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Mondido, Sophia Paula E.

BSBA- 22A1- MM

1. The importance of operating a small business.

- It gives opportunities to the new entrepreneur and it is also gives job to the people in
society. It is easy to have an employee if have this small business unlike in the bigger
company their qualification is high.
2. The Advantages and disadvantages of operating a small business.
- Independence. As a business owner, you own your business and also can decide on
what you do on your business.
- Financial rewards. You can also have your financial rewards by just operating your
- Learning opportunities. Discover new things to locate where opportunities that suits
you and your business.
- Creative freedom and personal satisfaction. You can have your decision for your
business and also you can have your personal satisfaction just like how do you satisfied
with your profits.


- Possible income instability. Because you are only the one who look for your business it
can cause income instability if ever you are not good in handling the expenses and
- Longer working hours. As an owner you need to look for your business in the hour when
people are needing your product.
- Possible lack of guidance. You have no guidance with the people who is professional.
You have no financial adviser and also the marketing departments where the bigger
company have .

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