients or codes and conventions that media and
information professionals may select and use to communicate ideas, information and knowledge.
a. Dialect c. Language
b. Information d. Media Language
____________ 47. These are the codes, conventions, formats, symbols and narrative structures that indicate the
meaning of media messages to an audience.
a. Dialect c. Language
b. Information d. Media Language

____________ 48. Sound, camera angles, types of shots and lighting.

a. Conventions c. Symbolic Codes
b. Messages d. Technical Codes

____________ 49. The language, dress or action of characters, or iconic symbols that are easily understood.
a. Conventions c. Symbolic Codes
b. Messages d. Technical Codes

____________ 50. Which of the following is a symbolic code?

a. The cross where Jesus died
b. A sign saying keep off the grass
c. A statement shirt saying that ‘Love is Kind’
d. None of the above

God bless!

Prepared by:

Ann Maureen L. Concepcion

Senior High School Teacher II
Larap National High School

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