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Writing an Essay - "Great things never came from comfort zones".

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write a 180-200 words coherent
test expressing your attitude on the given topic. Justify your point of view by
bringing arguments and examples (at least two). Follow the structure of an
essay: introduction, body and conclusion. Use the required linking words and
phrases to connect your ideas.
It is said that great things require serious decisions and patience to use all efforts to
achieve set goals. From my point of view, great things are reached by hard work
and patience, because only determination and resistance to problems give great
results in the future.
Firstly, great things such as victory under your opponent or success in some
competition with somebody is the long and complicated way. For instance, one of
the most famous British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, during WW2 with
Germany said in his speech that he has « nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and
sweat» to defeat the enemy.
Moreover, we can achieve our goals only when we leave our comfort zones
and break chains of routhine. Particularly, people with excess weight break the
chains of fast food and junk food during the training process, so they leave their
comfort zone.
All in all, any important action for its accomplishment requires great efforts
and willpower of a person. And as the other great quote of W.Churchill says:
“Success means the ability to endure one defeat after another, without losing the
will to win”.
It is said that the democratic parenting style is the most effective way to
raise an educated and self-confident child. From my point of view, using
democratic style of education is the well-considered decision which will allow to
raise a child in a friendly and strong family.
Firstly, democratic parenting style has much more advantages than
permissive, authoritarian and neglectful styles. For instance, according to statistics
of British scientists, children that were educated in a family with an authoritative
style are more friendly, responsible and self-confident than others.
Moreover, this style is based on mutual understanding between parents
and their child and helps to construct strong relationships between parents and
children. Particularly, as Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini said:” Democratic
education is the bread of the soul.”
On the other hand, somebody says that authoritarianism in a family
allows one to raise a strong and victorious child. The democratic parenting style
copes with this task several times better
All in all, it is essential to maintain harmony and the atmosphere of
love in each family. The democratic parenting style is the key to achieve both love
and understanding.

It is said that to bridge the generation gap between parents and their
children is one of the most important problems of humanity. From my point of
view, both parents and children should sit at the table of peace and listen carefully
to the opinion of each side. As the great Russian writer A.Pushkin said, "Disrespect
for parents is the first sign of immorality."
Firstly, the basis of the “bridge” should be mutual respect on both sides,
even if parents and children have different views on music, literature, lifestyle that
is named “generational differences”. For example, the British scientists researched
that families where mutual respect exists are stronger and more united.
Moreover, teens should not be at war with elders, it is important to make
the same mistakes together with parents and try to solve them. Particularly, as the
American psychologist Louise Hay said:” Problems in family are an opportunity
for self-development”.
All in all, the generation gap is the problem that exists throughout
history and needs to be tried to be solved. The lessons of the past and negotiation
can help to bridge this gap.

It is said that social media has a huge impact on today’s young people. There
are different points of view on how social media affects young people. There are
many different types of social activities that today’s youth practice using social
networks: publishing short stories, “lives”, photos, following their idols.
Firstly, social networks allow teenagers and other people to find more new
acquaintances and friends. For example, British scientists have calculated that most
teenagers got to know each other thanks to social media.
Moreover, social networks allow students to quickly find the necessary
information. Young people nowadays do not like to spend a lot of time looking for
books in the library. Particularly, the most popular source of information like
“Wikipedia” gets 7.5billion pageviews per month.
On the other hand, social media takes a lot of personal time. It negatively
affects the health of the eyes of young people. For instance, 31 percent of students
have poor eyesight, largely due to social networks.
All in all, social media is important for teenagers. From my point of view,
social media has both negative and positive effects on our lives. Today they have
become a part of the life of every child and teenager.

“We may have different religions, different languages, different coloured skin,
but we all belong to one human race.” (Kofi Annan)

It is said that diversity helps people to unite into a single society, create a new
culture and forget all resentments of the past. From my point of view,we all belong
to one human race, because diversity can save our society from racial and national
discrimination by creating a society where everyone's identity is valued.
Firstly, thanks to the diversity of human races, beliefs and societies, the
world becomes more beautiful and brighter, the traditions of one people influence
the traditions of another. It helps to know better the world that surrounds us. For
instance, as Erich Maria Remarque said:” Seeing the world is interesting only
when you can look at it from many angles”.
Moreover, people created multinational states in order to eventually unite all
nations into one and destroy nationalism and class contradictions. Particularly,
countries like the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia had many folks with different
traditions and beliefs, who lived together in peace and created wonderful families.
All in all, diversity is the key to eradicate nationalism and discrimination. As
Vladimir Lenin said: “Shame on those who sow hatred towards other nations”. The
brotherhood of peoples is a path to building a new society without nations, where
everyone will be a brother to each other.
Learning and education
It is said that learning helps a person to know the world around him and
use this knowledge to achieve personal goals. It gives a person the opportunity to
realize life plans and dreams. In my opinion, learning gives us an understanding of
the world around us, because when engaged in self-development, a person
discovers new opportunities, laws of nature and human society.
First, learning allows each person to discover new things, learn something new
and draw important conclusions. The knowledge that is gained as a result of
studying permits everybody to discover new laws of the world. For instance,
Russian scientist Mihail Lomonosov, thanks to his knowledge and work,
discovered many new things for his century and laid the foundation for many
modern sciences.
Moreover, educating will help you to better understand the psychology of
people and adapt in a modern society. Particularly, scientists have calculated that
people with good knowledge better understand other people and know how to use
it for their purposes.
All in all, learning is not a waste of time, but the key to an individual's future
success. Studying, a person becomes a real human, with his own opinion and
understanding of the world.

