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1. What is the importance of citations?
Citing your sources is important for a variety of
reasons, including:

It gives credit to the authors of the sources you

It provides your reader with more information
about your sources
It shows your credibility
It prevents plagiarism!
The easiest way to prevent plagiarism is by
correctly noting your sources during research and
citing your sources in your writing and

2 Differentiate APA style from Chicago style

Both APA and Chicago require you to cite each

source you use in a bibliography on the last page.
The two style guides require slightly different
reference formatting. In APA style, this is a
"References" page, while in Chicago style, the
heading for this page is "Bibliography." APA
requires the references page to be double-
spaced, but Chicago style bibliographies should be
3. Give example of APA style and chicago
style citation.

APA in-text citation style uses the

author's last name and the year of
publication, for example: (Field, 2005).
For direct quotations, include the page
number as well, for example: (Field, 2005,
p. 14).

Author first name last name, Title of

Book (Place of publication: publisher,
year), page number(s). Albert Einstein,
The Meaning of Relativity (Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1923), 44–45.
Einstein, The Meaning of Relativity, 89.


3.Chicago Style Citation Examples | Website,

Book, Article, Video - Scribbr

APA Citation Style Guide (6th Ed.): In-text


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