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Healthy lifestyle

Nowadays more and more people choose a healthy lifestyle to live a long and
happy life without diseases. Someone says that sport activity is necessary for
comfortable life but others argue that people can live without it, consuming
unhealthy food. 40 w.
Firstly, there are many useful activities the young people can be involved in
for leading a healthy lifestyle. Today’s youth can participate in sports competitions
for which they give prizes or organize sports sections and clubs. For instance,
British scientists have announced that young people who develop sports have
higher academic performance. 52 w.
Moreover, maintaining good health helps to avoid many diseases, strengthen
the immune system. It prolongs life and prevents bad habits from appearing.
Particularly, sportsmen always live longer than other people because they practice
sport and have improved immune system. 39 w
On the other hand, people argue that we have a little time for healthy life style
because of job, study and others problems. For example, according to experts, 10.3
years we spend at work throughout our lives. 37 w.
All in all, to my mind, it is important that young people practice healthy
lifestyle because it gives a possibility to live without problems with health in the
future. An unhealthy menu and lack of physical activity can lead to serious health
problems. 43 w.
Total 211 words
Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed by human activity. Others
feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live.
Nowadays human civilization considers itself the master of the Earth, allows
itself to change it and extract resources. Some people consider that human activity
will destroy our planet and all life here but others say that makes the Earth a peace
of paradise in the Space. 46 w.
Firstly, the impact of human activity on our planet is huge and sometimes
cannot be controlled. Over the past decades, humanity has changed the natural
balance, showing a consumer attitude towards the Earth. For instance, British
scientists have announced that oil reserves will last for the next 50 years, and
natural gas - for 60. 54 w
Moreover, human actions lead to the extinction of many species of animals,
destroying their habitats and ecosystems. Particularly, over the past 500 years, 844
species of animals and plants have completely died out. 33 w
On the other hand, people argue that the Earth could be an ideal place for
any kind of life to live. For example, according to experts, new technologies can
save the situation and prevent critical changes in the natural balance. 40 w.
All in all, from my point of view, human actions have more negative
effects than positive because statistics show that our civilization is heading towards
big disaster. The wise use of the remaining resources and the introduction of
environmental standards can save our planet. 44 w

Total 217 words

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