Job and profession

It is said that work has always helped a person to find his calling in life, to
fight with adversity, to find a way out of a difficult situation. From my point of
view, work helps to fight boredom, vice and poverty,because by working and
creating,a person heals his soul, forgets his problems and becomes wiser.
Firstly,if a person has chosen his profession on his own,loves his job,then
work will become his anti-stress. For instance, the great Chinese philosopher
Confucius said about human work:"Find a job that you like and you will not have
to work a day in your life".
Moreover, work helps find your best qualities,makes self-improvement every
day,helps to cope with your disabilities. Particularly, the famous literary character
Sherlock Holmes could not live without his job, constantly developing his
detective skills and becoming smarter.
On the other hand, it is said that you can become a successful person without
working a lot. However, working people are more successful, spiritually and
All in all,work helps people live a decent life.It helps people forget their
problems,destroy vices,and create an independent and self-confident person.

Skills and abilities

It is said that skills help people gain their goals, get success in human society
and be more intelligent than others. From my point of view, skills such as hard
work and the ability to find a common language are important to become a
successful person.
Firstly, hard work is a quality that helps people do all their things according to
plan and it gives the possibility to finish faster all deals and scopes and is prized by
all people. For instance, the protagonist of Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Don" Grigory
Melekhov worked all his life, which in the future will help him to have good
relations with commanders and his subordinates.
Moreover, the ability to find a common language is too significant, because it
helps to know a better human soul and principles of life, allowing you to establish
yourself as a good person. Particularly, the scientists say that communicative
people have a more developed mind,they know how to achieve their goals and
what they want.
All in all, human’s skills help everybody to find his place and work in the
modern world where there are two important qualities: hard work and sociability.
Those abilities make people happy and succeed in life.
Everyone should speak the same language
It is said that all people should speak the same language in order to
understand each other, make transactions and conduct world trade. Nowadays,
English can become a world language thanks to the easy learning of English and
due to its prevalence. This language also has advantages and disadvantages.
It is hard to deny that English is the most accessible language to learn.
Simplicity makes it one of the main languages for teaching and communication.
Particularly,the expansion of the British Empire helped English become a world
language and now it is spoken by 20 percent of all humanity.
On the other hand, the extinction or change of a language also means the
loss of anindividual culture. Speaking only English,we would begin to forget our
native language and that is why many different cultures and languages can die.
Moreover, It will be a lot harder for people to associate themselves with their
All in all, there are clearly some advantages and disadvantages of having
English as a world language. From my point of view, it is good that we learn world
languages such as English, but we should never forget who we are and what our
own language is.
Global warming
It is said that Global warming is a threat to the existence of all life on the
Earth. From my point of view, Global warming is a disaster for mankind, because
it leads to many serious problems such as climate change and desertification that
can lead to the destruction of humanity. It can change us and our lives forever.
Firstly, Global warming is leading to dramatic climate change across the
planet. Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that
have come to define. For example, the desert as we all know is a very hot place
that no one can live in. And because of global warming, the climate of that place
will turn into a cold place and in some places of the Sahara it even snowed.
Moreover, desertification causes a lot of problems to our environment as well
as climate change. Its main cause is turning the green areas into a desert.
Particularly, because of desertification, there will be 50 million people displaced
by 2030.
All in all, Global warming is the most important problem of the 21st century.
This problem will be solved if humanity will not pollute nature so much and will
live ecologically.


It is said that friendship is an important part of our life. It becomes bright if we
have true friends, but it changes when we lose the best friends. In my opinion,
some friendships break up because of betrayal, lack of time for communication and
different interests.
First, betrayal is the main cause of how the true friends become the worst
enemies. Friendship is based on devotion and confidence so the betrayal seems to
be impossible between friends. For instance, in the novel of Pushkin “Eugene
Onegin” the friendship of Vladimir Lenski and Onegin grew into hatred. Finally,
we can see the sad ending - the death of Lenski.
Moreover, different interests of friends are also the reason for the end of the
relationship. People understand that they have nothing more in common and
diverge.Particularly, Bill Gates and Steven Jobs are an example of how
friendships collapse due to new interests.
All in all, in the life of every person there comes a moment of difficult parting
with their friends. The destruction of friendship is always difficult for the human
soul, but often it becomes the beginning of a new relationship. A person begins to
live a new life using the experience of the past

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